密      碼:


ANChan59: I am so glad to hear a few friends in EK, their kids got the IB offers from DBS..... Good luck and keep it going....
12-6-3 23:09 回覆
ANChan59: Congratulation to Chelsea FC
  • YY媽咪: 車仔由逆境可轉為順境, 這場比賽可帶出什麼是『運氣』和『毅力』.. 亦都可以証明波是圓呢!! (5-20 12:06)
  • ANChan59: 証明波是圓呢!! (5-20 17:01)
12-5-20 06:00 回覆
ANChan59: 親子時間 Championship Cup Final tonight.....02:30 Bayer Munich vs Chelsea FC
12-5-19 10:45 回覆
ANChan59: 通霄拉布,現場直播
12-5-17 00:36 回覆
ANChan59: Go to sleep a bit earlier tonight, as I need to drive my son to Asia World Expo for SAT examination. He really works hard this time...... Target 2000+
  • cowboymama: 祝令郎不單一分耕耘,一分收獲,更發揮超乎水準! (1-28 00:21)
  • ANChan59: Thanks my friend. So early and so many people..... (1-28 08:06)
12-1-27 23:27 回覆
ANChan59: 連續三年煮盤菜,今年最滿意....... 特別是蓮藕炆豬肉
  • cowboymama: Wow!蓮藕炆豬肉, my favourite!一朝早流哂口水添..... (1-25 09:44)
  • ANChan59: Yeh, my whole family loved that...... I cooked for 7 hours to make it. I should post a picture of the Poon Choi.... (1-25 10:18)
12-1-24 11:37 回覆
ANChan59: 歲晚收爐,買料準備煮盤菜......
  • cowboymama: 拜個早年!祝龍年龍馬精神!萬事勝意! (1-19 23:30)
  • ANChan59: Thanks, same to you and your family. (1-19 23:48)
12-1-19 19:40 回覆
ANChan59: Very tight margin.....
  • cowboymama: 剛看了蔡英文大選輸了時的演說(引自今天明報蔡子強的文章)。真動人!那種氣度令人敬佩!相比於香港的豬狼鬥,沒話說.....!! (1-19 23:20)
  • ANChan59: Both president candidates in TW are PhD in Law, years hand-on public administration experience before running the campaign. Different class compared with Pig & Wolf... (1-19 23:48)
  • cowboymama: Yes, fair comment! So sad Hongkonger!! (1-20 00:05)
12-1-14 16:22 回覆
ANChan59: Focus on Taiwan's President Election, very critical.....
  • ANChan59: Got the official letter for my doctoral degree,   ..... (1-14 11:58)
  • cowboymama: Wow!! Should address you Dr ANChan59 now in new post/reply? :) (1-19 23:11)
  • ANChan59: No la,  just a milestone and move on. (1-19 23:13)
  • cowboymama: No matter what, congratulation!! 為人父母,身教重於言教!向你學習!Your son must be proud of you! 究竟搏鬥了幾多年才過咗博士論文?還欠些什麽才可叫你Dr呢? (1-19 23:27)
  • ANChan59: Due to workload, business travel and run my own business, I took 10 years (including 5 years break) to complete the Dr. Eventually, I can use Dr title since 23rd Dec. Move on something else. (1-19 23:45)
  • cowboymama: Oh!明喇(Ha!Ha!英文不濟!)。橫跨十年,少點毅力都不成呀!Salute!! (1-19 23:55)
12-1-14 01:29 回覆
ANChan59: I am back....
  • cowboymama: How come you can be back on Black Friday!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! (1-13 22:57)
  • ANChan59: Ha, yes Black Friday... (1-13 23:14)
12-1-12 20:49 回覆
ANChan59: I am sick......
  • annie40: wishing you a speedy recovery (1-11 13:52)
  • ANChan59: Thanks annie40 (1-11 23:36)
  • cowboymama: cowboymama: Take care. Wish you have a good sleep and get well soon. (1-11 21:08)
  • ANChan59: Thanks cowboymama. (1-11 23:35)
12-1-11 00:43 回覆