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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 我想問bb幾多個月唔識講野才評定為有語言障礙? ...
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[聽/語障] 我想問bb幾多個月唔識講野才評定為有語言障礙? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-3-1 23:34 |顯示全部帖子
Usually kids start speaking simple common word(s) like "pa", "mum" & "ma" around 12-m0nths and sometimes boys may start a bit later.  A kid should say his/her first word not later than about 18-24 months old.  Some kids start late because different reasons, like IQ, autism自閉症, etc. If not, they may lack language stimulations.  This type of cases are more common.
Adults may try to 1/keep 1-language  environment i.e. usually only Cantonese OR only English. it will be more easy for your kids.  2/give no-pressure environment for your kids to speak i.e. don't hold your toy/food until he say a perfect clear word.  3/praise your kids when he says anything or tries to make a sound 4/play imaginary toys like kitchen, doll house, play mobile (junior types) with them at ease
Hope this info will help a bit
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