littlestep80的個人空間分享 /?593516


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Is there any school bus to 西九龍? ... 1 2 嘉諾撒聖心學校私立部 35 8228 Kato88 17-12-31 02:31
想問小一一年考幾多次試? ... 1 2 嘉諾撒聖心學校私立部 28 4968 kin921 16-8-29 22:35
Anyone who has successfully get into St Paul's Convent but not from SPK or SPN? 聖保祿幼稚園 9 9506 dreamdream081 16-5-20 17:25
想問女仔多數去邊間中學? 拔萃小學 1 4128 nvitined 16-1-10 14:23
想報SPC幾時寫信好? 聖保祿學校(小學部) 9 5412 Gift@20100101 16-1-5 09:53
幾時收通知面試時間? 嘉諾撒聖心學校私立部 13 3800 winkychu 15-12-31 18:59
請問現在的校長以前在小學教邊科? 聖嘉勒小學 7 2396 agnesletgo 15-12-30 15:55
幾時開始學grammar? 幼教雜談 5 1018 leunghiy 15-11-9 17:57
請問幾時知道有沒有3rd interview?是收信的嗎? ... 1 2 聖士提反書院附屬小學 30 6649 kt_9 15-11-7 17:21
拔萃小學同宣小,會點揀? ... 1 2 小一選校 26 4806 apemama0188 15-10-25 15:28
想問有沒有人插K3呢? 聖保祿幼稚園 5 1818 Kafather 15-10-25 14:26
2nd Int 會係幾時? 保良局蔡繼有學校 4 2236 LL222 15-10-23 15:02
想問升中派位係咪同小一派位一樣程序? 小學雜談 6 888 hkpapa852 15-10-22 09:40
請問聖嘉勒收幾多外來生(唔係幼稚園升上去)? 聖嘉勒小學 2 2868 littlestep80 15-10-20 23:49
請問以往PN班幾時上網DOWNLOAD表格呢? 劍鳴幼稚園 2 958 littlestep80 14-8-12 00:04
Will most SPK students enter St Paul's Convent school? 聖保祿幼稚園 9 5915 axis 14-6-16 19:20
When will application begin (SPK)? 聖保祿幼稚園 1 1442 Ackl1002 13-8-26 14:17
Which primary schools do SC students normally go to? 國際英文幼稚園 6 1527 littlestep80 13-4-24 12:02
What is the difference between SPN and SPK? 聖保祿幼兒園 0 1597 littlestep80 13-4-20 00:45
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