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Book of Twentieth Century Speeches

熱度 8已有 459 次閱讀 12-5-16 13:16 |個人分類:Parenting|系統分類:教育

I quoted the wrong book and I double confirmed with my son yesterday. The detail info as follow:
Book of Twentieth Century Speeches, Brian MacArthur (Penguin)

I bought this book years ago in business trip in a US book store, after I finished that I introduced it to my son two years ago. He didn't read it and left it in the book shelf for sometime.

Last weekend, my wife told me that he picked up the book and start to read. He started to discuss the speeches' content and context with my wife, he enjoyed that very much. 

I am so glad he starts to read this book, easy to read but the content is inspirational, if he knows more the background of the speeches, he will have in depth understanding of the speeches and why they are great speeches, like John Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, Winston Churchill, Gandhi ......

My time or his time, my way or his way. I need more patience and time for him to explore and make the decision, just as simple as when to read the right book ......






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回覆 annie40 12-5-16 14:33
我也是类似的经验, 买本好书推荐给孩子, 她未必即时有兴趣, 摆在书柜一年半载, 竟然又会拿来看, 说是'好书', 因此好书还是要留多些在家'看门口', 超值!
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-16 16:26
Which book you refer to?
回覆 Yanamami 12-5-16 16:34
大Y小時我教她踏單車, 失敗收場.  7歲那年她自學成功.  4 1/2歲時讓細Y學游泳, 不果. 翌年再學, 同一教練, 10天內學成三式(初學基本動作而又游到10m).  我明白了.  有些事, 急不來.
回覆 lillymarie 12-5-16 21:40
回覆 cowboymama 12-5-16 22:41
annie40: 我也是类似的经验, 买本好书推荐给孩子, 她未必即时有兴趣, 摆在书柜一年半载, 竟然又会拿来看, 说是'好书', 因此好书还是要留多些在家'看门口', 超值! ...
係呀!我都係敢嫁!有時買定啲書守門口,如Daniel Kahneman的Thinking, fast and slow好幾個月前書局新到賣9折,放到現在囝仔才拿來看!(唉!最近三聯竟然賣7折!蝕本了!)

又或甚至在公立圖書館借,可借十個星期,趁佢冇書看就偷襲,尤其早上返學唔夠時間慢慢揀書出門,係敢hard sell,好睇嫁好睇嫁...敢就又塞咗一本guns, germs and steel 比佢喇!
回覆 cowboymama 12-5-16 22:54
早些時候則見三聯有賣類似此題目的中英文對照+導讀,上下兩大冊,另有原本speeches的audio CD,台灣??出版社,好像也不錯。當時嫌大部頭阻訂,屋企細又書多,打消了念頭....
回覆 One-Mama 12-5-16 23:23
孩子能在家長創迼的優良環境下健康成長, 吸收一定的知識及價值觀. 是福氣也是典範!
回覆 annie40 12-5-17 13:14
其实我们成人读者也是一样, 未开个头睇, 对不孰悉的作者和题材有D抗拒, 如果是好书, 看过几页, 就愈看愈有味道的, 跟住梗系hard sell比阿女, 开头又矮又墰,然后佢落左搭, 反而哀求我搜寻相同作者的系列.  是风水轮流转吧, 几好玩.
回覆 lillymarie 12-5-17 14:25
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-17 14:29
Like the second one, let me check it out tonight.
回覆 annie40 12-5-18 12:39
ANChan59: Which book you refer to?
哗! 唔记得甘多.  例如:catcher in the rye, 1421 : The Year China Discovered the World , dan brown , simon singh 等

小女小时候要跟爸爸背朗 一些Martin Luther King, and Churchill speeches,  However, she doesn't like to read 'The World's Greatest Speech'.  Perhaps she will change later.  And I need to buy one.
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 09:06
annie40: 哗! 唔记得甘多.  例如:catcher in the rye, 1421 : The Year China Discovered the World , dan brown , simon singh 等

小女小时候要跟爸爸背朗 一些Martin L ...

I just update the correct name of the book.
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-19 09:06
I just updated the name of the book.
回覆 cowboymama 12-5-20 20:53
離題一問,見阿仔下學期LS教Western History- Renaissance, French Revolution etc,常上wikipedia找資料,Science科亦如是。但Wikipedia一說不大準確,會否訂閱 online Encyclopedia Britannica較好,好像一年約$600,值不值得呢?或是有否其他好介紹?
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-21 16:29
On top of Wiki, he can search for other sites related to history or science to double confirm the validity of the content(s). Also, his text books are also as reference.

My opinion, no need to subscribe.
回覆 cowboymama 12-5-21 16:51
Many thanks! Take your advice and explore more related and free websites first.


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