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分享 14 Reasons Your Parents Are Lucky That You Are A DANCER!!
熱度 7 14-9-4 10:02
We know they might complain sometimes about the cost of your dance tuition so here is a list of reasons your parents should be thankful you are a DANCER! You have a unique sense of stye that is always ‘well put together’. You can draw from the experience of wearing the most unfortunate costumes ...
156 次閱讀|沒有評論
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熱度 20 14-7-21 14:22
識人不必探盡,探盡則多怨。 知人不必言盡,言盡則無友。 責人不必苛盡,苛盡則眾遠。 敬人不必卑盡,卑盡則少骨。 讓人不必退盡,退盡則路艱。 如何拿掐,至高學問。
個人分類: Talk|284 次閱讀|4 個評論

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