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熱度 13已有 1097 次閱讀 12-5-19 10:06 |個人分類:Tips|系統分類:教育





1. 較外向,善於溝通,人源甚廣
2. 同理心,先聽後講,情理兼備
3. 持守專業,業務導向,事事雙贏
4. 龐大人脈網絡關係,進好攻,退可守
5. 除了善於管理公司資產,同時刻意經營自己的個人資產以便退休,狡兔三窟


多年經驗話我知,Transferable skills >>> Professional skills。







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回覆 Yanamami 12-5-19 10:10
All successful person possess the above attributes....
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 10:14
我以為妳一早笑我亂講...... 嚇得我

我做過一段時間 "乾收銀",跟d叻人一齊做事,都見不少.......
回覆 Yanamami 12-5-19 10:31
英雄所見略同. 在我blog中竟也提到叻學生都有某某特質, 並不是–味勤力就掂.  
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 10:32
Yanamami: 英雄所見略同. 在我blog中竟也提到叻學生都有某某特質, 並不是–味勤力就掂.   
Which blog you refer to?
回覆 Yanamami 12-5-19 10:35
The last para of 「微調」.
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 10:43
I see.
回覆 cherubic 12-5-19 10:55
All sucessful persons need to work extremely hard.  Not hardworking, but extremely hardworking.
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 10:59
cherubic: All sucessful persons need to work extremely hard.  Not hardworking, but extremely hardworking.
Yes, of course. I just quoted some attributes as example only.

Language proficiency is another attribute.
回覆 HY412 12-5-19 11:06
第5點較難同一時間處理, 通常佢地已經視工作已是自己生意, 好難分心再 "同時刻意經營自己的個人資產以便退休" , 對嗎?
回覆 ChiChiPaPa 12-5-19 11:16
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 11:29
HY412: 第5點較難同一時間處理, 通常佢地已經視工作已是自己生意, 好難分心再 "同時刻意經營自己的個人資產以便退休" , 對嗎? ...
I won't say exclusive, can be parallel.
回覆 HY412 12-5-19 11:33
即係一面打工, 一面部署另一檔事業??
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 11:33
ChiChiPaPa: 不過,我覺得以上的說法,已對「成功」下了某些定義。尤其是第五點。
That's not my intention, if you look back the original post I listed as above, you may know why I say so.

My doctoral research related to critical success factors on certain context, I know it's difficult to define. I won't use it causally.

My intention just reflect why someone will be laid off in certain scenario easier than others. Then, I elaborate my observations only, nothing related to "CSF".
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 11:38
HY412: 即係一面打工, 一面部署另一檔事業??
I got you......

No, I saw many CFO put their savings in fixed deposit and bonds, not fully utilize their financial resources effectively. "同時刻意經營自己的個人資產以便退休"

Personally, I won't suggest to set up another business while you are full time working for a company, no matter with or without conflict of interest.
回覆 HY412 12-5-19 11:42
"Personally, I won't suggest to set up another business while you are full time working for a company, no matter with or without conflict of interest."

明白喇, 幾驚你回答"是" ...    , 好彩...
回覆 Yanamami 12-5-19 11:48
ANChan59: I got you......

No, I saw many CFO put their savings in fixed deposit and bonds, not fully utilize their financial resources effectively. "同時 ...
以$搵$, 未必人人有好眼光&時間.....我對Fund manager又無乜好感.
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 11:54
If you interested in funds, go for ETF, also using on-line trade to reduce the cost.

I bought funds for some years, i gave up and just focus ETF and local stocks for part of my portfolio.
回覆 MacMa 12-5-19 12:37
cherubic: All sucessful persons need to work extremely hard.  Not hardworking, but extremely hardworking.
I remember that my teacher told me years ago : work hard is not enought, so we need to work hard + work smart.
回覆 Yanamami 12-5-19 12:42
ANChan59: If you interested in funds, go for ETF, also using on-line trade to reduce the cost.

I bought funds for some years, i gave up and just focus ETF and  ...
唉! 識鬼咩?
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 13:01


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