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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 SSCPS VS St. Paul's Boy
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SSCPS VS St. Paul's Boy [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-18 22:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-19 10:50 |只看該作者
If not concern on $, of course SSCPS. But St Paul seems cost effective than the other school.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-19 11:06 |只看該作者
Who knows about the HKCEE result of St. Paul boys and SSCPS for last year?  What is the percent for student has 14 marks for 6 subjects?

原帖由 aa120520 於 09-11-19 10:50 發表
If not concern on $, of course SSCPS. But St Paul seems cost effective than the other school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-19 14:00 |只看該作者
Simply judged from the interview arrangement, I think SSCPS is more serious in selecting the best candidates.

In St Paul Boy, just interview for ~15 minutes and a child was just asked to repeat a story they heard.  Testing their presentation skills?

In SSCPS, the kids could draw or read in the hall waiting for interview.  The teachers then played with them outside the interviwing room before 1:1 interview.  Some Q in Eng and Mandarin were asked.  Parents were arragned with school tour.  

My kid & me like SSCPS the most.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-19 14:17 |只看該作者

I really won't judge the inteview arrangement for the rest of my child's life for 6 years in that school.  As I also have been to few schools for interview, I count SSCPS interview is the one I doubted how they test the children's ability and most not serious to for interview.  

I don't know that is just my opinion.

I have no offence.  I still think St. Stephen is a good school but not based on interview arrangement.  St. Paul boy is also a good school.  The new school environment will be better when they move to Cyber Port.   It might be able to compare with St. Stephen!

原帖由 good-boy 於 09-11-19 14:00 發表
Simply judged from the interview arrangement, I think SSCPS is more serious in selecting the best candidates.

In St Paul Boy, just interview for ~15 minutes and a child was just asked to repeat a sto ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-19 18:44 |只看該作者
so it's might be difficult to choose !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-19 19:31 |只看該作者
Besides environment, you should consider the teaching style.  They are totally different.  St Paul's boy is traditional school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-20 10:36 |只看該作者
Hi AugSun,

No offence.  But would you share why you said "SSCPS interview is the one I doubted how they test the children's ability and most not serious to for interview."  

I totally agreed that interview arrangment was not a decisive factor.  What I mean was that they reflect, to a certain extent, the school's attitude.  

My kid told me that he could heart-felt the kindness of the teachers.

Of course, the new campus of St Paul Boys and its long-built reputation should be highly considered.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-20 13:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 AugSun 於 09-11-19 14:17 發表

I really won't judge the inteview arrangement for the rest of my child's life for 6 years in that school.  As I also have been to few schools for interview, I count SSCPS interview is the on ...

Any idea when the new campus will be ready??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-20 14:02 |只看該作者
我搭咀可能好奇怪, 因為我個係女; 而我極少搭咀喺我個女讀緊嘅學校嘅討論區, 因為唔想講令人覺得會有bias嘅說話.

不過見大家講嘅係男校, 而且我個女有幾個幼稚園朋友仔都讀緊呢間男校, 我哋都有時交流吓, 所以想發表少少比大家參考吓, 因為自己兩年前都係差唔多, 幾間學校都十五十六, 所以想分享一下咁啦.

我個女讀二年級, 讀得好開心, 成績算中上, 經過一年多, 我覺得學校著重全人發展多於重視分數, 聽校長唔同場合講過幾次, 佢覺得小朋友唔應該只係睇成績同分數, 佢著重培養小朋友閱讀習慣, 每日都有reading time, 有自己 library, 今年仲加咗 games比小朋友在校內借來玩, games係特別for小朋友同幾個同學一齊玩嘅games, 因為佢認為從中小朋友可以學識同人相處, 而家太多小朋友冇兄弟姊妹喇. 佢亦堅持唔會為學生排名次, 因為唔想大家學習嘅目標去咗分數同排名.

Academic方面, 學校並唔係外面所說課程淺, 其實中英數都唔淺, 其中, 英文今年轉咗新書, 英國訂入嘅教科書, 有補習老師睇過仲話深過DB, 不過, 貫徹校長唔著重分數, 所以教得深考得淺, 小朋友學得多嘢, 大人都唔會有壓力, 我個女舊年下學期已經寫緊英文故事, 有introduction, body & ending, 雖然grammar仲未夠用, 但小朋友已經有思維同能力去寫, 老師亦唔會challenge佢哋grammar & spelling, 佢會改, 寫返啱嘅form & spelling比你, 但唔會扣好多分, 小朋友唔會冇信心, 仲會開開心心繼續寫唔同嘅故事, 發揮創意. 功課量的確唔算多, 少抄寫, 我哋反而有更多時間可以溫習或睇吓課外書. 而學校嘅雙語環境亦好好, 6年級嘅寄宿課程亦係另一個重要嘅全人發展項目, 每個月差唔多每個星期宿生都有活動, 入去
睇吓呢兩個月嘅活動, 都會感受到學校好有心思設計課程比學生.

至於男校方面, 我見我兩個朋友都好吃力, 舊年開學冇幾耐已經從外表睇得出佢哋好大壓力, 晚晚都好夜, 考試前幾日仲教緊書做好多功課, 佢哋話冇乜時間溫習, 其中一個媽媽年初被裁員, 索性唔做嘢跟仔功課, 佢早幾個月開始做返嘢, 同時仲四出搵補習比個仔, 因為跟唔上, 學校比好大壓力, 佢話老師買埋extra習作比個仔添, 而家佢話唔期望個仔高分, 但求合格.

當然, 一切好視乎大家嘅取向, 有人鍾意傳統勁谷, 亦有人鍾意開心學習, 至於小朋友適合邊類型亦都好重要.

其實兩所學校風格好唔同, 所以唔易比較, 都係選定大家鍾意嘅方面為宗旨, 希望大家都揀到適合小朋友嘅學校啦.

Rank: 4


發表於 09-11-20 16:55 |只看該作者
我前兩年都有同小朋友去SSCPS面試, 但我唔覺佢地特別serious, 每一間學校都有自己面試法則, 用面試情況去判斷一間學校, 咁DB、SPCC都唔好得幾多.
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