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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 SPN's parents
樓主: fatping1

SPN's parents [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-16 17:08 |只看該作者
原文章由 Pumpkin_mama 於 07-8-16 16:02 發表
yes.. 唔駛一定要訓得著

不過我個囡同我講.. 佢冇訓喎...

只肯食好少野, 一見d 床舖就失控喊,
成日要搵媽媽, 仲叫老師幫佢打電話比媽媽

佢自己都好掙扎, 一時就話今日唔喊喇, 要叻叻,
一時就話不如唔好返學 :(

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-16 17:37 |只看該作者

My girl also didn't sleep today ar, but when i asked her, she said she slept wor... may be she thought lying on bed means sleeping la...   the teacher said she is doing okay today, didn't cry but just ate little law... i guess each day they have different mood, i will be patient waiting for my girl to get used to school life...

I saw my girl waved bye bye to 3 kids in the classroom when she left today... may be they started to make friends in class now...

[ 本文章最後由 fatping1 於 07-8-16 17:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-16 19:44 |只看該作者
唉 !我都好肉赤呀 !!

亞女首幾天返學無喊過 ga, 但這幾日係屋企一提到返學佢就大喊, 一日喊成 10 次 8 次"唔返學 ! 唔返學!"咁大叫; 而且成晚心情变到好 upset, 鬱鬱不樂咁款.  到第二日換校服時又開始喊.... 明明同佢講掂數話唔再喊就買 present, 但佢笑住 goodbye kiss 後一轉身入課室又喊 !!!

本來我以為可以唔駛為佢担心; Sunday果日仲識得同我講"弊啦, 今日我唔記得返學 tim !" 佢又同 d 工人講"妹妹好開心, 好鍾意新學校 !!" 咁話.  其實這幾日我有問過老師,佢話亞女一見到 d 飯餸就喊, 咁佢都又勸又 tum 佢食少少, 唔敢太過 force 佢.  為咗要佢返學, 我仲使"拿渣"手段用買 present 來利誘佢, 所以這幾日接咗佢放學後我都冒着落大雨同佢行街街買 present.........

但剛剛個工人話我知, 原來這三晚亞女都發開口夢, 大叫"唔食飯呀 ! 我唔飲湯呀 !"  死啦, 我好心 up 呀 !!  點算呀 !!!:cry:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-16 20:55 |只看該作者

Thank you so much for your comfort.
I trust she is better today!
Ms Tsang said she refuse to sleep on the bed yesterday and today, she is willing to take nap in the afternoon but my daughter wants Ms Tsang to sit beside her in order for her to go to sleep!!!
I think she still need sometimes to adjust herself to get familiar with the new environment.

Which group does your girl belong to in N2A?

I saw another pair of twins joining this year…..


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-16 21:18 |只看該作者
Hi Kaheibaba:

I was trying my luck to locate you or Kaheimama on Tuesday, but lately I discovered that there are all together 2 Kahei in N2A!!!
I’m not sure which Kahei is daughter, do you mind telling me your last name?
My girl belongs to Ms Tsang’s group, when I ask her what is the color of the group, she said color only applies in N1 stage, no more color in N2, but she said she used to be in green apple group last year.

Our first school day was all a mess!!!
We went to school at about 8:45am, according to the memo, the newcomer will start at 9:00am so we thought we were school 15 minutes earlier than requested.
However, when we arrive school, the lady told us we were late and we explain to her what was the arrangement, she said that we were wrong.
Both of us were very confuse what’s happening and she is even thinking to keep this record in the logbook but eventually, she told us there must be some confusion so she let us go without signing the logbook.
When we were home, we check again the memo and we discovered that we were wrong!!!!
It said: parents can accompany their kids up to 9:00 am but not report to school at 9:00 am (all in Chinese), it was all our fault for not being read the memo thoroughly!!
Of course, we also give a bad impression to Ms Tsang also la…..

By the way, Ms Tsang is so nice and her group has 2 newcomers, she especially take good care of Megan as she know she is a small girl and the other girl is a big girl.

Hope to meet both of you soon!


Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-16 21:47 |只看該作者

Which class does your daughter go to ar?  

I totally understand how u feel about your girl as i also worry about my girl a lot... i always think what does she do in class, if she eats, sleeps, wears warm enough... etc... as she always kick the blanket when sleeping on bed... that's why i let my girl to wear a cardigan to school today...

May be u can let your girl to look at the school photos posted on SPN website... my girl will talk about the school when looking at the photos...u can try and make your girl likes the school more la...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-16 22:33 |只看該作者
原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-16 21:47 發表

Which class does your daughter go to ar?  

I totally understand how u feel about your girl as i also worry about my girl a lot... i always think what does she do in class, if she  ...

Hi fatping1,

我囡囡是 N1A class, 你的囡囡呢?
你的提議非常好喎, 等我聽日試吓 ! Thanks so much
我哋做媽咪嘅真係惨, 可能有時真的過份担心咗, 好似我老公雖然一样咁緊張亞女, 但又總是話我太多顧慮(所有關於處理仔女的事), 太保護佢地, 太過乜又太過物, 一句贈我"慈母多敗兒" !!真係激死我  唔知你老公又有無 comment 你呢 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-17 01:06 |只看該作者
原文章由 bobomegan 於 07-8-16 20:55 發表

Thank you so much for your comfort.
I trust she is better today!
Ms Tsang said she refuse to sleep on the bed yesterday and today, she is willing to take nap in the afterno ...

佢囡囡(細孖)係同妳囡囡同一組 !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-17 01:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 bobomegan 於 07-8-16 21:18 發表
Hi Kaheibaba:

I was trying my luck to locate you or Kaheimama on Tuesday, but lately I discovered that there are all together 2 Kahei in N2A!!!
I’m not sure which Kahei is daughter, do you  ...

其實星期三我o地送完 KaHei 返學, KaHeiMami 已經同我講, 妳囡囡應該係 曾老師果組(因為星期二早上, 佢留意到妳同妳囡囡坐o既位置); 佢重提我, 記得要話俾人知, N2A 有兩個 KaHei 呀, 因為妳囡囡果組都有一個 KaHei, 不過就唔係我囡囡 !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-17 01:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-15 11:48 發表

Did u have the experience that your girl refused going to school at the beginning of N1?  If this is the case, how long will the kids start to like going to school?  I am worry abou ...

其實每一位父母都會好關心佢o地o既仔女, 尤其是初初開學果陣, 梗係會比較緊張 D ........

記得 KaHei 未入 SPN 前, 我聽過有 SPN 家長話, 佢囡囡最驚父母唔交學費; 而我o地都有問過 KaHei, 鍾意返學定鍾意留o係屋企 ?? 佢好快就答我o地話鍾意返學, 因為有老師同埋好多小朋友 !!

本來唔想講太多, 因為驚俾人話我同 SPN 賣廣告 !!

放心啦, 你o地o既問題, 好快就會變成唔係問題 !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-8-17 01:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 MARSHMELLOW 於 07-8-14 23:29 發表
dont worry Bobomegan

your daughter will be fine even though she may not be willing to sleep during the first few days, she will eventually be willing to do so very soon especially when she se ...


多謝妳張相 !! 其實我都有相要曬番俾妳, 有拖冇欠 !!

講開曬相, 今年開始, 學校影o既相, 已經可以o係 SPN 網上訂購, 唔駛好似以往咁迫(地下大堂)、咁趕(三兩日), 真係方便o左好多 !!

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-17 12:36 |只看該作者
原文章由 harrison 於 07-8-16 19:44 發表
唉 !我都好肉赤呀 !!

亞女首幾天返學無喊過 ga, 但這幾日係屋企一提到返學佢就大喊, 一日喊成 10 次 8 次"唔返學 ! 唔返學!"咁大叫; 而且成晚心情变到好 upset, 鬱鬱不樂咁款.  到第二日換校服 ...

好明白你, 真係好肉赤~ :cry:

我個女無大叫大喊, 但係就每日拜拜時都好淒涼咁喊, 今朝同老公一齊送佢返學, 老公離開學校時都好唔開心~

係咪真係會適應架呢?!?!?!?!?! 好 worry~ :(

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-17 12:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 KaHeiBaBa 於 07-8-17 01:48 發表

其實每一位父母都會好關心佢o地o既仔女, 尤其是初初開學果陣, 梗係會比較緊張 D ........

記得 KaHei 未入 SPN 前, 我聽過有 SPN 家長話, 佢囡囡最驚父母唔交學費; 而我o地都有問過 KaHei, 鍾意返學定鍾 ...

唔該你好人丫, 講多d spn d 好野, 講多d 你地舊年點樣渡過個適應期啦, 我呢個媽媽好無用, 真係好worry

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-17 15:45 |只看該作者

Me too, i also worry about my girl a lot ar... every morning she didn't want to change uniform and we have to force her to change... even she didn't cry in classroom, when i picked her up after school, she looked quite tired ar... she still cannot sleep in school!!!

I know my 99 and my mom will think why I will let my girl to attend full-day school... if my girl didn't adjust to school life soon, they will all blame me for choosing SPN!!!  

[ 本文章最後由 fatping1 於 07-8-17 15:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-17 16:11 |只看該作者

My girl is in N1B ar...  

I always tell my husband i am very worry and anxious about our girl... he asked me to relax and said he expected our girl will react like this as she had been spoiled at home before, so it won't be easy for her to adjust to school-life in short time... so it takes time for kids to adjust la...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-17 18:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-17 16:11 發表

My girl is in N1B ar...  

I always tell my husband i am very worry and anxious about our girl... he asked me to relax and said he expected our girl will react like this as she had ...


你老公就真係好喇, 體貼你之餘仲懂得安慰你 !!
今日囡囡由轉衫返學到入課室全程都無再喊, 可能昨晚我對佢話如果唔想食飯或飲湯唔緊要, 咪唔好食囉, 唔洗喊 ga !!好似好明白咁, 不過都唔好咁怏開心住, 你知 d 小姐好善變 ga ma, 都係睇定 d 先 !!

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-17 23:35 |只看該作者

Yes, my daughter will have different mood in different days... Thursday she is happy & willing to change uniform... this morning she is unhappy again and cried when we need her to change uniform... don't know when my girl will settle and get used to school-life...:-|

My girl still cannot fall asleep at school ar... i wonder what did she do when other children are sleeping... she must be quite boring lying on bed wor as she cannot wake up and walk around when others are sleeping...  at home, she won't stay still all the time, must move around or watching TV... now at school, she can only lie on bed, no wonder she doesn't want to go to school lar..

[ 本文章最後由 fatping1 於 07-8-17 23:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-20 22:19 |只看該作者
Hi N1 parents,

My girl knew how to say the prayers to me, i hope she started to enjoy her school-life la... but about changing uniform in the morning, still need more improvement ar!  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-21 10:41 |只看該作者

好叻丫.. 我個囡only 唱d我唔知佢唱乜既歌

原文章由 fatping1 於 07-8-20 22:19 發表
Hi N1 parents,

My girl knew how to say the prayers to me, i hope she started to enjoy her school-life la... but about changing uniform in the morning, still need more improvement ar!  

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-21 13:45 |只看該作者

My girl also did some exercise last night in front of us, so funny!  i guess they do exercise every morning when school starts...

Actually my girl didn't tell me the whole prayer, just said "感謝你,賜給我們感謝你..." of course not say in exact pronounciation la... hee hee!  

But she is still crying in the morning when change uniform... i started to get used to it every morning!!!  

原文章由 Pumpkin_mama 於 07-8-21 10:41 發表

好叻丫.. 我個囡only 唱d我唔知佢唱乜既歌

[ 本文章最後由 fatping1 於 07-8-21 13:47 編輯 ]
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