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依家d細路真幸福 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-12 06:36 |只看該作者


接阿女放學等紅綠燈其間,有個阿伯走埋嚟笑笑口咁話:"依家d細路真幸福!" 然後即時有幾位嬸嬸望過嚟和應。(囡囡很舒適地坐在車仔上吃士多啤梨) 



Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-12 10:48 |只看該作者

Re: 依家d細路真幸福

I agree~
我地以前無乜物質的追求, 可能因為知道追求都無用coz屋企affort唔到    o個時我地又好識為屋企諗, 從來唔扭買野玩, 只係心中好想要, 但唔敢宣之於口... strawberry... 係一樣好"貴" 的水果, 我地食apple, orange, banana, 但唔會食strawberry, 只會係學校的birthday cake內可吃到  

其實, 好似我以前甘既家庭, 可能現在仍然有, 不過如果佢地d小朋友生性, 十幾年後一樣可以好似我地現在甘, 離開貧窮的行列~ 所以, 貧窮係唔會世襲既, 反而會令人更懂事, 識得孝順 coz 感受到上一輩真係好辛苦養大我地...  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-12 14:49 |只看該作者

Re: 依家d細路真幸福

I totally agree with you 2.  Our next generation is so fortunate and lucky.  We do our best to ensure that they are properly taken care of.  

Sometimes I will remind myself not to give too much materials to bebe.  Since we have been poor when we were small so we treasure what we have now and make sure we give the best to our kids.  However, it is important that we also help our kids to develop the correct value and to become an "useful" person.  I do not expect that my bebe to be very brilliant.  I just hope that she has a happy life.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-12 17:03 |只看該作者

Re: 依家d細路真幸福

Recently I have some feedback from my 3 years old kid when I told her to learn doing things herself (e.g. put on her shoes, eat by herself, etc).  And she asked me why I didn't do that for her, and I explained to her that "you need to learn and be more independent because you are a big girl".  After a few days, she told her grandma that she didn't want to grow up, she wanted to stay with daddy and mummy forever..Grandma asked her why and she replied that being a grown-up have to do a lot of things and daddy / mommy worked so hard ..

Nowadays, almost every parent tries all they can to give the best to their children (including myself), but is it really good to the little ones? I wonder...

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-12 23:49 |只看該作者

Re: 依家d細路真幸福

so i try not to buy my boy gifts for birthday or children's day. instead, i spend whole day to go outing with him. i want him to treasure "family time" rather than "materials". saw too many kids cry for toys in streets, i really dun want him to be one of them....   

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