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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 真係唔明喇沙點解咁勁?
樓主: syshawn

真係唔明喇沙點解咁勁?   [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-4-10 13:29 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 easydad 於 12-4-10 13:33 編輯

It can be misleading to think that the "sportsman", or "musician" and the "scholar" is the same person.  To build pride and outside recognition, schools will invite special talented students to help gain recognition for the school.  No much need to follow normal school classes, can drill on whatever they are good at.  One day, when the kid found out that they cannot survive after the secondary school as they learnt not much academically.  Too bad.

The same is true for it's rivalry school.  School reputation over individual well being....  and we call these "good" schools...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-10 22:08 |顯示全部帖子
As  much as I dislike many traditional schools, I find the below quite hard to imagine -

每年有四、五個(因為 year 7 開多一班),那些插班的DGJS top students,除了數學沒有問題(因為在DGJS操慣),其他都要加倍努力,因為他們英文水平較低,而且絕大部份的習作都是要廣泛閱讀及自己搜隻資料來編寫及發表,與他們之前的學習及操練模式分別很大。

Are your talking about German Swiss?  As far as I know, top DGJS students don't leave their school...  Usually, it is the struggling type that want to go.

Or is there a very good international school that my radar misses?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-11 12:52 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 easydad 於 12-4-12 00:06 編輯

Well, my guess is right.  It is GSIS.

Actually, the way to compare is quite puzzling.  Mr. Spantan claimed so call TOP students from DGJS are not top in academic.  Then say TOP academic ones are not the brightest in future.  With the underlying argument saying that TOP ones are struggling to catch up with GSIS curriculum.  Even within his own application, I see inconsistency and fail to see the logic behind.

GSIS is indeed  a good school.  Yet, I can tell you one big No No for GSIS for me.  The place is too nice.  The environment is too exotic.  The families can be too well off in general.  The way students see the world can be heavily distorted.  The same can apply to some other local DS schools.  (I don't just guess the above.  Not only do I have lots of friends studying in GSIS, I also sent my kids there for Summer camp to test water.)

What is the best?  This can be a very subjective adjective.  There are some parents that can get their kids to go to DBSPS or GSIS but chose a modest normal local school. Some like sweet and some like sour.  Most important is to find a school one feels comfortable in and know its limitation.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-11 14:43 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 easydad 於 12-4-11 14:45 編輯

Well, I usually don't pull legs here but with such attitude... I cannot resist to have some fun.

You wrote this -
本地最 top 英文嘅 DGJS,每年都有很多top students努力想插班入我孩子的學校,間中會有一兩個成功,而成功插入中學一年班(year 7)的,每年有四、五個(因為 year 7 開多一班),那些插班的DGJS top students,除了數學沒有問題(因為在DGJS操慣),其他都要加倍努力,因為他們英文水平較低,而且絕大部份的習作都是要廣泛閱讀及自己搜隻資料來編寫及發表,與他們之前的學習及操練模式分別很大。

Then this -
此外,她們一定是top students,否則休想考得入,但我沒有說她們一定是成績最 top (其實在考試最top那些學生,尤其是小學階段,通常都不是最有才華的學生,而是一班死操爛操的考試 機器,那些真正有才華的學生,會專注發展自己的興趣及才華,不喜歡操練式學習,但成績也不差卻不是最top)。

With this kind of logic, all DGJS students are top students?  All GSIS students are also top students?  Just because they can get in?  Top and bottom is a relative term and varies in context.  In your context, if you are applying this term to DGJS, it implies you are referring to top students within DGJS.  I guess only you understand what you wrote yourself.  

Perhaps an even more alarming issue is your tendency of over generalizing things.  On the other side of the token, all students from lesser schools are lesser by definition?  What is lesser?  I guess one tends to worship what one lacks.

By the way, English is just a tool.  It is important but so is Chinese.  There should be a minimum requirement for both in order to get prepared for future.  Key is to know what we lack and work on it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-11 14:53 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 easydad 於 12-4-11 14:57 編輯

回復 hophopbunny 的帖子
Actually, many GSIS parents are great.  There are off ones every where.  When kids grow older, peer influence will becoming dominating.... I just pick an environment I feel comfortable in.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-11 15:50 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 easydad 於 12-4-11 15:53 編輯


This is the part I agree.  I can never understand your logic.  

By the way, I belong to the party you think is inferior to IS.  I came from local mainstream school.  Performed quite well in a decent university in US (Phi Kappa Phi in a Top 10 or 25 university in US, depending on who ranks it).  Have pals from GSIS but their grades could not touch mine.  This is nothing to be proud of.  What I am trying to say is pls don't stereotype and over generalize.  It is the individual that matters.


猴子爸  As hophopbunny pointed out, only the weakest link at GSIS would go to your decent alma mater.  The avg students from GSIS usually go to Harvard/Yale/Princeton.  The comparison you quoted is unfair.  發表於 12-4-11 16:56

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-11 16:56 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 easydad 於 12-4-11 17:06 編輯

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