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Observation of DBS

熱度 3已有 1163 次閱讀 12-3-1 16:44 |個人分類:DBS|系統分類:教育|關鍵詞:DBS donation homework social classes

My observations and sharing from my son:

1. DBS boys have wide range of social classes’ family background. In general, most kids are smart and excel in certain areas, academic, sports or music etc; they are no need to boast his family background. But some will talk about their family backgrounds, all depend on their attitude, if too high profile and will get into trouble......... teased by other kids. One of my son's very good friends in class, his father was a Legco member; they seldom talked about it, until my son worked on the project in his friend's home.

2. Sometimes, boys will come to our home for projects, no matter live at Tin Shui Wai or Mid-levels are more or less the same, polite, have self-esteem and self-confidence. They respect and treasure theDBS brand.

3. Parents may be more troublesome to compare the performance of different students. From my limited knowledge, they will check your boys in which classes (D,P,S or not), where you will send your son for university? What program he will take? I only involved in limited school events, they don't bother me.

4. DBS has reasonable homework loading, but the teachers won't push them too much like other schools. Even your son don't hand in his works, teachers won't call you and remind you to follow up your kid. I only knew the situation after receiving the report card, as his overall marks lower than the examination mark (CA count for 20~25%). It only happens in G7-G8, from G9 onward, boys will work harder to get into better NSS streams or IB. I will treat this as learning process.

5. I watched a video from DBS in 2007, the ending is "Good boys, bad boys, all DBS boys". DBS takes the best of the best, even some boys in traditional schools may classify as "Bad". "Bad" means not perfect enough only...... ANNIEYY summarised that most DBS boys are elites, the exception may be come from DBSPD boys are correct.

6. Another common question is donation, we receive 2-3 donation request letters every year. We donated and turned down some requests, no one will follow up from the school, my son and his classmates won't talk about it in school and won't list it out who donate how much in the notice board .......... 

In last week end, a friend of mine, her boy got full scholarship from DBS because of music and excellent academic results. She also raised similar questions. I asked her how come you got these questions, she said from BK and other forums or from different parents. I asked her that those parent's boys are inDBS or not, but she told me that none of them......... 

I also reminded her the expectation management issue...... Her son is top student in primary school, but in DBS or other elite schools, he will be still top student or just in the middle-rank. If he is in the middle of the form, he is fine and will out-perform other students, no need for tuition.






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