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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Ability to Read
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Ability to Read [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-3-17 11:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

I have nothing to add to CherylMum's most useful advice, but have some personal experience to share.

I have little faith in any phonics computer software and products like Disney English.  Nothing in my view can replace human interaction and parents' involvement.  If you think phonics is useful and good for your kids (it is, I agree), go and learn it together with your kids so that you can share what you know with your kids.  You can save a lot of money in the long run and have more quality time your kids.  

My girl loves books and can read on and on for hours if we don't stop her.  She is quite a reader and is reading ahead of many native English speakers of her age (she had gone through the entire Oxford Reading Tree series up to grade 10, each and every book in the Bernestein Bear series, the Animal Ark storybooks, Curious George and tons of other books before she finished K2).  My wife and I did not invest in any courses or any expensive learning aids.  We just read and read and read to her and with her.  I don't know whether you are familiar with the Berenstein Bear series.  A typical Berenstein Bear storybook consists of some 15-20 pages, with pictures on one page, and about 80-100 words on the opposite page.  My girl had been in love with the Berenstein Bear since she was a toddler.  One day, when she was about 2 years old, I discovered that she was able to read out all the words on a page without missing a single word.  I was kind of shocked because I knew she was not able to read (if I pointed at a word she would not be able to tell what it was).  It turned out that she had somehow managed to associate the words with the pictures on the opposite page and memorised all the words after being read to over and again.  We kept reading to her and with her, and soon she was able to read simple storybooks by herself.  Books are now her friends.

Anyone who wants to learn more about reading to kdis can contact Pro-Active Learning Ltd. at 27369898.  I understand that Diane Frankenstein will visit Hong Kong and deliver a workshop in early April.  The fee is minimal (when I attended her workshop a few years ago, it cost me $150).  Frankenstein is simply amazing and her book recommendations are very good.


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發表於 06-3-17 14:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read


What makes you think that Frankenstein has to live on the humble fee she charges.  Get a good and better informed English teacher or someone who know children literature and find out who she is.  Keep your eyes open and mouth shut.  My post is not a commercial, period.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-17 14:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

And, I forgot to say, I have no connection whatsoever with either Pro-active of Frankenstein.  The latter was referred to me by a friend (an English teacher) who had attended one of her presentations.


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發表於 06-3-18 10:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

Dear BookloverJ?

Did I recommend any courses offered by anyone?  Did I not say that I had never invested in any courses or teaching tools?  Did I say anything good about Pro-active?  If you had read any of my previous posts, we would have known that I have been telling parents not to waste money on those courses.  I think I am a common enemy of Kumon, Pro-active, Letterland or the like.  Let me tell you - Frankenstein is well known expert in children literature.  She comes to Hong Kong once a year to deliver a few workshops.  Many of the attendees of her workshops are teachers teaching in international schools.  Many teachers have benefited from her workshops and actually use her reading list in their teaching.  The present situation is no different from a case where I invite you to a speech by a famous scholar, which is organised by Democratic Alliance For Betterment of Hong Kong (i.e. 民建聯, a political party that I am not fond of).  I am inviting you to the speech, and not asking you to join 民建聯.  Got it?

I have calmed down a bit (I did not realise that you are quite new here when I replied to your post.  I should have given you the benefit of misunderstandingg, and I apologise for the strong words in my previous post)   Let me say this - You are entitled to your opinion and it is up to you how you should do with your life, your kids and your money. But don't let yourself be blinded by prejudice or pride for that matter.

Have a nice weekend,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-18 11:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read


Did you teach her phonics? How can he recognize the words. My son who is around 3 now is also memorizing books. He can "read" some books, but I find out that he is only memorizing.

Is it interesting that kids can memorise so many words?  I (sort of) know phonics but I did not teach my girl phonics myself.  She learnt it at kindergaten.

As to how to teach kids to actually recognise the words, I just read to my girl over and over again.  I guess it is important to use the right materials.  There are books that are very good for this purpose.  For examples, Scholastic have published a few interesting storybooks that contain just a few words.  One is about a little monkey jumping around.  The words "in", "out", "up" and "down" apppear repeatedly throughout the book.  A kid should be able to recognise the words "in", "out", "up" and "down" after reading the book one or two times.  There are also books in the same series that work on colour and other things.  You should be able to find the Scholastic series from public libraries.  I got my set from 景行's warehouse in Fotan.  Call 景行 to find out the date of their next warehouse sale.  Their tel no. is 26874467 (Oh, almost forgot, I declare that this is not an ad, and I have no connection with 景行, bla bla bla...)


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-22 11:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

Dear Sandrine,

I no longer have the Frankenstein's books list but can, off hand, name a few on her list: The girl with 500 middle names, The firework maker's daughter and El Chino.  You may go to the website of HK Int. School and take a look of their recommended reading lists (it is hidden somewhere in the library section).  I understand that they have incorporated some of the books recommended by Frankenstein into their reading lists.  BTW, the library section of the HKIS's website is very well designed, and contain tons of useful information.  It's worth a visit.  

I also like this list: http://www.charactercounts.org/booklist1.htm

For younger kids, you may try the Berenstein Bears, Little Miss and Little Mr, Oxford Reading Tree, Math Start and so forth.  The Math Start are not like other math guidebooks.  They are excellent storybooks for kids in Kinder and lower primary.  For older kids, I will recommend almost anything by Shel Silverstein and Roald Dahl.  If your kid is also learning a musical instrument, don't miss the books by Margaret Keith (go to www.swstrings.com and search for Margaret Keith).  They may look a bit out of fashion, but they are VERY GOOD.  I have recommended them to a number of parents and everybody loves them.

I should add that I am not saying that one should follow these lists as if they were bible.  It is the passion for books that counts, not numbers.  All that you need to do is to make reading time an enjoyable moment in the evening.

Happy reading,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-23 17:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

Hi richsmart,

There are many titles in the Math Start series.  Do an Amazon search and you will get some ideas.  Don't forget to look for used items from the Amazon-linked book dealers.  I got a set of grade 3 from a 2nd hand books dealer at a good price.  You may also consider forming a reading club with other parents so that you can share the cost with others.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-23 17:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

Dear Judy,

Long time no see.  You may have a look of HKIS's reading lists: http://dragonnet.hkis.edu.hk/up/Accents/library/reading.htm
Your 阿二 is a girl, right?  Many girls love the Anne of Green Gables series the Babysitters club series.  I guess your girl will love them too.  Other books that I can think of at the moment include The Courage of Sarah Noble and Charlotte's web.  You should be able to find these books (and those on HKIS's lists) from public library.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-25 11:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

I actually know a couple who practised three languages with her girl at home (father spoke PTH all the time, mother English and the father's mum Cantonese).  The girl did not speak until 2 and a half when they, upon advice by a professional speechh therapist, gave up such practice.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-13 11:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Ability to Read

Hi CherylMum,

I was about to write something exactly the same.

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