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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC收左我個女,唔知讀唔讀好,請比意見.
樓主: 豬爸爸

RC收左我個女,唔知讀唔讀好,請比意見. [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-1 22:26 |只看該作者
原文章由 mrose 於 08-2-1 20:12 發表




Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-1 23:04 |只看該作者

回覆 #3 mrose 的文章

其實, 唔係好明點解有d家長對小朋友私下講廣東話會有抗拒. 試諗吓, 你同佢講嘅係廣東話, 但你又唔想佢講, 咁係咪好奇怪. 況且, 除非你諗住佢第日係外國讀書, 讀完後係外國做嘢. 同外國人結婚. 唔再返香港. 如果唔係, 識講廣東話有咩唔好?

我就覺得, 一間好嘅學校, 唔係在乎佢用咩語言, 有幾多外國人同學仔, 而係佢嘅教學理念, 同小朋友開唔開心.  如果佢係間學校, 同d同學溝通唔到, 唔明老師講乜, 咁返嚟做咩

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-2 03:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 Queenie601 於 08-2-1 23:04 發表
其實, 唔係好明點解有d家長對小朋友私下講廣東話會有抗拒. 試諗吓, 你同佢講嘅係廣東話, 但你又唔想佢講, 咁係咪好奇怪. 況且, 除非你諗住佢第日係外國讀書, 讀完後係外國做嘢. 同外國人結婚. 唔再返香港. 如果唔係, ...


Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-2 10:10 |只看該作者
我的小朋友是RC Y1,平時都多數講廣東話。但當用英語同佢講嘢,佢就會用英語回答。無問題啞。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-2 16:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 mrose 於 08-2-2 03:02 發表

家長是外籍人,他們的小朋友在校內有這樣的想法和感受是可以理解的。我只是說出朋友的看法。我對RC的認識並不多,我做家長的只能不停去收風,中英文都一樣掂當然是我的期盼,只是很擔心是否能兩面兼顧得好,得到預期理想。家 ...

I think you should choose HLYIS or SJS instead of RC.  Many on RC waitlist parents will say thank you.

Happy lunar new year. :恭: :喜: :發: :財:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-2 20:30 |只看該作者
I do not see what your point is.
Your child is with HLYIS and I am glad you are happy.
I do not see why you cannot admit that OTHER SCHOOLS can also be good schools. On the other hand, I am sure there are unhappy parents or poor students in almost all schools.
You must have your reasons of choosing HLYIS. I am sure you have made the right choice. If you have decided to stick to HLYIS, good. I am happy for you.
Have a nice holiday.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-4 10:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 豬爸爸 於 08-1-30 11:48 發表
報個時,諗住比個女試下,諗住機會好微,點知比個傻妹得左 .本來諗住照交留位費先,點知好貴,$12800 .我嘅考慮點/疑問如下:

1) $, 唔知佢以後d學費加得勁唔勁.如果年年都加,我都唔知頂唔頂得住.仲有,我須唔須要預$比佢讀課外活動呢?
2) 紀律問題.好驚佢學壞.
3) 中文程度:我知佢有普通話,但唔知佢書寫能力得唔得
4) 我還可以參加小一自行派位,私校,直資和大抽獎嗎?
5) 我仲有個細B,我當然希望兩個讀埋同一間,唔知家姐帶埋個妹入嘅機會高唔高呢?

Sorry. I should have attended to your queries first.

(1) It is really hard to tell. But let's presume that they would increase the fees every year according to inflation. Better be prepared right?
(2) I think this discipline issue has been raised before, not only about RC but international schools in general. There are obvious reasons why international schools have always been picked on unreasonably. If you really look around and read more from local newspapers, you would probably worry as much (if not more) if you put your kid in a local school.
(3) There are Chinese classes at RC. Children would not 唔識中文. There are parents that are very keen and they put in extra time with Chinese (eg. after school Chinese classes) and those children are usually quite OK. There are also parents that do not really care and those children are mostly not as good. The top ones, they are learning from text book one year behind local schools. For example, the Year 6s (equivalent to P5 in local schools) are using local school P4 Chinese textbook. But of course, their real Chinese level is hard to tell since they do not have much chance to use Chinese. So the Year 6s at RC, although they are using P4 Chinese textbook, they are probably not as good as local school P4 students. However, I do believe that if a child is to stay with RC from Year 1 to Year 9, he should have learnt enough Chinese for daily use.
(4) Yes. But the school would not assist you in attending to the government "lottery". So you need to make arrangements yourself. (I know that some other international schools do provide support to their parents in the government P1 allocation.)
(5) RC do not have the same sibling policy as other ESF schools written in black and white. However, I would think that the school would (and should) have exercised discretion in considering applications from siblings. Of course, the preliminary is still that the sibling has to meet the minimum language requirement.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-4 10:44 |只看該作者
Dear Mrose

Agree that it is difficult to make up the mind.

I am not a HYLIS parent, I just happen to know a friend who got three girls study in it.

All girls completed Primary in HYL, while 1st and 2nd girls went to SC and graduated, and the third one go to RC. (2nd and 3rd girl have 10 years age different, therefore, no sibling advantage.)

I think when the RC fully established, it’s secondary school will equally difficult to get in!

Having said that my friend are highly praise the HYLIS and told me it is a good school.

原文章由 mrose 於 08-2-1 18:58 發表

我的女兒是今年1月才插班讀HLYIS的,之前她讀安基司國際班,再之前在滌濤山的Natures,因為很多原因,我輾轉替她轉了兩次校。其實我真的很喜歡HLYIS,只是我很擔心如果要待女兒在HLYIS完成YEAR 9,到時她再找中學可能會較麻煩 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-4 11:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 Queenie601 於 08-2-1 23:04 發表
其實, 唔係好明點解有d家長對小朋友私下講廣東話會有抗拒. 試諗吓, 你同佢講嘅係廣東話, 但你又唔想佢講, 咁係咪好奇怪. 況且, 除非你諗住佢第日係外國讀書, 讀完後係外國做嘢. 同外國人結婚. 唔再返香港. 如果唔係, ...

This is a very interesting phenomenon.
I think the expectation of whether a child is willing (or able) to speak Cantonese is quite dependent on the family background.
The more "local" a family, the more English they are asking for from the school. The reason is that, they are basically depending mainly on the school to provide English environment to the child. At least, this is quite what I have noticed from different messages here at BK.
If the family is very "western", the parents usually prefer their children to learn and use a bit more Cantonese. In fact, if the family life is western, speaking more Cantonese at school should not have adverse effect to a child's English standard. This only mean learning one more language/dialect.
There are actually quite a lot of western/foreign born Chinese children at RC that cannot speak Cantonese/Putonghua. So it is in fact those parents that care more about Chinese. At RC, you can hear a lot of parents trying to speak in Cantonese/Putonghua to their children, but the children are replying in English.
I have lived in western countries for most of my life and hope my children are willing to speak more Cantonese. In fact, being able to speak fluent Cantonese does not mean that a person is not good at English.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-4 12:33 |只看該作者
Hi Mrose,

We were not invited to see the CNY performance. I guess is because the Pre-nursery class has not participated. Perhaps next year they will have chance to participate.

As to your worry about HLYIS could only provide up to year 9 education, I think you can try to contact the Principal and ask her about their direction on secondary education. If you have read their news letter, you should know they are planning to do something with the Japanese Internation School in Tai Po for providing secondary education in the New Territories. As you kid is only going to Year 1 this summer, I think when she finishes Year 9, it is very likely that HYLIS should be able to provide education up to Year 13. We can share more on this with me if you like. Feel free to PM me.

原文章由 mrose 於 08-2-1 18:58 發表

我的女兒是今年1月才插班讀HLYIS的,之前她讀安基司國際班,再之前在滌濤山的Natures,因為很多原因,我輾轉替她轉了兩次校。其實我真的很喜歡HLYIS,只是我很擔心如果要待女兒在HLYIS完成YEAR 9,到時她再找中學可能會較麻煩 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-4 12:37 |只看該作者

HLYIS - please help me

this is the first time I write in BB Kingdom... can MRose or any mummies give me some info about HLYIS ? I"m Chinese and my husband is English, our daughter is 4 yr & one montht old now, went for RC's interview and got rejected, she can speak perfect English and Cantonese, unfortunately, she didn't say one word during the interview at RC (although she did write her name and did what she was told ..like closed her eyes and walked backwards, jump on one leg..etc)

I'm going to try HLYIS, I heard that they have "real" Chinese lesson, is it true ? I tired RC only because they have Chinese lesson...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-4 12:50 |只看該作者
Hi Chui1234,

If you read through this forum you should know I have girls also attending Pre-nursery class in HLYIS since last month. My situation is pretty like yours as my girls are also eurasian (father is British too). I am happy to share more with you about HYLIS if you are interest to know more about this school. Pls PM me if you like.

原文章由 chui1234 於 08-2-4 12:37 發表
this is the first time I write in BB Kingdom... can MRose or any mummies give me some info about HLYIS ? I"m Chinese and my husband is English, our daughter is 4 yr & one montht old now, went for RC's ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-4 13:00 |只看該作者

more about HLYIS

Dear VVMum
thanks ! I hv just read thr the whole forum, now I know a lot more... we live in Yuen Long too (Palm Springs)
I will definitely apply but not sure if my little girl would open her mouth during the interview...
I"m new to forum, how can I PM you ? what does PM stand for ?

ne was the interview
原文章由 VVMUM 於 08-2-4 12:50 發表
Hi Chui1234,

If you read through this forum you should know I have girls also attending Pre-nursery class in HLYIS since last month. My situation is pretty like yours as my girls are also eurasian (f ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-4 15:49 |只看該作者
Dear Chui1234,

I got your PM and I just replied you by PM. Pls check. Don't worry that your girl would not speak to the teacher. One of my girl is also very shy and did not speak too much when she went to the interview. Besides, she cried badly at the beginning for almost 10 minutes. But it's OK, the teachers are very nice and they understand some of the kids need time to warm up and do not "perform" well in strange environment. So they will not judge your kid because she doesn't speak. All kids have differenct kinds of telent and you can not tell by just interviewing them for 30 mintues. So go ahead to send the application and good luck to you.

原文章由 chui1234 於 08-2-4 13:00 發表
Dear VVMum
thanks ! I hv just read thr the whole forum, now I know a lot more... we live in Yuen Long too (Palm Springs)
I will definitely apply but not sure if my little girl would open her mouth du ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-4 18:45 |只看該作者


原文章由 chui1234 於 08-2-4 12:37 發表
this is the first time I write in BB Kingdom... can MRose or any mummies give me some info about HLYIS ? I"m Chinese and my husband is English, our daughter is 4 yr & one montht old now, went for RC's ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-4 18:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 VVMUM 於 08-2-4 12:33 發表
Hi Mrose,

We were not invited to see the CNY performance. I guess is because the Pre-nursery class has not participated. Perhaps next year they will have chance to participate.

As to your worry abo ...


發表於 08-2-4 22:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-5 09:28 |只看該作者
Too aggressive and subjective. Arguments shallow without scrutinizing the reality in the schools. I'm happy that parents with such attitude would not choose RC or HLYIS.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-5 10:04 |只看該作者
Thank god!  It is your last post! I hope it is your last post ever but not only this lunar year!

原文章由 daydream 於 08-2-4 22:21 發表
I am tired of posting in BK.  Before the coming of a new year, let me contribute my last posting here and teach most of you how to be a smart parent in choosing a school and how to use your brain to c ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-5 10:05 |只看該作者

回覆 #27 almom 的文章


Thanks for your info.
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