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熱度 20已有 1974 次閱讀 12-6-11 15:13 |個人分類:IB and Pre-IB|系統分類:教育





今次預備考試,他好早作準備,盡快搞掂 Lab Reports, Essay, etc。然後按進度溫習,跟著做past papers,有些做8年,有些做12年,前兩日開始溫第3次,希望唔失準,今次考試發揮正常,成績直接影響佢既PG,失手之話,可大可小。前兩日佢都講,感受到很大的壓力,我地都鼓勵他及全家一齊祈禱


2-3星期前,他們分工將12paper Econ Definition 匯總,分門別類,方便記憶及溫習。前幾日,有些數學題目唔識做,十幾人響fb交流,最後做到答案,他同我講既時候十分興奮。


我都試過問d DBS舊生,點解部份學生咁齊心,一齊用心讀書,互相幫助,他們的答案是對手在校外,唔係在校內,可以排隊一齊入大學。









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回覆 dicdic888 12-6-12 09:06
ANChan59: Some of DBS cultures are impressive.
But their girls' counterpart are a complete different world...
competition, frustration, depression throughout each exams
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-12 10:26
dicdic888: But their girls' counterpart are a complete different world...
competition, frustration, depression throughout each exams
I mentioned only some of them have team spirit, but not all of them. Competition always presents, school is a mini society.
回覆 lillymarie 12-6-12 11:23
諗起大學時那些LS/DBS來的同學們又真是頗團結,他們好像有個motto: work hard, play hard. 玩得好顛,但亦讀得好顛。臨近考試就見他們一起“抽書”,當然,這亦是系內的傳統智慧。
回覆 annie40 12-6-12 11:38
One-Mama: 預祝你囝囝及隊友們, 唔只"排隊一齊入大學", 係大學排隊收佢地!

每次考試後, 我囡例牌話'OK啦', 跟住比D時間佢, 慢慢再吐蛛絲馬跡, 我都比佢嚇大. 算 ...

小女也是这样的, 话OK, 我通常要扮cool, 唔会追问下去的. 负责的人, 一般成绩颇好,
回覆 Sumyeema1 12-6-12 13:53
回覆 One-Mama 12-6-12 14:39
ANChan59: Don't worry, you will....
回覆 One-Mama 12-6-12 14:56
annie40: One-mama,

小女也是这样的, 话OK, 我通常要扮cool, 唔会追问下去的. 负责的人, 一般成绩颇好,
責任心可以成為動力, 希望亞囡咪只有牛力. ok力...我都係望佢夠分檻入大學就於願足矣, 始終自己知自己事ma.

得閒睇下ANChan59既blog(唔係亦唔使我賣廣告), 令我憧憬下佢囝囝自動波兼開左turbo轉入直路, 真爽!  
回覆 dicdic888 12-6-12 16:08
ANChan59: I mentioned only some of them have team spirit, but not all of them. Competition always presents, school is a mini society.
Apart from the difference in boys and girls nature, it seems the characters of the leader also made the difference... your leader created a more open and freedom environment and stimulate thru' encouragement, i believe # sir will follow this good culture in future...
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-12 18:28
dicdic888: Apart from the difference in boys and girls nature, it seems the characters of the leader also made the difference... your leader created a more open  ...
I think so.....
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-12 18:36
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-12 22:04
ANChan59: 阿仔昨晚溫數學到凌晨0200,今天早上0710出門考試,考完後給我倆email。是喜訉,昨日的憂慮一掃而空,明日考化學及中文,搞定化學一切好辦。可能失分只有中英文 ...
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-12 22:08
May be, definitely not coming 12 months.

He is a very good tutor, but very high hourly rate. 5% to him, 95% for me.
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-12 22:41
ANChan59: May be, definitely not coming 12 months.

He is a very good tutor, but very high hourly rate. 5% to him, 95% for me.
呢d濕濕碎la.  You should defer your satisfaction and wait for him to become a surgeon, then you gain more.
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-12 23:03
Yanamami: 呢d濕濕碎la.  You should defer your satisfaction and wait for him to become a surgeon, then you gain more.
I am not sure he can make it or not, the competition is very very keen......

Even graduated, he may focus on healthcare policy instead of professional practice......
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-12 23:07
Healthcare policy要做d乜架?  人口老化, 我以為老人科會吃香添.....
回覆 Snakemama 12-6-13 00:18
ANChan59: May be, definitely not coming 12 months.

He is a very good tutor, but very high hourly rate. 5% to him, 95% for me.
Super super Manager!
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-13 00:38
Yanamami: Healthcare policy要做d乜架?  人口老化, 我以為老人科會吃香添.....
He prefers to formulate Policy and Strategies of Medical and or Healthcare Services in HK, like Food and Health Bureau.
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-13 07:54
ANChan59: He prefers to formulate Policy and Strategies of Medical and or Healthcare Services in HK, like Food and Health Bureau.
等佢....希望我有得受惠.  Australia個medicare system都幾好, 但醫生可能唔會發達.
回覆 peaceandlove 12-6-13 10:28
Yanamami: Healthcare policy要做d乜架?  人口老化, 我以為老人科會吃香添.....
Yanamami 你講得好對,老人科係 HA 係最難請人的
回覆 MacMa 12-6-13 10:43
ANChan59: He prefers to formulate Policy and Strategies of Medical and or Healthcare Services in HK, like Food and Health Bureau.
Your son is so smart!  The one formulate policy is always better than the one should follow and struggle with assigned policy, especially doctor needs to face lots of challenges and pressure from patient, ridiculous policy from HA nowaday...


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