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根德 & st. Cat 都收 (入 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 11:13 |只看該作者

根德 & st. Cat 都收 (入


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: 根德 & st. Cat 都收 (入

Quoted by hermanma on 04-12-2004

Good topic, some question around me a month ago la. Just received the interview letter, I already got a headache how to choose between SC and Kentville.

My son got a place in am class of both schools, Dorest Rd of Kentville and Norfolk Rd of SC. I very very wish my son could accepted by CCKG K2 or DBS Primary School P1 due to my husband is a old boy of CCKG and DBS.

My questions :

1)My understand that SC have a native English in K1 at all time. From K2, the native English teacher just stay in English lesson, is it correct ?

2) SC, may be better to train up my son to speak with CCKG 鬼佬校長 during the interview , is that right ?

3) Is the Kentville campus of Kent Rd is better than Dorest Rd, because many bk children got a places in Kent Rd. Do u know what is the different between two campus ?

4) Through the school material have been provided to parents, SC is provide more details than Kentville, i.e.) school bus time table and arrange a breifing session in City U later. Also, the arrangement of the interview, SC is better than Kentville. Do u have the same feeling ?

5) Should I paid register fees to both school at this moment and make decision in next 7 months (before 1 Aug 2005) ?

Many thanks for your help!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 11:24 |只看該作者

Re: 根德 & st. Cat 都收 (入

Quoted by Chatroom 台長 on 03-12-2004

我姑仔大仔讀過kentville 而家已經P.2 個妹就係 st. catherine 讀緊 k1, 佢話 kentville比較傳統, 學校無活動唔係指課外活動係 halloween party 都無得生日會開, k2 就要寫好多版字仲要默字, 不過上到小學就 handle 得比其他小朋友快表現出色 d, st. catherine 佢話活動d 英文比 kentville 仲好d, 2 間比較應該 st. catherine 好 d 喎.  
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