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MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-21 01:23 |只看該作者

MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?
Super E-kids果部有冇人用過, 日語及韓語讀音準確嗎?

女人是很脆弱, 但媽媽卻很堅強:)

Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-21 03:06 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

hi emmypun,
today i finial went to buy MBLE with my wife la, um, i never try the E-kids machine, so can't compare 2 items, but i can share some of my comment about MBLE to u kei~~~cos i already plan to buy it for a week ka la, cos the digital flash card draw my attention very much and the cartoon is soooooo cuite, make my wife and me love sooo much, but we still worry that BB should not to play computer so early ka ma, then we go to ask ask some PRO for advice la, and my uncle is doctor, he told me that if BB follow the instruction to play , won't have problem on the eyes ka wor~~(today when i ask the boy in their office, he told me that we should better give BB to play a chapter a day ka ja, if BB don't want to stop, Max. can play 2 chapters kei, but after it , must stop BB ka)
and after ask my uncle, we still worry that BB can't control, but some of my friends tell me that their BB already start using internet in K2 la......OH no, after i heard that i decide to give BB to touch PC early, otherwise can't help in the future school life ar~~~ don't want other children "look down" my BB ma, u know ka la U___Ulll

and when i try it this nite , i really think this product can help BB cos this is the first time BB sit in one place for more than 20 mins~~!!!! we play the whole cd1 ( oh no i not follow the correct instruction to use, wish not hurt my BB's eye la, but just one time ja ma, i think OK kei~~~ but my wife already punish me la....)

BB happy with the cartoon, it draw the attention and the painting game make BB can't stop tim ar~~~ my BB love to draw sooooo much and i decide to buy a computer drawing board, let BB can use pen to draw no need to use mouse lei~~~~

woo i think i type too much la, wish u don't mind i am so long air la, but u know, once get a new toy, must like to share with others ka ma, hehe,

wish this information can help u la, or u can call them ar, the boy (he tell me he is one of the producer ar~~~~woo so smart young guy lei~~0
in their office can give u more useful information i think!!!

i don't post the tel here la, u check check the group order topic or the other mble topic la, i better go to sleep sin la, my wife wake up and checking what i m doing la.................... >_<

gd nite

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-21 09:13 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

Hello fat_BB,

Do you think the MBLE is too easy for a K1 kid?
How old is your baby?

Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-21 10:38 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

Hello fat_BB

since, i'am v v interest for this MBLE & smart teacher.  hv you bought these 2???  suit for K2???


Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-21 12:12 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?


MBLE 就買了,但 Super E-Kids 就無買,不過就有leaf frog。Super E-Kids 同 leaf frog 好似,都是本電子書。Super E-Kids 就多國語言,leaf frog 就單單英文。一樣可加書,用左腦傳統learning.  我仔仔就不大likey。學得慢!
MBLE = e-flash card 用右腦,仔仔十分likey。學得快!
價錢 Super E-Kids 折o左都成26xx, MBLE折o左就4xx。
不過無話那部正o的=左腦右腦那個好的! 不過價錢就MBLE底好鬼多! 我買曬佢promote的3件都係8xx己有train左腦右腦了!   


Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-21 12:17 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?


What is smart teacher about?  Can you introduce more?  

女人是很脆弱, 但媽媽卻很堅強:)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-21 13:56 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

Hello emmypun,

Since, I resiger as their member when i buy MBLE, this morning have newsletter, now you can find details in their site : http://www.redbean.tv/teddykids/index.htm
you can listen the sound there.  need not to go for demo now.....

Smart teacher is a small English machine that teach English
1) touch than listen the words
2) touch than spell each word
3) Q & A, kids need to train their listening to answer the question
Price cheap $3xx.


Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-21 14:29 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

hi bb2001
my BB is 2 years old, and i think MBLE is not easy for K1 kids law...... cos they hv 24 chapters and each chapter , they hv some easy words and some difficult words ka, for eg, they hv a chapter about boby structure, talking about the words like appendix, bladder, spine, abdomen...etc well, those words i even don't know all of them tim ar~~( i check the words list on the parent guide, lots of them i don't know ka.U_U i am so shy....

and i think if u want to know more abou the level of the cd, better call to their office ar, the boy will kindy tell u all the information ka~~~ if u can't find the tel, tell me la, i PM u la

need to go lunch sin la, my staff ask me to leave many times la >.<

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-25 09:27 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

Hello fat_BB,

I looked at their website and feel the product is quite interesting. I've queue in the group order.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-26 01:56 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

oh u join the group order la~~ so good la, i can't get the group order gift la >.<

and i  play it for a week la, BB can play the spelling game la~!!!!! but still not get full mark.....U_U hope can done soon and then move to another level (now still in easy mode.....)

also i like the gift (real flash crad) which this one is not easy to break!!! BB can make it as a rubbish sin la, and when BB eat it!!!!!! (yes, BB like eat anything) still can use when i take it out from BB's mouth la~~~

hope it can make ur BB learn more english ar form this set of cd la ^_^ enjoy

Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-26 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?


sansanboy 寫道:
Hello emmypun,

Since, I resiger as their member when i buy MBLE, this morning have newsletter, now you can find details in their site : http://www.redbean.tv/teddykids/index.htm
you can listen the sound there.  need not to go for demo now.....

Smart teacher is a small English machine that teach English
1) touch than listen the words
2) touch than spell each word
3) Q & A, kids need to train their listening to answer the question
Price cheap $3xx.


女人是很脆弱, 但媽媽卻很堅強:)

Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-30 19:42 |只看該作者

Re: MBLE好定係Super E-kids果部語言學習機好呢?

真的希望可快快有齊50人order, 快的收到,快的有得玩!
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