密      碼:
教育王國 討論區 保良局香港道教聯合會圓玄小學 請問圓小今年國民教育科是否如期推行? ...
樓主: heiheishum

請問圓小今年國民教育科是否如期推行? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 12-9-26 13:58 |只看該作者
我中立, 但不知個日有分color 所以我都穿了紅色......

但好想講實話我無見到所謂的紅衫軍..老師亦不見得多紅衣者, 起碼我對班主任加外籍都唔係紅...請你們不要再係咁....本來咩都唔想理既我都認唔住啦......

比返個安寧既校園我個仔, 同唔好再係咁, 我要花好多口水先可以解釋比個仔知咩事, 大佬今年多左好多功課...pls!!!!!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-26 15:50 |只看該作者
Hi parents,

In accordance with your information about real situation of national education  in YYPS, I am so worried about headmaster's personal attitude. If some parents are unlikely to obey his principle then he may do in opposite way. For example, parents wearing black T shirt show their opinions but, he enforce his team to wear red color uniform. His principal is similar to communist party. It means that parents must do something in order to protect your children against national education and his dictatorship.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-27 18:24 |只看該作者
yan814 發表於 12-9-26 15:50
Hi parents,

In accordance with your information about real situation of national education  in YYP ...
Can you read Chinese?  In this EK & BK forum, the YYPS parents explained to others about all these were rumors.  Those parents who attended the parents' night could testify of the real situation.  The school Anti-national education team spread out rumors to hurt the principle, the school, and the school teachers.  They made out stories of their own, that's why the parents from YYPS were bothered and had to come out to tell the truth.
Those reporters received all these false information from those Anti-national education team, without further investigate but to print out as fact on newspaper .  

I wondered what the political background of these Anti-naitonal education team because they were giving out false information to the public.  

Hope you can find someone who know Chinese can read you all the posts from here.  Then you will understand what had happened.


Rank: 2

發表於 12-10-2 04:44 |只看該作者
For those who are interested to learn more about the views of other YYPS parents –
http://www.baby-kingdom.com/foru ... &extra=page%3D3
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