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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢? ...
樓主: 4R

如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-20 01:20 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

yuma 寫道:
想請問St. Mary's 是否真的很strict 和tough ?有沒有具體例子?

That perception really depends on one's personality. I graduated from St. Mary's (of course many many years ago!!!) and as I recalled, I did not feel that way. What's in my memory is the nice campus, some good and bad teachers (!!) and we actually enjoyed quite a no. of extra-curriculum activities with fun (yes, the annual drama is superb!)

On the other hand, I also had school-mates who could not handle the pressure (or due to some other family problems? I don't know!) and needed to seek medical help....sigh...

All in all, choose according to your kid's personality and ability la!
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-20 09:17 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

Dear Shiba-Inu,

其實我女兒現正就讀St. Mary's。我問這問題,因為我常常聽聞這些傳言,所以想請教有沒有人士能提出具體例子,抑或只是純屬傳言,未經任何求證。

我女兒在St. Mary's一直都是愉快學習,由小學到如今中學也是。





Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-20 10:49 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

chanms 寫道:
我同事的女兒讀St.Mary小學,功課壓力大,老師比較古板,連Sport Day都無,不准學生在學校範圍內跑步。

另外,看見教署網st Mary有運動日喎!會否低年級P.1-2未能參與,P.3-6及中學是有Sport Day嗎??如都沒有,真是欠DD喎!

請問st. Mary家長,本人只知道相信能在st. Mary讀書的學生,品德操行讀書成必不成問題。只不知小學及中學有沒有課外活動參與及訓練,如羽毛球,兵兵球,田徑及游泳,或是學校派隊學界比賽,全港奧數比賽,校際音學節等????請分享!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-21 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

yuma 寫道:
Dear Shiba-Inu,

其實我女兒現正就讀St. Mary's。我問這問題,因為我常常聽聞這些傳言,所以想請教有沒有人士能提出具體例子,抑或只是純屬傳言,未經任何求證。

我女兒在St. Mary's一直都是愉快學習,由小學到如今中學也是。





相信小學都是在St Mary's的學生會容易應付中學的要求,但似乎大部分人的共識是,St Mary's的壓力大,Shiba-Inu也同意這一點,分別是小朋友能否受得來。


St Mary's並非不好,她的成績好,紀律嚴,但不是個個學生頂得順,要讀,就要有心理準備。老實說,我接觸不少家長與學生,St Mary's是的確令不少家長有怨言,而她的學生又真的比其他名校壓力大。

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-21 02:36 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

yuma 寫道:


100% agree! It's not merely the school, but the whole growing environment that shapes a kid to what he/ she will be!

yuma 寫道:

Well, I have never been aware of this kind of rumour! As I have mentioned in my previous message, I heard of a school-mate suffering from eating disorder, and some others who got sick for the whole school year etc. However, there are also too many variables inside that I don't know. e.g. what are the contributing factors underneath all these tragedies? Is it really a higher incidence rate in St. Mary's as compared to other schools?       So I cannot say I agree/ disagree with that rumour.
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-21 02:48 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

Hi BillyM,

FYI, I did not graduate from SMPS, my primary school uses Cantonese to teach. Frankly speaking, I had a very hard time in my F.1, once I overcame the language barrier, it didn't matter to me where I came from.

4R 寫道:
請問st. Mary家長,本人只知道相信能在st. Mary讀書的學生,品德操行讀書成必不成問題。只不知小學及中學有沒有課外活動參與及訓練,如羽毛球,兵兵球,田徑及游泳,或是學校派隊學界比賽,全港奧數比賽,校際音學節等????請分享!

I had all that in my old days, (except some recent events like 全港奧數比賽) but don't know the situation now....
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-21 07:18 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

ST. Mary is a good famous school, but it is tough, I don't think this is rumour.  I know its pressure as I have 2 sisters graduated from this school (they studied from primary to secondary all the way).  They have good English and good disciplines.  One sister did not study well with good results because she used to be very active and "naughty".  Now she however has a very good career, family and life.  The other sister studied very hard (the typical good student) and had got top results, but now she has troubles in communicating with others and handling problems.  She is always suppressed under high pressure.

I think the school is very good in academic training, but not sure about training in other areas.  Personally I believe an all-rounded training is important for my kids.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 14:44 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

可否這樣做個比例, 我公司個receiptionist 位, 轉了幾次人,有個做得好辛苦, 佢話自已做了1年都無法適應, 要辭職, 有個認為太少野做, 做得好開心.


pls check pm

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 14:54 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

your example is quite good, different people have different perception on the same thing.

It is very subjective as some may think it is tough but some may enjoy it.

My girl will do her homework initiated by herself after school and as I asked her to take rest and leave it to Sat, she refuse and cried to do it (sorry my one is kinder kids only) but some even you push them, they are very relunctuant to do it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-22 15:21 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

Hi BillyM,

BillyM 寫道:

St Mary's並非不好,她的成績好,紀律嚴,但不是個個學生頂得順,要讀,就要有心理準備。老實說,我接觸不少家長與學生,St Mary's是的確令不少家長有怨言,而她的學生又真的比其他名校壓力大。

我兒子現就讀九龍區一間男校,也是很多人眼中的名校。以我自己親身體會,兒子學校的壓力更大過St. Mary's,無論功課上、學業上或其他課外活動項目上。

每間學校的學生都會面對競爭與壓力。若果學生彼此間成績好而又接近,競爭必然劇烈,壓力也想對較大。事實上這幾年St. Mary's將測驗與考試減少,例如F1、2英文科改作持續評估,一學年只考一次試,學生面對的考試壓力也少了。不過由於學生彼此間的成績接近,要擠身較前名次當然競爭大,但那間名校不是如此情況?沒有競爭又那有進步呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 15:35 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?


the most important thing is how the parents handle and give them support, not only pushing them.

My boss always said, if you have child, this is the most challenging project you need to handle and not only high qualification must get it done good.

If they can handle the pressure in school, they will easily adapt to the competitive working environment when they finish schooling

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 18:45 |只看該作者

Re: 如果有得比你選st.Mary或寶血會上智好呢?

bau 寫道:
the most important thing is how the parents handle and give them support, not only pushing them.

My boss always said, if you have child, this is the most challenging project you need to handle and not only high qualification must get it done good.

If they can handle the pressure in school, they will easily adapt to the competitive working environment when they finish schooling

Yes, you are right.  However some really cannot handle high pressure. There are lots of cases which end up to be tragedy unfortunately.  I believe we need to assess if the school is really suitable for the child as every child is different.  I support healthy competition and all-rounded happy school life.
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