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分享 高分低能 - are good grades enough?
熱度 7 whitepenguin 13-7-18 00:50
Two dozen interns this summer- all hand-picked and with smashing CVs. Good universities, good grades, good experiences. That is, on paper. We had difficulty picking even one for traineeship. It seems that despite our blood and sweat in developing our children, there are still thin ...
207 次閱讀|8 個評論
分享 Asking our children to fulfil our dreams- is it fair?
熱度 6 whitepenguin 13-7-15 11:42
Every yearI ask interns/trainees a standard question- why do you want to bea lawyer? 99.9% of them have been drilled to tackle this question by telling you how passionate they are about law, how interesting the law is, etc etc etc. After securing a train ...
247 次閱讀|11 個評論
分享 Teachers and tutors
熱度 3 whitepenguin 13-3-14 08:21
Hadan interesting conversation with a friend of mine on "teachers and tutors". Sheopined that teachersare more professional and care more for students. Having worked at both a school and a tutoring centre- I responded that it was a rather biased view and that it really ...
201 次閱讀|1 個評論