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分享 11 insights that can help you learn anything faster
熱度 5 ANChan59 18-2-17 23:30
11 insights that can help you learn anything faster Chris Weller -BusinessInsider Kids can and should practice theskill of learning if they want a fighting chance at fulfilling all those lofty goals their parents set for them. But some people keep studyi ...
個人分類: Tips|501 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Corporate Values
熱度 15 ANChan59 14-2-8 22:54
Doing business in God's way Doing business in a moral and ethical way. Putting our religious beliefs into practice. Integration of our business and our Christian ministry Building an ethos of dedication to the needs of others and contributing to the satisfaction and growth of all individu ...
個人分類: Tips|271 次閱讀|8 個評論
分享 婚姻
熱度 30 ANChan59 13-10-18 19:34
娶一個美女,只是一個男人的本能,讓妻子變得美麗自信,這才是一 個男人的本事。 嫁一個成功的男人只能證明這個女人找到了寶藏,幫自己的男人變得 越來越成功,卻能證明這個女人本身就是寶藏。 好的 婚姻 是通過造就對方來成就自己,不好的婚姻是 ...
個人分類: Tips|779 次閱讀|36 個評論
分享 聽讀寫講
熱度 22 ANChan59 12-12-30 00:11
越看得多大法、真言,再看看不同語文考試,評估都環繞能力測試, 所以要同時做好聽讀寫講,就算不是短期,肯定是中長期的目標。 單是消閒的閱讀,傾向興趣,多方吸收知識,但不要忽略其他媒體。 再進一步,讀萬卷書不如行萬里路,知識,人情世故,文物歷史, 文化,......... 非常精彩! ************ 引發 ...
個人分類: Tips|1447 次閱讀|61 個評論
分享 Just reading, not good enough!
熱度 19 ANChan59 12-12-27 01:11
XXX I would like to address the importance of book report is equal important as reading........ In BK, tooemphasison reading may overlook writing and need to integrate both to achieve language proficiency. Writing has different styles, di ...
個人分類: Tips|1197 次閱讀|30 個評論

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