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根德園幼稚園   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-28 12:13 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 靛青女 於 20-5-28 12:18 編輯

Not a user to this kindergarten but I feel like some parents take reduced fees/no fees for granted... Every single school is still open during this virus outbreak, and I know some kids do still go to school every single day as their parents arent around during the day...
Teachers are asked to work as well, writing reports, preparing teaching materials, making boards, calling parents to check up their students, making videos and online learning materials.... all those involve manpower, time and efforts.
I know some schools demand a massive pay cut from their staff to keep their loss as low as poss while trying to favour the parents with a reduced tuition fee. My poor friend works as a NET in a well known kindergarten was only paid 1/3 of his normal pay and he can barely support himself since February.
Everything has a reason, so does your school refuses to lower the school fees.  However if this is the kind of school (treat their teachers like trash to please their 'boss students') you are looking for, good luck!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-29 00:09 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 sheep2015bb 的帖子

又唔好諗到咁黑暗,forum就係討論架啦,有agree有disagree.... 我完全同呢間幼稚園無關係,只係覺得有d 家長係呢個期間 '輸打贏要', 大家想講下自己睇法啫~
Take it easy

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