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5級樂理 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-10 14:51 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 5級樂理

Please check your PM.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-11 19:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 5級樂理

Roughly 14-16 lessons. Fee depands on class size, and will do around 2-3 years past papers. Please PM for further details.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-11 22:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 5級樂理

It really depands how old/mature is the student -- I have had some adults students that didn't learn much music but after good training, they all get quite high marks in the exams.

For young children, I always suggest at least reach grade 4 for their practical and better for them to have start learning the grade 5 scales and then go for grade 5 theory.

If you need more information, you may PM me.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-12 09:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 5級樂理

Dear yanyan-mummy,

Always not to be so worry. Both points are correct, Grade 5 theory is not difficult and that's a must. But, it will be a bit hard to age 10 and only have grade 3 practical. Grade 5 theory covered some more scales and intervals training, and these were all trained in grade 4-5 aural and practical part. I know some teachers will accept students just have grade 3 and go for theory exam. However, these will make them feeling so harsh as they didn't being trained up the aural / scales. Besides, it won't be long for preparing for the exam if he has enough background information.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-15 21:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 5級樂理

Dear J_Mum,

我想是可以的, 但不太肯定, 以往皇家是刻意安排學生可以考完一月考試趕報年尾考試, 但近兩年開始轉制, 因為每年有兩次考器樂, 今年11月考試也最後只是派到11月10日左右, 所有考試都向前推, 連帶報名日期都向前推前。以一般來說, 考試過後要等兩個月左右才收到成績單, 所以說是應該可以趕得切。 如果你肯定他可以1take過攪掂樂理試(其實都冇乜可能會唔合格), 咁無必要多付$250哦。


鋼琴老師的資歷好嗎? 如果你的鋼琴老師也是唸大學音樂系出來的, 跟自己老師學也可以哦。專修樂理的人不多, 要至少讀碩士做研究生才可以說是專修樂理。

如果鋼琴老師本身只得五級樂理程度, 就說去教五級樂理, 我真不敢說會很好(但當然也不敢說一定會差)。我只能說, 入大學也差不多要求你至少理解到八級樂理的內容, 五級不能算甚麼。再加上是其實皇家音樂學院有到港為老師攪教樂理的研習班, 講解怎樣去改卷, 有些鋼琴老師也有去聽講。有些老師常說改作曲題目沒標準就知道他對考試模式認識多少, 經驗談是, 當老師能教更多學生, 就更能準確地預測學生的能力, 你大可以聽聽老師的意見, 又問問你有興趣的老師能給的意見, 才作決定。
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-15 22:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 5級樂理


your question should be answer in two way:

1) I would say, it's always should be fine to have grade 5 theory in Jan and then you go for grade 6 exam in next summer

2) However, I don't know if your daughter could archieve grade 6 standard -- ask your teacher, he/she should be the one who know your daughter' ability.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-15 23:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 5級樂理


That's good then, never push the child too much as they will lose interests. Just ask them to try hard and they will have the result.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu
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