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DBS – 為何由高增值變低增值???

熱度 9已有 3279 次閱讀 12-6-10 17:16 |個人分類:DBS|系統分類:教育

ChiChiPaPa經常用表列在帖子或日誌,將部分學校不同內容重點作比較,最近力作以中學的增值部份資料。正如Yanimami所講,我對升中及中學資料遠遠比唔上很多家長,所以不敢妄下斷語。只能嘗試以CSI的手法談談DBS為何在小學中英數都 ”Excellent”淪落到低增值的地步,奇怪家長點解還排長龍去申請,差不多20:1的比率…….


ChiChiPaPa 的相關日誌:

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=35057&do=blog&id=1027 [選小學]

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=35057&do=blog&id=1083 [中學的增值資料(部份)]


由於ChiChiPaPa 的相關日誌對拔萃的相關評價來自DBS – Comprehensive Review Report,若果我要評論,應該讓大家看看原文,才好作出討論,不然公說公有理,婆說婆有理。http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_7321/dbs.pdf




Chapter 5 Student Performance


l   Students have a positive self image. They are confident and have a high sense of achievement. They are also competitive and have strong drives to strive for excellence.  Students, on the whole, have a positive attitude towards learning. Primary students are self-motivated and eager to learn, demonstrating patience and perseverance in tackling challenging learning tasks. 


l   Students are pleasant and helpful. They enjoy school life and are proud of being a member of the school. Student leaders, such as prefects and club chairpersons, are responsible and presentable. They have a strong sense of commitment and those in the SD demonstrate good leadership skills in organizing various ECA. For the most part, students demonstrate good social and interpersonal skills and enjoy harmonious relationships with teachers and peers. However, the self-discipline and self-management of some students needs to be enhanced so that they have, and demonstrate, greater respect for others and become more cooperative.


l   Primary students’ assessment results in Chinese, English and Mathematics are excellent, with the performance of KS 2 students being relatively better. Among the three subjects, students perform best in English.


l   In the past three years, the percentages of students with 14 or more points in the best six subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) were higher than the territory averages. In comparison with schools with similar S1 intake, the school performed barely satisfactorily in the HKCEE for the past three years and the performance was slightly below the expected level. In the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination, the percentages of students in the school awarded the minimum entrance requirements for local degree courses were well above the territory averages over the past three years.


l   Students are enthusiastic in taking part in various ECA organised by the school. They are also keen to participate in a wide range of inter-school activities, including academic, sports, music, drama and verse speaking, achieving impressive results. For example, primary students show particular interest in science and gain excellent results in many science competitions. Students’ performance in sports and music is particularly outstanding. They consistently achieve very good results in interschool sports competitions. For example, last year the school won the Gold Medal in the Kowloon East Region Primary Schools Sports Award and the championship in the Bauhinia Bowl Award for boys schools in Hong Kong. Some athletically talented students are selected to represent Hong Kong in international sports events. Students participate actively in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and are awarded numerous prizes in many events.  In particular, the SD won the Most Outstanding School Award and the Best Choir in 2006-07. The DBS school choir has entered international music competitions and sustained excellent results for many years.


Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks


6.2    Learning and Teaching


l   In order to further promote the pedagogy associated with the major concerns, there needs to be a systematic whole-school programme of peer lesson observation, perhaps based on the current pattern in the Primary Division. With agreed focuses and post observation discussion, this would help to achieve a consistent and shared approach to teaching which encourages, for example, greater student independence and self-responsibility in learning.  

l   Given its commitment to addressing the diverse needs of students, the school should review its provision for learner differences. Organisational measures, including remedial classes and the new extension class at G7 in the Secondary Division and analysis of learning styles in the Primary division, should be complemented by classroom strategies, such as the use of more graded questions and differentiated tasks, to better match students’ abilities. There is a need, in the Secondary Division, for more attention to be given to provision for the academically more able students, leading to higher expectations and a greater degree of challenge to fully develop their potential.







要留意增值指標的局限性,你會明白點解DBS覺得增值指標,未能全面展示學生的能力及非學業成就,而教育局也知,所以唔想學校公佈,除了每年為友好學校買廣告。如想知道那些學校被善待,只需要在google 尋找"增值指標" ,你就明白增值指標為那些直資學校而設....








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回覆 Yanamami 12-6-10 18:00
在我看來Quote and unquote那段都很general, 很多學校也會這樣寫....
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-10 18:06
Yanamami: 在我看來Quote and unquote那段都很general, 很多學校也會這樣寫....
Pls read again, as the highlight not reflected when copy to the blog.
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-10 21:19
"In comparison with schools with similar S1 intake, the school performed barely satisfactorily in the HKCEE for the past three years and the performance was slightly below the expected level." 你講呢句?
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-10 21:36
Read those remarks in red more important than blue. ChiChiPaPa only refers to blue remarks.
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-10 22:22
我就係話好多學校都有寫紅色字果部份, 但藍色字就少見.....你又俾刺激到呀?
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-10 22:26
Yanamami: 我就係話好多學校都有寫紅色字果部份, 但藍色字就少見.....你又俾刺激到呀?
Tell me which school(s) you refer to.

I see more in BLUE and not in RED.
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-10 22:34
higher than territory averages唔係太難掛.
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-10 22:39
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-10 22:49
Believe in yourself la. 你覺得DBS係好, 咪就係好囉.  唔洗理人點睇喎.....果個YWGS vs HTC post, 我覺得TWGS>HTC架.  So what? HTC o岩我女多d嘛.  你囝禁叻仔, DBS係高/低增值對佢無乜影響.  正如HTC家下得70%入 local U, 差過好多學校(一樣higher than territory averages喎....), 人地話佢唔夠其他學校好, no hard feelings喎.  第日你囝做左大國手, 理得人家講乜呢?  人地華仁仔/ SPC夠成日俾人話唔掂當la.  咪一樣proud of自己母校?
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-10 23:13

妳講得對,DBS 既增值指標對我係無意思架。唔想d家長俾人騙,係EDB,唔係ChiChiPaPa,佢引述時無提增值指標的局限性及問題。


Nothing to proud of...... It's cheating.....
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-10 23:23
事關我好少理呢d野....    成日覺得Kln Tong d樓升極總有個譜, 一万蚊尺升到二万蚊尺都係50%, 但新界北由三千幾升到九千就係高增值la.  但我又唔會去果邊買校.......我傻下傻下架.
回覆 manmanchubb 12-6-11 01:13
thanks for sharing, very useful
回覆 Snakemama 12-6-11 01:28
回覆 peaceandlove 12-6-11 01:37
我猜政府有些人比較閒,搞d東西出來自娛或另有陰謀吧 @@
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-11 06:47

我覺得唔係得閒咁簡單。所以我先講要CSI 式分析。
回覆 kym 12-6-11 11:32
睇唔明D指標同份報告. 夠境點樣計有冇增值?
回覆 kym 12-6-11 11:51
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-11 12:09
kym: 99分去到100分係咪算低增值?
EDB didn't clarify how to calculate the value-added index, only explain the general principle.

Of course, Band 3 schools' room for improvement should be higher according to diminishing return.

My CSI logic will be as follow:

1. The first batch DSS schools are left-wing schools like Pooi Kiu, Heung Tao, Hon Wah.........

2. Better students won't go there.

3. If come up something like value-added indicator, most of them are the front runners of this indicators, so......

4. After running the pilot scheme for years, positive indication for those schools, then release to the public and then for other schools as reference. if the results the same as MOI, EDB dropped it years ago.

5. khmama using a mixed academic indicators (HKCEE, distinction 7 credits per students and EAS numbers), much better than just using HKCEE - 6 subjects 14 points as only indicator. Using a better indicator may expose the weakness of those schools.

6. Fanny Law also emphasized that "Education not just for Score", but the value-added indicator just single mind focus on the 14 points in 6 subjects in HKCEE.

7. Interesting, the Principal of Pooi Kiu complained the HKDSE will messed up the indicator and may affect their record on high value-added indicator for a decade .......

8. ..........
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-11 12:15
Some parents will say, also DGS and Heep Yen is on the list as well, it's fair. they are on the list is by chance.

You can check it out a local elite school, Cheung Chuk San has more than 30 years all 100% students are Chinese, English and Math passed in HKCEE (I just checked, not 100% now only 99%), 100% get into universities. Their credit and distinction % in HKCEE even higher than most schools' passing rate per subject, any promotion for their high value-added......... ?????

回覆 Yanamami 12-6-11 15:19
"Of course, Band 3 schools' room for improvement should be higher according to diminishing return.

My CSI logic will be as follow:

1. The first batch DSS schools are left-wing schools like Pooi Kiu, Heung Tao, Hon Wah.........

2. Better students won't go there."


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