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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 什麼時候送阿仔去外國讀書好呢
樓主: Gisele

什麼時候送阿仔去外國讀書好呢 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-11 08:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 什麼時候送阿仔去外國讀書好呢


May I know which type of secondary schools in Canada is better?  You said private schools are better, but if my kid is a Canadian and we don't want to pay so much for private schools, how about choosing Catholic schools?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-11 11:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 什麼時候送阿仔去外國讀書好呢

Vernique2005 寫道:
Below is a list of private schools around Vancouver.  I'm sorry that I don't know much about private schools in Toronto.


I've tutored numerous students from:
St. George's--the guy will go to McGill for Medicine
York House---that girl went to UC Berkeley after graduation
Crofton House School--it's a very good one

St. George's is the best guy school, while Crofton House is for girls.  I guess over 90% of them go to universities afterward, and some even attend schools like Harvard & Oxford.  The schools are indeed quite hard to get in, and students have quite a lot of homework, too.

The tuition fee is around $36000 per year.

If you child is a Canadian citizen, you may treat public school as a less expensive choice.  (If you're an international student, public schools still charge you a lot, yet they won't provide you much extra help.)  Do you have relatives in Canada? There's no public boarding schools in Vancouver.
If you're thinking about a religious school, you still need to go to private/independent schools.


Thanks a lot for your info.  So public school is really no good? Is the tuition fee around CAD36K or HKD36K per year?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-12 13:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 什麼時候送阿仔去外國讀書好呢

冬菇頭 寫道:
請問你有冇加拿大(Vancouver)中學既排名, 你講得"岩", 讀公校係比私校差d, 我個外甥, 佢係讀公校, 不過就再要私人補習, 今年考入sfu......

如果考St. Georges, 要預早幾耐要報名呀, 係咪都好難入呢?

剔除$$$之外, 你覺得去英國好定加拿大好, 我計劃明年個仔11歲, 就去外國讀書, 不過唔會寄宿, 我可能2邊走。 我個仔係加拿大公民, 2邊都有親戚, 不過加拿大果邊親d, 而家就諗緊去邊到好, 定話留係HK轉讀國際學校, 講真, 而家HK既教育制度, 真係冇乜信心, 又想佢擴闊眼光。  所以而家都幾煩, 你地有冇意見呢      

I have similar question too, besides, if study in boarding schools, seems that the cost in Canada is similar to that in UK and there are more popular boarding schools in UK too.  Anyone can comment on this?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-30 14:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 什麼時候送阿仔去外國讀書好呢


My friends and relatives in Ontario also send their kids to private schools even they are citizens.  Property prices are hiking.  I have similar consideration as yours.  Besides, I heard that boarding schools in Canada are not preferred, as there are a lot of problem kids in those schools.  Are you going to send your kids to high schools or primary schools in Canada?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-31 17:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 什麼時候送阿仔去外國讀書好呢


Thanks for your sharing. My kids are also studying in IS now, so will see how things go in a few years' time before we decide going back to Canada for high school or not.  I may need to go there to understand more details as well as situations have been changing so much now.  

In fact, Chinese is becoming more and more important worldwide, so maybe continue studying Chinese and IB Diploma in HK is more beneficial and may widen the choice of further studies.
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