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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有冇HKPS (Ascot) 09 K1的家長??
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有冇HKPS (Ascot) 09 K1的家長?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-8-29 14:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-8-26 23:44 發表
好似冇hkps的家長出來傾geh?? 我的女女會 在1-sept 開始K1呀...有冇同學仔??

係呀, 好覺無咩家長出來傾計, 見其它學校好多媽媽來chat.
我仔仔1/9 番n, 大家校友來.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-8-29 22:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-8-29 15:52 發表
How ar u ??  your son will be start PN class?? you live near KG or not?? Or take school bus?

係呀, 開始番PN班, 我住得唔算近學校, 但我會自己送佢番學放學.  唔太想佢坐校車住.  你呢, 小朋友會坐校車嗎?  你地K1, 可以比家長陪上堂嗎?  我地PN的, 因小朋友細, 頭5日可以1個家長陪上堂, 番1HR.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-8-30 21:25 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-8-29 23:24 發表
Monkey05, your are full time mami?? so you can take your boy to KG everyday?!

I am working mom....but my girl will not take school bus/....may maid will take her to school by van....i calculated that ...

Yes, I'm full time mom.  Can spend time to take my monkey to school everyday.  

I also worry my son will cry in the 2nd week without my accompany.

I heard that it's difficult to get a K1 place in this school becoz most of the students are promoted from their PG.   Your girl is very  smart.  Are there many applicants when u attend the interview?

Yr girl is in AM or PM class?

Yes, let's keep in touch.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-1 21:46 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 9# msquare 的文章

yes, i plan to continue studying k1 here. It is a good school. I live in MOS.  what about u?
How's that today, the 1st day to school? Does she like it?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-2 14:03 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-1 23:58 發表
HI monkey05,

My girl is happy today because she is excited to see the new environment. ALso, I think she is not nervious since both me and my husband accompany with her. Dont know if she will cry tom ...

呀英文老師, 係唔係果位皮膚黑黑地, 頭髮到shoulder, 鼻高高, 睇落幾young 果位呢? 如果係, 佢d 英文發音幾好咁, 因早前家長日同佢傾過計, 無話有d怪accent 咁. 幾ok 架.  不過唔知係咪你講果個.

由我呢到去番學幾煩下, 我自己揸車送佢方便d.

昨日1st, 都無咩野, 佢幾happy, 好有新鮮感, 係番到家話倦, 不過, 佢咩都無做過, 但又話倦.  今日2nd ,無話倦勒, 有茶點食, 佢都唔知幾開心, 係呢, 你女女今日自己囉喎, 有無cry 呀?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-3 15:07 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-2 23:30 發表
monkey05, orr...you drive your child to school everyday ar....that's good and more comfortable....

You are good that no need to work and can still afford driving to school everyday....

I take 1/2 le ...

佢咁快say no 勒, 係咪真係見倦呢? 佢仲要唔要午睡? 不過, 小朋友番多排會慣d , 就好想番學.  

e, 有 ear ring 在個鼻到架? 咁咪唔同我見到果個囉.  

你女女上堂無cry 都算好叻勒, 聽你講佢係細女, 可以沒有媽媽陪之下自己上堂, 可以咁鎮定, 好好呀.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-3 18:58 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-3 16:14 發表
Yes, she is small girl in the class as she is 27Dec06 birthday. I believe she may be the smallest child in the class....that's why I always worry if she can catch up with the others.

We are excited t ...

原來你呀女大我呀仔唔夠一個月, 咁佢12月尾出生都好可能係全班最細果個, 老師都會特別照顧下的, 我見佢地老師都幾有經驗.  係呀, 競爭實在好大, 我地去in 果日見人山人海呀.  仲要有好多daddy 都一起in, 我地無預daddy 要一起進去.  

收就梗係讀啦, 學你話下午都殺, 係呢, k1 既國際班係咪只有pm 既呢 ? 因pg 係, 所以我無apply 到, 呀仔下午要午睡.  

是的, 你女女番到去晏左睡, 到晚上自然又晏d 才上床, 變左呀媽都要陪佢晏埋一份囉. hehe...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-4 10:17 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-3 22:39 發表
Which KG you are referring to for "pg"??

I'm talking about HKPS, their N1 is called PG instead.

That's good, they have am int'l class for K1.  I want to apply for him next year.  Let him speak & learn more mandarin.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-6 13:55 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-4 14:28 發表
I believe that's alright for you to reserve K1 international class as your boy is studying PG here. Otherwise, I dont think there is opportunity to join K1.

I believe the completition will be very ke ...

Yes, they will offer priority to those PG students for choosing K1 class.  The place for outsiders really limit.  I hope he can study AM int'l class next year.

How's yr girl's class doing?  Any teacher called u to report the  status ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-6 22:46 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-6 17:52 發表
No ar...no teacher call me to report any.....

After 1 week, the feeling is not expected good....I ask my girl want to school or not, she answer NO....she seems not really like go to school, I dont kn ...

Oh, in this case, I also think u better call her teacher to check what happen.  She is not happy with classmates, or teachers or anything else.  See can find out the reason.  If I were u, I also worry about that.

I still can sit in tomorrow, but it's the last day.  On Tue, he has to stay on his own.  So far this week I was there, I found the arrangement is quite good.  Every morning, teachers in corridor remind students to wash hand b4 enter classroom.  We have 3 teachers in class.  All of them are very nice.  They're trying their best to make friends with the kids.  Before lesson starts, they chat with each child individually.  Teach them how to hang their school bag properly and encourage them to do it on their own.  

Before the lesson start...say at 9:00, they have morning assembly in classroom.  Will sing school song together in (Chinese, Eng, and PTW), teacher will introduce today's date & weather (Chi & Eng).  On the 3rd day of school, my son really can tell now is September (Eng).  Somehow, he's interested to sing the school song.  He asked me to teach him how to sing.  Then I found the lyrics in the book and teach him.  Now he can remember the first 2 row lyrics and the tone of the whole song.  He always sings these few days.  I found he loves to go to school.

For the lesson, as it's 1 hr only, really can't do a lot.
However, they make something new everyday.  They have roll call, story time (Eng), Snack time, passing ball game, singing (Eng), play time (in playground), teachers encourage them to raise hand before answer questions, clean up after finished snack.  It's good to train them.

In the 1st day of school, teachers said they will have classwork but not homework.  Because they're small.  Books will be distributed on Fri, but hand back on Monday.  For the other days, the books are kept in school.  Students no need to carry books then.  

Student's photo & name will be sticked on the table.  In our class, photos are not yet sticked.  Every thing will be ready after parents' sit it.  What about in K1? If no photo on table, how do they know their seat?

In the 1st day , we got the handbook.  But still kept by us until now.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-7 22:05 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-7 13:58 發表
from you info, it seems the KG is ok...that's good your son can catch up so much for a week....he is clever....

My girl has not tell me any about school but she seems nervious about school....she sta ...

Both of yr children have the same feeling.  Really want to know what happened.  Have u ckecked with teacher yet? They seems not enjoy at this moment. So worry!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-9 12:06 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-8 23:39 發表
I plan to call the teacher later this week...May understand more...

How is your son?? can be alone without cry this week?

Teacher said he is fine to stay alone.  Never cry.  When I pick him up , he wore a happy face to come out.  He looks enjoy school life.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-10 11:33 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-9 15:46 發表
OH NO...my maid said my girl cried seriously today when went to school....

Then, I ask my maid to 偷望入classroom (在外邊,爬入花曹的圍杷)....Let see if my girl is keep crying serious after go into cl ...

嘩, 實在太妙勒, 點解會咁架.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-9-11 13:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 msquare 於 09-9-10 17:44 發表

點解e個topic 傾來傾去都得我地兩丁?? 其他d亞媽去晒邊呀??!!

係囉, 水靜河飛, 不過, 一向都覺得好少呀媽上來, 你見呀專題都無人講野架.
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