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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化 ...
樓主: PHmami

大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化的幼稚園呢? [複製鏈接]


發表於 06-3-13 19:20 |只看該作者

Re: 大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化的幼稚園呢?

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-3-14 04:12 |只看該作者

Re: 大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化的幼稚園呢?

TWMa, 寫

當時替孩子選幼稚園, 首先是靠朋友間的口碑, 其次是自己上該校網站了解學校的理念及概況, 最後是靠面試時的親自感受.
選校, 每個人的主張不同, 我想我明白你口中程度高的幼稚園的意思, 但這不符我對幼兒教育的看法, 所以一開始已可有初步的篩選. 上到學校網站可看到更多目標學校的資料和相關報導 (所以學校網站的資料愈少, 愈不透明, 在我心中的分數就愈低), 最後, 和小朋友一起面試時, 可看到學校的環境、設施、佈置及是否以孩子為本等等, 面試時也可感受一下校長、老師們的態度.
學校的教育是否重啟發, 其實可從學校很多的細部設計、教具、佈置等看出, 教統局的視學報告也是一個很好的參考, 希望解答了一部分你的疑問.

這個問題問得奇怪, 幼稚園提供的課程是否多元化和學生的程度高低是對立的?
衡量讀什麼樣的幼稚園, 我會以校長的領導風格, 老師是否對幼兒有愛心和耐心, 是否著重啟發幼兒的觀察和探索能力 (和課程的設計有很大的闗係), 是否注重培養幼兒的閱讀習慣, 校舍是否清潔衛生等為選校依據.
聰明的小朋友只要令其喜愛學習, 再加上家長用心, 絕對不會因讀多元化的幼稚園就程度低的.



Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-14 09:37 |只看該作者

Re: 大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化的幼稚園呢?

你囡囡嗲慣咗媽咪知喊吓你就會就範,佢就會知道呢招對你行得通,我覺得你要開始忍心 d 唔好心軟!!

safarimama 寫道:
hi PHmami...... yes! And my gal is very stricky, how can I train her to be more independent ar?? Some mami suggest me let her study in whole day class, that can train her independent wor??! But....... I know she will cry ....cry..... and cry!!!! Last sunday, I sent her to a ballet course, she cried loudly after entered the room only 2 mins. and went out! What can I do????[quote]
我拿甚麼報答耶和華向我所賜的一切厚恩 。(詩篇)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-15 12:13 |只看該作者

Re: 大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化的幼稚園呢?


係呀, 忍心 + 放手!

個工人信唔信得過? 由現在開始慢慢tune返佢, 首先介左唔好同佢訓, 初頭係會喊得好癲, 忍下啦, 2 個鐘度就收聲架啦, 開頭咪等佢喊完倍佢訓一陣就返自己房訓囉, 等佢習慣一個人一間房先, 遲d佢唔肯同您訓添!  另又安慰自己話喊下對佢個肺好d. 跟住一星期最少一日話俾佢聽媽咪要好似姐姐咁放假, 去街唔好理佢, 初初咪一個鐘跟住慢慢加上去........慢慢就得架啦, 俾d信心您自己同佢, 佢地就嚟3歲勒, 識諗好多........

返全日唔係唔好, 但係您講到咁痴身我怕一開頭若學校安排得唔好佢會有俾遣棄既感覺, 始終時間太長同學校就唔得咁多過, 自己tune左先再返全日會好d囉!

慢慢嚟啦, 唔急得.........
safarimama 寫道:
hi monmantong, yes, she is studying in Deborah, and now she enjoys the school time. However, after school , she is still very stricky! Maybe I can say I am 21 hours mami...haha...... although I have a maid, she doesn't like to follow her. I take care of her all by myself, and I sleep with her too!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-15 15:59 |只看該作者

Re: 大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化的幼稚園呢?

hi meowross, long time no chat!

I know I know!!忍心 + 放手! But...... first, my gal doesn't like my maid..... even touch her!!
My maid is very careless and dull, always make my girl hurt!! Second,.... in fact, when she was a baby, I didn't sleep with her. And she woke up almost 10 times each night and she was always sick before. Then both my mother and the doctor suggested me to sleep with her, so I've slept with her since this winter.  She is better now and only wake up once to vv and drink water. Thus, my husband insists me to sleep with her!

Cry 2 個鐘度就收聲?! No la..... I live with my father-in-law, he is over 80 years old, when my gal cries, he will jump out from his room and said " come to my room".....      

Maybe I also love her too much......

Btw, make your final decison yet? Victoria or SC?
meowross 寫道:

係呀, 忍心 + 放手!

個工人信唔信得過? 由現在開始慢慢tune返佢, 首先介左唔好同佢訓, 初頭係會喊得好癲, 忍下啦, 2 個鐘度就收聲架啦, 開頭咪等佢喊完倍佢訓一陣就返自己房訓囉, 等佢習慣一個人一間房先, 遲d佢唔肯同您訓添!  另又安慰自己話喊下對佢個肺好d. 跟住一星期最少一日話俾佢聽媽咪要好似姐姐咁放假, 去街唔好理佢, 初初咪一個鐘跟住慢慢加上去........慢慢就得架啦, 俾d信心您自己同佢, 佢地就嚟3歲勒, 識諗好多........

返全日唔係唔好, 但係您講到咁痴身我怕一開頭若學校安排得唔好佢會有俾遣棄既感覺, 始終時間太長同學校就唔得咁多過, 自己tune左先再返全日會好d囉!

慢慢嚟啦, 唔急得.........[quote]
safarimama 寫道:
hi monmantong, yes, she is studying in Deborah, and now she enjoys the school time. However, after school , she is still very stricky! Maybe I can say I am 21 hours mami...haha...... although I have a maid, she doesn't like to follow her. I take care of her all by myself, and I sleep with her too!
;-) :-o 8-) :-? :-P :-x

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-17 09:55 |只看該作者

Re: 大家覺得應該比一個聰明的小朋友讀一間程度高抑或多元化的幼稚園呢?

yeah, long time no chat !

aiyaya, you case is different then! Take good care of her health would definitely the 1st priority! Come to chat with us more - we will support you la!

Victoria, I didn't show up on registration date and then wrote them a letter right after I have changed my mind, but no reply from them nei !  Also heard nothing from KM............most likely SC lu.............
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