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樓主: elvislam

認識播道書院更多 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-16 14:07 |顯示全部帖子


我的仔仔是P1.A 學生, 我見網上很多朋友想知更多關於播道書院的情況, 所以起了一個網站記錄發生的事情, 更希望大家可以到來交換教仔心得, 互相幫助. 網址是


Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-16 16:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

多謝, 我希望為大家做一點事, 交多班朋友, 學多一點點. 多多指教.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-16 16:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

多謝你, 我現在使用的是 WordPress, 一個 blog 的軟件, 可以支援所有用戶一同出文及分享檔案. 大家也可以自己寫日誌.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-16 17:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

其實這都是我其中一個目的, 可以令想認識播道的家長知得更多, 有任何需要想知, 即本開聲, 我想好多家長幫到手都會幫你的, 因為我地大家都好想間學校搞得有聲有色.[quote]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-16 17:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

多謝, 你個囡囡好 cute.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-17 00:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

Hi, You can start your editing by clicking "Write post". There's a "Upload/Browse/Browse All" tag pages if you scroll a bit more lower to the bottom.

You can upload your picture but it wouldn't reflect at the editing immediately. You have to select it and press the "Send to editor". The picture will be shown in the editor.

Try save and publish your blog post.

By the way, thanks for your trying.     

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-27 15:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-27 11:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

Hi William,

在 Wordpress 的官方網站清楚提到如果要安裝 Wordpress, 只需要配備以下條件:

PHP version 4.2 or greater (你可配合 Apache 安裝)
MySQL version 3.23.23 or greater

這些軟件是有 Windows 版本的, 我想你可成功安裝到.

Wordpress 安裝條件網頁:




Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-27 12:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多


>>林生及林太 寫道:
>>Nice to hear parents' voice on Sunday.
首先, 歡迎你加入我大們播道家庭.

>>1) As my son would join EC next year, we would like >>to know how many native English teachers and >>native Putonghua teachers are there in EC?
>>2) Have they started English dictation or phonic >>teaching, any IPA, etc.?

Nativ English Speaker 有幾位, 由 Ms Shum 帶領, 有機會你可以找她談談, 她發音很標準. 英文課程很扎實. 使用一套叫 "Backpack" 的教科書, 用外國小朋友的教材, 圖書方面會大量購入 schlastic 的 readers.

我觀察今年的小朋友都學得很好, 好接受, 假如你的小朋友是由英文幼稚園上的話會完全沒有問題.  Phonic 有教, 未到 IPA. 中文方面, 我會欣賞他的教學方式, 做到啟發小朋友思考中文字結構及創作. 起初會半隔雜廣東話和普通話教學, 讓小朋友適應.

>>3) What time is the school bus started to pick up >>children at Wong Tai Sin and when will it arrive back >>at Wong Tai Sin? Since the school ended at 4:00 >>p.m., is it too late for student living in Kowloon?
對不起, 我不太清楚校車情況. 因為我小朋友行路返學. :)

>>4) Is 50 mins a lesson too boring for P.1 students? >>Does it include the time for children to finish >>homework during the class?
暫時來看, 我都未有發現我小朋友覺得悶, 好愛返學, 病了都要返學, 我聽過好幾個家長都有相同經驗. 我諗因為佢地好喜歡學校老師, 佢地關係好好, 好有愛心.

>>5) How the lunch box...?
我試 scan 一份上來給你參考

>>6) Why there is no plan for swimming pool?
校長之前提過, 泳池使用率相對很低, 不如把金錢花費在其他更好的活動上, 但請放心, 這個校長過往有很豐富辨對外活動的經驗, 例如帶學生外出交流一類活動.

>>7) What is the stardard for the recent exam? Does >>the student meets the teacher's expectation?
今年的學生水準不錯, 中英文方面都比教師預期高.

>>Really excited to have more information and so glad >>to read the information from elvis.hk\blog.
多謝. 大家分享經驗, 集思廣益.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-27 12:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多


>>林生及林太 寫道:
>>Nice to hear parents' voice on Sunday.
首先, 歡迎你加入我大們播道家庭.

>>1) As my son would join EC next year, we would like >>to know how many native English teachers and >>native Putonghua teachers are there in EC?
>>2) Have they started English dictation or phonic >>teaching, any IPA, etc.?

Nativ English Speaker 有幾位, 由 Ms Shum 帶領, 有機會你可以找她談談, 她發音很標準. 英文課程很扎實. 使用一套叫 "Backpack" 的教科書, 用外國小朋友的教材, 圖書方面會大量購入 schlastic 的 readers.

我觀察今年的小朋友都學得很好, 好接受, 假如你的小朋友是由英文幼稚園上的話會完全沒有問題.  Phonic 有教, 未到 IPA. 中文方面, 我會欣賞他的教學方式, 做到啟發小朋友思考中文字結構及創作. 起初會半隔雜廣東話和普通話教學, 讓小朋友適應.

>>3) What time is the school bus started to pick up >>children at Wong Tai Sin and when will it arrive back >>at Wong Tai Sin? Since the school ended at 4:00 >>p.m., is it too late for student living in Kowloon?
對不起, 我不太清楚校車情況. 因為我小朋友行路返學. :)

>>4) Is 50 mins a lesson too boring for P.1 students? >>Does it include the time for children to finish >>homework during the class?
暫時來看, 我都未有發現我小朋友覺得悶, 好愛返學, 病了都要返學, 我聽過好幾個家長都有相同經驗. 我諗因為佢地好喜歡學校老師, 佢地關係好好, 好有愛心.

>>5) How the lunch box...?
我試 scan 一份上來給你參考

>>6) Why there is no plan for swimming pool?
校長之前提過, 泳池使用率相對很低, 不如把金錢花費在其他更好的活動上, 但請放心, 這個校長過往有很豐富辨對外活動的經驗, 例如帶學生外出交流一類活動.

>>7) What is the stardard for the recent exam? Does >>the student meets the teacher's expectation?
今年的學生水準不錯, 中英文方面都比教師預期高.

>>Really excited to have more information and so glad >>to read the information from elvis.hk\blog.
多謝. 大家分享經驗, 集思廣益.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-27 12:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

我所知道的, 我希望可以答到你.

備註: 對不起, 我不知系統發生了甚麼問題, 把我的 post 儲存了三次, 請見諒!

>>林生及林太 寫道:
>>Nice to hear parents' voice on Sunday.
首先, 歡迎你加入我們播道大家庭.

>>1) As my son would join EC next year, we would like >>to know how many native English teachers and >>native Putonghua teachers are there in EC?
>>2) Have they started English dictation or phonic >>teaching, any IPA, etc.?

Native English Speaker 有幾位, 由 Ms Shum 帶領, 有機會你可以找她談談, 她發音很標準. 英文課程很扎實. 使用一套叫 "Backpack" 的教科書, 用外國小朋友的教材, 圖書方面會大量購入 schlastic 的 readers.

我觀察今年的小朋友都學得很好, 好接受, 假如你的小朋友是由英文幼稚園上的話會完全沒有問題.  Phonics 有教, 未到 IPA. 中文方面, 我會欣賞他的教學方式, 做到啟發小朋友思考中文字結構及創作. 起初會半隔雜廣東話和普通話教學, 讓小朋友適應.

>>3) What time is the school bus started to pick up >>children at Wong Tai Sin and when will it arrive back >>at Wong Tai Sin? Since the school ended at 4:00 >>p.m., is it too late for student living in Kowloon?
對不起, 我不太清楚校車情況. 因為我小朋友行路返學. :)

>>4) Is 50 mins a lesson too boring for P.1 students? >>Does it include the time for children to finish >>homework during the class?
暫時來看, 我都未有發現我小朋友覺得悶, 好愛返學, 病了都要返學, 我聽過好幾個家長都有相同經驗. 我諗因為佢地好喜歡學校老師, 佢地關係好好, 好有愛心. 每日放學前有一堂做功課.

>>5) How the lunch box...?
我試 scan 一份上來給你參考

>>6) Why there is no plan for swimming pool?
校長之前提過, 泳池使用率相對很低, 不如把金錢花費在其他更好的活動上, 但請放心, 這個校長過往有很豐富辨對外活動的經驗, 例如帶學生外出交流一類活動.

>>7) What is the stardard for the recent exam? Does >>the student meets the teacher's expectation?
今年的學生水準不錯, 中英文方面都比教師預期高.

>>Really excited to have more information and so glad >>to read the information from elvis.hk\blog.
多謝. 大家分享經驗, 集思廣益.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-5 16:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

我覺得最大核心價值是老師很關心學生發展, 極有愛心. 接納學生做錯事, 主動找出學生心理問題及輔導改過. 不會只一味狂操學生成績, 見錯就罰, 摧毀學生心志, 小朋友很愛上學, 個個都很活潑可愛.

  :  :  : "做個好鄰舍!"  :  :  :

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-7 12:51 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 認識播道書院更多

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Sure. But I think it has a problem about the tense from the word problem questions. It keeps using present tense even if there were events in sequence. The worksheets from school were not bad.

jjmummy 寫道:
Hello!, It is nice to see this topic, my son is going to EC next year, i would like to ask something about EC, can you share.

1. Any native speaker in P1?
2. Any Mandarin lesson lesson in PI?
3. The Maths text book is English?

Thanks for sharing.

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