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Research Method & Critical Analysis

熱度 6已有 736 次閱讀 12-2-29 23:10 |個人分類:Tips|系統分類:教育|關鍵詞:research method & critical thinking

Years ago, I enrolled a research program with my wife, so that I can match with her intellectually, if not she will dump me . In the program, I learnt the research method to find, narrow down, expand, useful info from internet and other academic journals and books. I master that after a couple years, particularly how to reach theoretical saturation quickly (Like diminishing return, up to certain point, I can't gain more insights from further research.). I also apply that in my business , marketing and technology research, I am very comfortable to draw conclusion and gather useful info effectively and efficiently.

My friends or fans may know my son is studying IB, my wife and I can teach him in Extended Essay, in terms of information research, literature review, critique, gap analysis, research problem etc...... Another parenting exercise.

I also learnt some basic method to search facts and correct reference. In EK, so many here-say merged with bias and frustrations, full of negative energy. I always ask a question to seek for reference to chase the origin of the comment, from my unscientific observations, over 50% without any reference and support. Unfortunately, even reporters and editors in HK repeated the same mistake nowadays. I am so glad to acquire this skill, so that I can screen suitable info, then, analyses the facts, draw some themes and findings from the mountain of info......

I like to chase the original document or reference, after reading that, i can see some parents draw a wrong conclusions from the documents, even some experienced web pal made similar mistakes.

In critical analysis, my business partner discovered that years ago, he told me that I always analyse problems and info in certain format....... Then, I understand that I will group info and facts in some patterns, like chronological order, direction, cause and effect relationship etc....... that what I learnt from a presentation workshop, called "Think on your feet". http://www.axzopress.com/downloads/pdf/1560521171.pv.pdf and another program call "Pyramid Principle" http://personal.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/T.Windeatt/word_bkp/ee3pem2.pdf . Those management programs eventually sharpen my analytic skills years by years.

The coming summer, I will train my son and my staff to master this two skills and practice in studying and management.






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回覆 ZZdaphne 12-3-1 00:11
Improving writing skills--有點似阿女LS的功課...
回覆 ANChan59 12-3-1 00:16
The two pdf can assist your daughter to present ideas, themes clearly and precisely.

I like "Think on your feet" particularly.
回覆 Yanamami 12-3-1 07:51
Thanks ANChan, I'll spend some time on reading them.
回覆 chunyatmama 12-3-1 16:48
Thanks ANChan.  I enjoy reading your post and blog.
回覆 vincher 12-3-4 00:54
看完你的分享,獲益不少 ,謝謝!


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