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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 有無大人學緊小提琴? 一齊交流下!
樓主: cheapbombom

有無大人學緊小提琴? 一齊交流下! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-2 15:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-2 15:00 發表
I thought A# (Bflat ) and F are same finger position isnt it?

Yes, I make a mistake. I suppose F and B. So F is the same as A#

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 17:34 |只看該作者

A絃一手指係B音, 而E絃一手指係F音, 如果兩個音一齊放, 唔同位置噃, 因為A去B係一個音階, E去F只係半個音階, 所以, E絃按F, 手指就貼頂按...

定係你地講緊再高深既野? 請指教...

如果你地話A#, 跟普通的F, 咁位置才一樣..

原帖由 neighbour931 於 09-11-2 15:19 發表

Yes, I make a mistake. I suppose F and B. So F is the same as A#

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 17:40 |只看該作者
大家有無聽過直弓器? 之前係Yahoo  Auction有得賣, 過了一輪又唔見了影, 聽聞係改善弓拉唔直好好既輔助工具....

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:34 發表

A絃一手指係B音, 而E絃一手指係F音, 如果兩個音一齊放, 唔同位置噃, 因為A去B係一個音階, E去F只係半個音階, 所以, E絃按F, 手指就貼頂按...

定係你地講緊再高深既野? 請指教...

如果你地話A#, ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 17:52 |只看該作者

Why don't you find a violin teacher? I believe self-learning is very risky as you might not know whether your posture, pitch accuracy, rythodm is on the right path...

Last Sat, I heard a voilin teacher (from APA) teached violin in another room.  Ooops....his technique is fantastic.....I talked to the staff in the learning centre, and realized the fee is HK$500 per hour even for beginners.  However, these teacher will be very demanding and if you're not serious in voilin, it's just a waste of money.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-2 15:00 發表
I thought A# (Bflat ) and F are same finger position isnt it?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-11-2 19:21 |只看該作者

我屋企有2個,已經生"秀", 買佐都無嘜點用過,可以話係無用。

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:40 發表
大家有無聽過直弓器? 之前係Yahoo  Auction有得賣, 過了一輪又唔見了影, 聽聞係改善弓拉唔直好好既輔助工具....

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-11-2 21:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 Fatty 於 09-11-2 19:21 發表

我屋企有2個,已經生"秀", 買佐都無嘜點用過,可以話係無用。
你可以用一張硬卡紙,分2邊貼在手指板同馬仔之間(可以用波士貼),效果都係一樣。不過,其實,呢D係治標唔治本,弓唔直係因為右手運用唔正確,先會咁。試下 ...


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-11-2 21:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:34 發表

A絃一手指係B音, 而E絃一手指係F音, 如果兩個音一齊放, 唔同位置噃, 因為A去B係一個音階, E去F只係半個音階, 所以, E絃按F, 手指就貼頂按...

定係你地講緊再高深既野? 請指教...

如果你地話A#, ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-2 22:18 |只看該作者
Which room of teacher you are listen to ? $500 is worth to let the children learn the right thing.
原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:52 發表

Why don't you find a violin teacher? I believe self-learning is very risky as you might not know whether your posture, pitch accuracy, rythodm is on the right path...

Last Sat, I heard a  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 22:38 |只看該作者
有少少明, 等我試下先....
弓要直, 唔係一朝一夕, 要苦練的....

原帖由 Sindy 於 09-11-2 21:47 發表

曾經聽過一個教授教,點樣可以感受拉得直支弓,搵個人幫下你手,張支弓放係碼仔同指版中間,隻手沿支弓上上落落,當支弓係個軌道(但弓唔郁),咁隻手上到最盡時,係咩樣,隻手落弓時又係咩樣,就會好清楚架啦 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 22:41 |只看該作者
I mean the music centre where I'm learning voilin.  They have 7 violin teachers altogether, some are APA graduates and some are diploma grade.  My teacher is now learning diploma II.

原帖由 neighbour931 於 09-11-2 22:18 發表
Which room of teacher you are listen to ? $500 is worth to let the children learn the right thing.

發表於 09-11-2 23:57 |只看該作者
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-11-3 06:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 22:38 發表
有少少明, 等我試下先....
弓要直, 唔係一朝一夕, 要苦練的....


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-3 10:41 |只看該作者
直弓器真係幫助不大. 可以試下對住鏡慢拉空絃(一定要慢and全弓), 自己留意支弓有冇走樣. 日子有功, 弓一定直!

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:40 發表
大家有無聽過直弓器? 之前係Yahoo  Auction有得賣, 過了一輪又唔見了影, 聽聞係改善弓拉唔直好好既輔助工具....

[ 本帖最後由 beetle 於 09-11-3 10:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-3 10:47 |只看該作者
$500 per hour seems to be the standard fee for an APA graduate (may be fresh graduate?).  
For a professional teacher, they charge the same no matter what grade you're in.  This is their "time cost" ma (just like solicitor, haha).

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:52 發表

Why don't you find a violin teacher? I believe self-learning is very risky as you might not know whether your posture, pitch accuracy, rythodm is on the right path...

Last Sat, I heard a  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-3 15:35 |只看該作者
For me, I dun really care to pay for HK$2,000/month for voilin fee as long as the teacher is good.  However, I am more concerned about the teacher's attitude.  Will he/she feel bored to teach a beginner? I agree that a demanding teacher is good for learner in the long run though it is pain.

I am glad that my daugther told me that she begins to love this new teacher.  Out of my surprsie, she said the previous teacher is less professional compared wtih the present one.  She said "if she is not demanding, I will not know my weakness".

A bit change in her attitude.

原帖由 beetle 於 09-11-3 10:47 發表
$500 per hour seems to be the standard fee for an APA graduate (may be fresh graduate?).  
For a professional teacher, they charge the same no matter what grade you're in.  This is their "time cost" m ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-9 16:42 |只看該作者
Hi Wootaitai,

I collected the book you recommended from Public Library last Sat.  Seems a lot of words, and  I believe the last part is the essence (techniques for each Suzuki piece)

My husband told me that we're improving a lot since we follow the new teacher.  He can tell we're playing more lively and with passion.  So no matter how long we practice, he becomes to enjoy the sound utter by violin.

Same for my duaghter, her skill is also improving.  Despite she's been practising one song for a few weeks, she no longer complains and enjoy practising.  My teacher is developing her patient.  

Last week, the teacher provides an option for her - to repeat the song for 1 more week or kick start  a new one since she's repeated three times for a song.  Unsurprisingly, she prefers to repeat for the 4th time because she has confidence that she can do it even much better at the last attempt.

Of course, it's smoother and smoother.  When we keep repeating same song, it's not boring.  On the contracy, it become a wonderful music piece and we both enjoyed having a sense of accomplishment.

My husband said the standard is close to listening to the CD.  I believe he just want to give us reassurance in our efforts.

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-3 15:35 發表
For me, I dun really care to pay for HK$2,000/month for voilin fee as long as the teacher is good.  However, I am more concerned about the teacher's attitude.  Will he/she feel bored to teach a beginn ...

發表於 09-11-9 16:49 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-10 09:56 |只看該作者
the last 3 songs of TiuKei book 2 ja ma....
I will shift to Suzuki shortly afterwards......

I've read almost 1/4 of the book and despite it's wordy, I find new insights that enlightened me again.....students should listen to the music peiece (viaCD) N times before they start to play....the result is amazing....

At times when I learn piano, my teacher has a different view....one should never listen to the music piece before they learn.  Otherwise, they just memorize the melody but not really reading the sheet....

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-9 16:49 發表
Hi - that's great ar... yes the essense is the last part indeed.

Your progress is great ar! what song are you playing now?

I am also planning to take lessons again with my daughter... if the music  ...

發表於 09-11-10 10:09 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-12 09:29 |只看該作者

Tks again for recommending the book to me.  I'm a bit inspired after reading Suzuki's "Mother-tongue Approach"....

His talk to students and teachers are interesting...compared learning voilin with baby learning to spk and eat.......step by step...one progress at a time, ....training your crew.(body)


I am pleased to find that my daugther does practice more this week.  She shows certain improvements in intonation!

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-10 10:09 發表
yeah the CD is really useful ar. Also you can play along to the piano accompaniment.

I always have some breakthrough in the skills for each song after practicing with the accompaniment.. (but first n ...
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