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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好? ...
樓主: zoehui2000

父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-9-21 11:17 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?


Can't agree more with you !
Therefore, I think parents shouldn't be 'barriered' by their own English standard when choosing the school for their kids. Like for our parents' generation, many of them are not educated at all, but that won't make them not sending their kids to school right ? At the end of the day, it's the kid who learn by him or herself, he/she has to be independent.


Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-21 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

I've never heard if there was a so-called 純正 accent.  What is it?  and why is it important?

I also cannot follow the flow of your arguments.  In a previous message you claimed that kids were learning only simple English in ISs and in this message you said that parents would have difficulty because of the high English standard in ISs blah blah blah.  What actually do you want to say?

No, we don't have to study in an IS in order to learn dinosaur names.   Even local kindergartens are teaching words like "igloo", which is something that most of us would never see in our whole life.  And yes, you are right that what they are learning from ISs are "simple" English.  Did you watch "ride and Prejudice" from Pearl some months ago?  I would be very surprise if our kids or even most of ourselves could speak English in such an elegant (but indirect) way.  Nowadays we all, except politicians, speak simple (and direct) English!  Nevertheless, judging from your mentality revealing from your messages, I believe what you meant by "simple English" is not the same as what I meant, implicitly, above.

I was surprised that you thought kids studying in ISs had to take extra English courses.

If you believe that English is the only thing one could learn in an IS, please do some more research. What I can tell you is that ISs do not "teach" English; they teach everything, including language, and they use English to teach. Period.

Peppy 寫道:
Chinese 的  English Oral Teacher 都不一定說Chinglish

Native Speaker 都不一定speak perfect English
Some Australian & New Zealander 的 accent 都不純正
People from UK might not be British
They could be Irish or Scottish which could pronounce duck as “duke”
Native speaker or not you won’t get the expected results

You don’t have to study in IS to know the name of all the dinosaurs
唔通識得a for astronauts, b for bungalows, c for catastrophe 就係叻仔咩?

Yes IS students speaks with good accent and they speak fluently
我眼見有些父母英文不叻,而他的小朋友即使在IS 讀書的,因為英文程度跟不上, 父母又無能力去幫,每星期都要在外面上額外的英文課,又或是學校每月多almost $2000 幫小朋友補習 (變相交多咗學費)
英文又唔見得會飛,中文又唔得,父母一定要保持 ’好’ 環境,如果唔係半路想轉返出來讀local, 就真係兩頭唔到岸。

我所refer 的老師,我覺得他真的教得唔錯
而且她只是想引度他的學生對英文 (reading & oral & writing)發生興趣。

我唔係response 咗好多條thread, (2 only)
BTW, she’s willing to give out trial before she really starts lesson
So the parents can judge themselves


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-21 12:54 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-21 13:09 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

Yes, agree with snchiu. When we work in the society, we have to communicate with people speaking in different accents, it is just a very natural thing.  In IS, it is good that kids are able to communicate in English with teachers and students of different nationalities with different accents.  There is nothing to laugh at, different accents is just part of the culture.  

There are of course some Asian parents enroll kids to those extra ESL courses available in some IS such as in Delia IS as their first language is not English; IS does not "teach" English but "use" English as the first language to teach.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-10 00:59 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

I agree what U said . appreciate if you can send me the contact pt of the teacher, many thanks ([email protected])

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-14 00:33 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?


I think that there is no prob. with wheather the english teacher can speak chinese or not? The very important things is how to rise the kids interesting.
My english is poor. You may laugh at me. But that's doesn't matter. There is only chinese laught at chinese.

simple english有什麼不好呢? step by step不對嗎?

再問一個問題,李國章先生訪問一間學校時,問學生,如果你地唔識講中文,在香港得唔得? 虧他講的出來,中環區那些鬼佬同埋賓妹都識得答佢啦.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-14 00:52 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

WYmom 寫道:
As said by many IS parents before, studying in IS is not only for the purpose of learning native English, we treasure much more the multicultural and international environment, interactive teaching approach, the stimulation of creativity and self-motivation, development of independence and self-confidence, sense of responsibility to the community etc.

As parents, we have an open mind and attitude to other cultures to allow our kids studying in IS.  If just focus on learning better English, then a private native English teacher or ABC can help.

Totally agreed yr point of view.  That's also the reason why we sent our kids to IS.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-14 01:09 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

Totally agreed ! Practice makes more perfect.
Speak more and read more.Or send the kids to tution centre for enrichment classes.
Children could expose themselves to different culture
by studing in IS.I strongly beleived that I've made the right choice to put my son in SIS.I'm a 100%
chinese though I was raise and brought up overseas
but keeping our chinese value and tradition is important.
I really like the east & west meet kind of thing there.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-14 16:41 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

Let your child watch english programs e.g. sesame street or richard scarry cartoon etc..   They can learn spoken english there.   

I think going to IS can learn more than SIMPLE English.  They learn how to USE english in everyday life.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-14 18:25 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

許多個父母認為講英語叻, 一定好。孩子英文好, 是有好處; 但不一定有了不起的將來。
如果您的孩子沒有好的品格和自信, 有什麼用?
量力而為, 不要與其他人比較太多。
集中於怎樣使他們對學習感興趣, 他們學什麼都會好。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-16 11:27 |只看該作者

Re: 父母英文唔叻,咁有咩方法可以令BB英文好?

好讚同deebrown, 我覺得教好小朋友有好的品格和自信, 對人有愛心, 明白事理, 先至係育兒之道

好希望大家分享教子之道, 能在此獲得裨益, 謝謝
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