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教育王國 討論區 蘇浙小學校 請問有冇小朋友試過轉班?
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請問有冇小朋友試過轉班? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-4-28 12:27 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問有冇小朋友試過轉班? 知唔知有冇可能k1升k2時轉班?
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-28 14:37 |只看該作者
You mean vertical change from PM class to AM class or horizontal change from AM to Am / PM to PM?

If vertical change, I think there is a queue waiting to change from PM to AM.  If horizontal change, what reason you are going to give to school to change ah?

I think there will be possible vacancies in K2 as some boys may go to St Joseph in K2, suggest you apply early if you really intend to change.

原帖由 Tata1668 於 10-4-28 12:27 發表
請問有冇小朋友試過轉班? 知唔知有冇可能k1升k2時轉班?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-4 12:19 |只看該作者
My son change from PM to WD class last year.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-7 15:20 |只看該作者
how's the WD class schedule? are there enough teachers to look after kids for their lunch and nap? can u share more your experience? will your kid be too tired after WD class?

原帖由 gobbys 於 10-5-4 12:19 發表
My son change from PM to WD class last year.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-8 12:04 |只看該作者
1 teacher vs 13 studends, thus WD, there are 2 teachers & 26 studends.

The scheduel is the same as AM & PM class.  In the morning all studends arrive in school by 8:45am, at 11:45am, lunch for WD studends, they will move to another classroom for lunch while their beds are being make in their classroom.  After lunch return to classroom for nap...Usually teachers will wake the children up by 2pm and class finish by 4:40pm.  Students usually completed their homework in class & teachers were able to make correction at the same time.  30min English lesson, usually in the afternoon becuase there are less pm classes.  I found students in WD class are much closer as my older whose in P2 now still contact her KCS friends.

原帖由 bwm 於 10-5-7 15:20 發表
how's the WD class schedule? are there enough teachers to look after kids for their lunch and nap? can u share more your experience? will your kid be too tired after WD class?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-9 07:49 |只看該作者
Hi, TinHay,

30mins english?? Last time I did ask about the english time for K1. K2 and k3 half day class during the school tour.
The officer replied me as K1:40mins, K2, 50mins and K3 60mins and it will be double for full day class.  and I ask how come I heard the other teach reply to other parent the english time is only 30mins for half day class, she then told me that lately just extend the english time.  

I want to help my girl applying the K2 whole day class next year, and she is now admitted to K1 pm class in 2010 but just heard that the child for WD are very naughty in WD class from a friend's experience, can any one give me any advice.

Furthermore the KCIS primary, can any one give me any advice on it? does it mean that once getting into it it will be all the way through BM?

Sorry for too many qns, thanks a lot

原帖由 TinHay 於 10-5-8 12:04 發表
1 teacher vs 13 studends, thus WD, there are 2 teachers & 26 studends.

The scheduel is the same as AM & PM class.  In the morning all studends arrive in school by 8:45am, at 11:45am, lunch for WD stu ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-15 12:10 |只看該作者
1.  Take the teacher's advice as my information is since 2005 to just now.  May be things will change in Sept 2010.

2.  We wrote to school our request on our first K1 school date in order to show our "interest" but I was told in order to make K2W class, your kid has to meet certain critials but I don't know what are they...as both my kids made it to whole day classes.  But one thing for sure is that it's a first-come-first-serve provided that you kid fall into school's requirement.  In my son's K2W, there is a classmate who went to Mandarin stream of Victoria in K1 but made it to K2W.  There is always some naught kids in every class, but so far non has brother my kids, so I have no complain.

3.  KCIS (P1 is equivalent to our K3 the same campus, P2 - Breamer Hill Campus) is purely first-come-first-serve, there is not interview, so it depends on when you submit your application.  In the last few years, kids been going half day local & half day internation stream.  But due to swine flu, nap time is cancelled (unless your are in K2W & K3W), they will be watching TV & listerning to music in classroom after lunch.  KCIS = British / IB

原帖由 ngmyan 於 10-6-9 07:49 發表
Hi, TinHay,

30mins english?? Last time I did ask about the english time for K1. K2 and k3 half day class during the school tour.
The officer replied me as K1:40mins, K2, 50mins and K3 60mins and it w ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-19 13:46 |只看該作者
Thanks a lot TinHay for your detailed explaination.

原帖由 TinHay 於 10-7-15 12:10 發表
1.  Take the teacher's advice as my information is since 2005 to just now.  May be things will change in Sept 2010.

2.  We wrote to school our request on our first K1 school date in order to show our ...
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