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熱度 6已有 933 次閱讀 22-11-15 09:58 |系統分類:教育

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其實學校成績(或者係話progress report)係好詳盡,每科每個老師有評分同一大段評語。每科老師對每個學生嘅每處好同唔好都會講,有咩地方需要特別跟進,佢哋會點做,全部寫晒落去。香港學校冇得比。


第一段係佢academic tutor嘅評語。每個學生都有一個獨立嘅academic tutor會每個禮拜見面一次傾半個鐘,所以有咩甩漏好容易執到。

"Put plainly, (Z's) set of subject reports are the best I have seen in my fifteen years of teaching. It seems he is managing to go above and beyond the syllabus in all his subjects while retaining his charm, politeness and friendliness. Even these reports do not paint the full picture and I am always astonished to find out, in our weekly tutor chats, what new academic project he has undertaken, whether learning Turkish or Cambridge undergraduate-level Physics. He has had a fantastic term and I look forward to seeing what's next from him."

第二段係佢house master嘅評語。House master負責睇住啲仔嘅起居飲食住宿生活鄰里關係,平時有冇曳,同啲同學有冇拗撬就睇House master喇。

"Once again, I have been kept amused by (Z's) surreal imagination and his delightfully subversive humour. He loves to play with ideas and it is impossible not to get caught up in his inventiveness and fathomless curiosity. He is wonderfully generous with his intellect – everyone benefits, staff and students, from their interactions with him."







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回覆 Yanamami 22-11-15 19:35
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-15 19:39
Yanamami: Turkish.....真厲利。
回覆 Yanamami 22-11-15 19:50
beastiebistro: 因為有個老死係土耳其裔,阿媽係英國註土耳其大使。請佢去土耳其過暑假...
咁都有啲原因學,我就奇怪點解無端端會諗住學Turkish 咁冷門。
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-15 19:55
Yanamami: 咁都有啲原因學,我就奇怪點解無端端會諗住學Turkish 咁冷門。
回覆 Yanamami 22-11-15 19:56
beastiebistro:    未至於冇嘢揾嘢嚟搞。最新消息係學間羅馬尼亞文,因為又有個老死約佢返鄉下睇演唱會...
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-15 19:57
Yanamami: 睇怕佢第日可以做外交官,唔做嘥哂。
回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 01:27
男拔 IB 的 academic report 都幾詳盡。
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-16 08:22
ANChan59: 男拔 IB 的 academic report 都幾詳盡。
有啲老師又會分析吓佢長處,跟住就「說」佢(我)應該A level應該揀嗰科,例如啲外文/古文/理科/數學老師
仲有就係另外有Academic tutor同埋House master嘅學術外評語,淨係睇晒消化晒都要半個鐘...
回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 09:56
beastiebistro: 阿仔未讀到IB,所以唔敢講,不過我估始終都爭啲啲。
一嚟GCSE讀十科,仲有校本(但唔考試)嘅科,每個老師都一大篇評語。就算阿仔咁,基本上都算有讚冇彈,但係 ...
係不能全面比較,我只是指出男拔IB有類似安排,因為有一個平台給家長 (好似叫Megbag) 可以看到每科進度、成績、特長及可以改善的地方。Academic report from academic tutor 較概括性。

因為J 冇寄宿,所以冇咗 House Master 那部份,我猜如果有寄宿,有可能有更全面更立體的反饋給學生及家長。

回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 10:04
An Example :

English A HL Language and literature (Grade 11)
Mr. Leo Zen
J’s improving performance in the course is largely due to careful preparation and a strategic approach to his examinations and assessments. He has become very receptive to feedback and suggestions for ways to improve, and is proactive in his efforts to correct his past mistakes. He is still hindered at times by his need for a “prescribed” or model response with which to follow. A more personal engagement with the texts would lead to responses and interpretations that can achieve the highest marks. This of course has to be communicated with fluency, precise vocabulary and cohesive organization. With continued practice, J will most assuredly continue to improve in all of these areas.
回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 10:05
Mathematics HL (Grade 11)
Mr. Vladimir Plačkić, Mr. Malcolm Drew

Through your much improved approach to studying mathematics you managed to considerably improve your grades as well. Your exam performance was great, especially in Paper 1. You should strengthen your skills of graph sketching (including the general theory of functions), complex numbers. You should also master the use of a GDC in Paper 2. This will further free up your time and reduce calculation errors.
回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 10:09
Advisor Comments

The second term for J has been about hard work and determination resulting in an exemplary performance. All the targets that were set at the end of the first term were met and then some. What J did that was so vital to his great improvement was to focus on work hard on specific areas that needed attention and throughout the whole term, never forgot what they were.

His next goal will no doubt include maintaining what he has achieved and solidifying his level 7 status which he was able to attain in many of his subjects. Keep up the good work.
回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 10:13
係冇咁深入,但比起NSS好很多了,起碼我知道多咗J 的進度及改善空間。

當然 J 在學術及待人處事冇 Z 咁突出,你係值得為 Z 驕傲,keep it up.
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-16 10:29
ANChan59: 係不能全面比較,我只是指出男拔IB有類似安排,因為有一個平台給家長 (好似叫Megbag) 可以看到每科進度、成績、特長及可以改善的地方。Academic report from ac ...
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-16 10:40
ANChan59: 係冇咁深入,但比起NSS好很多了,起碼我知道多咗J 的進度及改善空間。

當然 J 在學術及待人處事冇 Z 咁突出,你係值得為 Z 驕傲,keep it up. ...
非常相近㗎喇,I stand corrected。分別真係會係:
1. 寄宿就會有其他方面嘅評語
2. 其實都算係初/高中,所以會有多啲發展上嘅提議,例如啲語文老師好熱烈咁遊說佢A level揀某啲語文讀,或者啲理科老師就話佢應該著住白袍喺lab做實驗咁。
回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 10:49
beastiebistro: 非常相近㗎喇,I stand corrected。分別真係會係:
1. 寄宿就會有其他方面嘅評語
2. 其實都算係初/高中,所以會有多啲發展上嘅提議,例如啲語文老師好熱烈咁遊 ...
你講得啱,J當時已經係 IBDP,已經選定了科,冇乜可以大改,除咗HL或者SL。

男拔係為IBDP盡心盡力做好一點,當時Ronnie負責IBDP,后來升為校長,我相信他會將一些用在IB 的管理模式用在NSS。
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-16 11:07
ANChan59: 你講得啱,J當時已經係 IBDP,已經選定了科,冇乜可以大改,除咗HL或者SL。

男拔係為IBDP盡心盡力做好一點,當時Ronnie負責IBDP,后來升為校長,我相信他會將一 ...
回覆 ANChan59 22-11-16 12:02
beastiebistro: 我相信鄭校長會繼續幫男拔推去更佳境地。
其實分別唔難明,要完全做到都相信唔易。英國寄宿公學係真「小」班,每科每班唔多過12/13人。老師係可以跟得好緊,要 ...
IBDP 全部小班教學,一級少於60人,兩級約110人,每科每班約5-12人。

阿仔畢業之後,我冇再更深入了解男拔的細節了,正如你所講,NSS始終大班些,但很難跟IB 直接比較。
回覆 beastiebistro 22-11-16 12:11
ANChan59: IBDP 全部小班教學,一級少於60人,兩級約110人,每科每班約5-12人。

阿仔畢業之後,我冇再更深入了解男拔的細節了,正如你所講,NSS始終大班些,但很難跟IB 直 ...
回覆 cowmoon 22-11-18 01:23
我以前教 IB 小學,我哋細校 PYP coordinator 負責 coach 所有老師點寫 school report,我教專科所以要寫哂半間學校每個學生一段,都幾浩大工程。最緊要係堂堂要留心每一個學生,小班教學係必要嘅。


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