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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 如果是男孩,去cckg定留st cat
樓主: lyscM1903

如果是男孩,去cckg定留st cat [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 16-5-18 13:38 |顯示全部帖子
lyscM1903 發表於 16-5-15 11:51
No homework during long holidays, so parents can spend more time to enhance the reading habit of their children, or simply take them for a trip to explore the world.

No useless homework like making lantern during mid-autumn festival, finding pictures of public transports, etc.

Start chinese writing in the second month of K2 and the chinese training is good in terms of quality, but not quantity.

However, mathematics is a bit weak as they just teach up to 20 in K3, with simple addition and subtraction (up to 20).

English is not particularly strong, it just provide an environment in the english medium for about 2 hours every day.  Some teachers are Indian.  However, they do have a good reading scheme and has story books that parents need to read with them every week.

Rank: 4

發表於 16-5-23 07:49 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 CasperChan75 於 16-5-23 08:14 編輯
DingDongBB 發表於 16-5-18 16:23
請問有phonics嗎?如要應付小一 interview,是否須在外額外補中文及數學呢?


New reading 360 is the major english book that the school use, it's in a series with many books, and the school will teach from K2 to K3.  It is just like the Oxford reading tree used in other kinder.

no training from school about P1 interview, so it depends on the kids own ability, if parents do not teach by themselves, 須在外額外補中文及數學.

Rank: 4

發表於 16-5-26 09:22 |顯示全部帖子
DingDongBB 發表於 16-5-23 14:36
Thank you for your reply :) 請問怎樣得知學校課程及學生在校內的學習進度?學校會定期與家長溝通及報告學 ...
學校會定期與家長溝通及報告學生的情況 --> Yes, about 3 to 4 times a year

是否有家長觀課或內聯網可瞭解學生情況呢 --> As mentioned by another parent, there is no such arrangement


adrio  Obwervatipn class not suitable in kg  發表於 16-6-8 11:38

Rank: 4

發表於 16-5-26 09:29 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 CasperChan75 於 16-6-8 09:06 編輯
DingDongBB 發表於 16-5-24 15:08
Thank you for your information :)
請問你的小朋友轉校前是讀什麼類型的幼稚園呢?轉到CCKG後是否很快適應 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 16-6-8 09:08 |顯示全部帖子
Violincello 發表於 16-6-6 05:55
其實都好難揀,比例上應該CCKG多,人數就當然SC啦,不過可以一嘗讀CCKG的經歷,如果當年有收我阿仔阿女的話 ...

The weakness for CCKG graduate is their Chinese standard.  


adrio  中文水平系基督堂並不差,視乎家長有伴讀否,有学位的並不一定友但態度非一般家庭   發表於 16-6-8 11:46
adrio  中文水平系基督堂並不差,視乎家長有伴讀否,有学位的並不一定友但態度非一般家庭   發表於 16-6-8 11:46

Rank: 4

發表於 16-6-8 13:28 |顯示全部帖子
Violincello 發表於 16-6-8 09:18
去得CCKG,  自然一心DB DG, 而確實DBDG小朋友既中文水平係比較弱
Yes, some of the students in DBS Chinese remedial class in G7 to G9 are from CCKG.

Not sure about the case in DGS.

Yes, I agree with Adrio that parents need to put in effort.  reading together with the kids is important, however, kids prefer reading english books than chinese books, it's another problem.

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