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Oxford Acceptances for 2013 entry (by type of qualification)

熱度 4已有 452 次閱讀 15-1-20 17:29 |系統分類:教育

Acceptances for 2013 entry

Type of qualification Offers Acceptances
A-level 2446 2240
A-level/Pre-U combination 113 109
Pre-U 23 23
International Baccalaureate 259 207
Scottish (Advanced Highers or Highers) 45 39
Singaporean SIPCAL 44 35
English Language requirement (as sole condition) 11 9
US APTs or SATs 37 20
Romanian Diploma de Bacaleaureat 14 12
German Abitur 20 18
French Baccalaureate (inc International Option) 8 7
Polish Matura 7 3
Irish Leaving Certificate 9 7
Dutch VWO 7 7
Australian ATAR/UAI 13 6
European Baccaleaureate 3 3
Hong Kong DSE 4 3
Other 167 152
Unconditional Offer 314 298
GRAND TOTAL 3544 3198






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回覆 HKTHK 15-1-21 10:01
From your other thread, looks like 59 students from HK got in. If only 4 of them are doing DSE, that must mean most of the rest are IB?
回覆 odelia_ho 15-1-21 15:02
59 are Cambridge acceptances and is not related to Oxford 4 offers.
They can't be compared.  And may be most of the students got offers are studying in the UK. Cambridge 59 didn't show from which exam board but Oxford 4 were from DSE.  But no shown of others, like, A-level, IB
回覆 slamai 15-1-22 09:52
Yes, Oxford and Cambridge acceptances can't be directly compared.  However, these figures should be roughly comparable.  I understand that most of the acceptances categorised under "Hong Kong" should be applicants taking A-level in UK.


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