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2007會讀K1既小朋友家長請入o黎分享或者討論吓報幼稚園心得同埋意見呀 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-17 17:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2007會讀K1既小朋友家長請入o黎分享或者討論

my son also is a small baby, Nov 04. He has not yet started to talk, just point his fingers, although he seems to understand what we are talking most of the time. I am so worry that how can he attend the KG interview at end of this year, when he is only 2.

I therefore want to put him in at least some playgroup but it is so difficult to find situable one. Any suggestions from the mummies?



Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-22 11:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2007會讀K1既小朋友家長請入o黎分享或者討論

yes, I share the same experience with you. My son can say a lot if he is willing to, but most of the time, he just have no mood to say, how can I induce him to talk.

janettang 寫道:
Wow..... both you kids are so smart lar.  my son can say almost nothing.  only, mama, baba, marmar, wowo, 靚靚, he calls bus - daa daa.  but i'm not worry so much, becasue, i think he will be able to say much and much when he starts to join playgroup (next month) and N1.

However, i find him doesn't not able to say, he just not willing to say, because, when i teach him some words, such as, motorbike, hellokitty....... he can follow me clearly, but he will not say again when i ask him, 真激氣.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-3-14 13:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 2007會讀K1既小朋友家長請入o黎分享或者討論

janettang 寫道:

你好呀! 我都是住馬鞍山, 我己幫囝囝報了康傑n1, 9月返學, 我個是細仔, 所以合一堂唔收.

我心水的幼稚園是培正, 但聽很多媽咪話, 細仔機會很微, 有d心up, 我都會諗住培正唔得就考其他九龍塘幼稚園囉.

Actually, not 細仔機會很微, Pui Ching does not admit children who do not reach 3 yrs in Sept. Therefore, there is no hope in 2007, maybe you can try 2008.
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