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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 德望 Interview 结果
樓主: Vinyny

德望 Interview 结果 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-10-7 18:48 |顯示全部帖子

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原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-4 23:08 發表
I guess we failed on today's interview coz she told me that she didn't answer their questions...


唔洗咁快話個囡唔識?d大小姐係呀媽面前最鍾意話唔知,但在老師面前答左你都唔知. 到in完,就一身鬆哂! 唔記得問什麼? 最快的回應就是唔識和冇答! don't worry! 小朋友會隨時發揮她們的小宇宙. 其實她們好大壓力, 大人的壓力可以自己舒緩, 對五歲的她, 是一項挑戰! 如果當成參與遊戲, 她們會更投入, 最重要讓她們開心和有興趣地參與遊戲. 不要加壓!
Everybody relax & enjoy this Halloween trick!!
( 以上純個人意見.)Thank you!!!

[ 本帖最後由 aniwong 於 08-10-7 19:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 19:08 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 leunglokyiu 於 08-10-6 10:19 發表
我地星期六去in, 亞囡話d問題好淺

1. 首先各自任畫一幅畫
2. 老師問幅畫畫咩
3. 老師用英文問你叫咩名
4. 老師用中文叫佢答幾隻顏色

咁簡單既interview, 成700人, 選人準則係邊? ...

我想請問早上in和下午3:00in, 機會會否不同??
700人, 早上會著數一點嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 20:26 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 monkeydad 於 08-10-6 20:49 發表

I sympathised with you.  However, I do not agree with your sudden change of view on the school after this incident which obviously was your fault.

1.  Original is usually for purpose of ...

Sorry, I want to know about  your comments #3 - GH has 2,000 candidates in 2 days?
I think it only 1 day interview, is it? If have 2000 candidates. Oh! my God! No eyes see..................

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-9 01:44 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 yauyauyanyan 於 08-10-9 00:29 發表

G.H only have 1 day interview and around 600-700 candidates . don't worry....

Thank you! My daughter & I  like this school very much! But her interview time was at 3:15pm, most teachers seems very tried already. And one teacher told parents that just simply fill in the questionnaire. Don't so long! And my daughter also said that the interview teachers only ask 4 simply & short questions, then let them read books very soon.  Is it the early interview has more advantage??  (my application#29077X)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-9 12:13 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-9 11:49 發表
I don't think so....

I feel like the earliest will have more difficulty questions and teacher will be very straight to the kids.

But of course, they will have more patient in the morning section.


Hi Vinyny,

Thank you very much!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-9 18:08 |顯示全部帖子
Nice to chat with you!
Originally I want to apply, but furthre to my kindergarten teacher's information. The interview need to do papers. So, I decided to give-up already.  Afterworse, I know that SFA are no papers during the interview since two years already. Unfortunately, the apply date has passed already. Too late!
On the other hands, my daughter has successful accepted by Wong Kam Fai today. And SMC also will have 2nd interview on next Monday.
For my point of view, my daughter is an energetic girl  &  sometimes like dreaming. If SFA will hard for her, I think. If WKF & SMC will much more suit for her.  
Actually, My final target is GOODHOPE!!!
Wishing all of us can be have own target place!!!
原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-9 17:10 發表
Hi Aniwong,

Wishing all of us good luck...

BTW, do you apply SFA?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-9 21:11 |顯示全部帖子
真喺好唔容易,今次就算啤我地入到間學校, 條路都有排涯! 做父母n份工, 冇得轉工, 打一世! 死未!

原帖由 喧嘩 於 08-10-9 20:23 發表
我地朝早in, 老師都係叫我地喺20-25分鐘內填晒份問卷, 因為下一批家長冇位座, 填完就要交, 尤其d小朋友in完, 個家長仲未填完果d, 老師會重覆好多次, 仲話未填晒唔緊要, 都可以交, 我都聽左n次, 而我亞女佢同佢d朋友 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 14:43 |顯示全部帖子
SMC nomally will give you a call when they are available, they don't have a time schedule. I am 1st interview on 23/9 and recieved 2nd interview phone call on 9/OCT yesterday. They don't have a regular interview routine. No notice, no letter?
Just by phone call. So, nothing to do, just wait.

But for my case is very lucky, I apply the form on 22/9-5:00pm in person. That is T1, then the lady ask me, can you come for tomorrow interview at 3:00pm, so fast? My girl is morning school, therefore , I said OK. (May be some interview cancel  for (T3, the applicant think T3 next day) or the messy admin.office's arrangement problem, change mine and recall again.???) My friend also return form in the early morning on the same day 22/9, she need to wait for the phone call, no schedule for 1st in yet.

原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-9 21:39 發表
Hi Aniwong,

We applied SMC as well but so far no letter and no call from them.  However, we just submitted on 30/9, maybe we shall call them directly.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 18:57 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, Vinyny

Thank you very much!
原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-10 16:07 發表
you are really lucky then... people said 2nd interview meaning 90% closed to acceptance.

Congratulations in advance.  
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