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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Singapore International School
樓主: kannes

Singapore International School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-31 18:53 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Dear kimun,

What time will the py2 class begin and where do you live?

Do you mean that I can call SIS directly to get the bus route?


Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-1 09:47 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


I always call Kwong Chung Ms Ho for SIS at 2578 1178.  Please ask her for a route and study the time and locations.

cheddar 寫道:
Dear kimun,

What time will the py2 class begin and where do you live?

Do you mean that I can call SIS directly to get the bus route?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-1 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


Yes, I got a full copy from SIS of the existing bus route and pick up time.  It lays down the time of every pick up point (eg, 15 Conduct Road is 07:10). Of course, it would be different for the next term, but you would have a general knowledge of which bus you will take and the schedule.  For specific bus route and pick up time of your living place, you can call Kwun Chung as described by yyyy.

PY2 begins 08:10.  


Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-4 10:25 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Dear kimun and yyyy,

Thank you for your valuable information and I will call Ms. Ho shortly!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-4-5 19:00 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

SIS will have a musical night on 28/4/2006 (Fri) at the Cultural Center in TST to celebrate its 15th Anniversary. For those newcomers joining the SIS family, you may wish to call SIS to check if they have tickets available. The proceeds are for charity. I am sure you would enjoy the show.  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-9 14:27 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

pls kind give advice:
my friend's child was just accepted for kgd in SIS, her elder children are in DBS but this younger boy is not the type for that kind of schools, so she won't consider traditional school for this one. can anybody give her advice on SIS regarding sybl, path for "non-s'porean' or etc. is there anybody who was accepted by this school recently also?
tks in adv.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-10 17:44 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

My kid has been accepted to PY1.   I understand that SIS has a secondary school now.  So if the parents (children) so wish, they can stay on until the secondary level.     My personal plan is to send my kid to GSIS or CIS (for secondary school) after he gets a solid foundation on mandarin and other academic faculties.

123 寫道:
pls kind give advice:
my friend's child was just accepted for kgd in SIS, her elder children are in DBS but this younger boy is not the type for that kind of schools, so she won't consider traditional school for this one. can anybody give her advice on SIS regarding sybl, path for "non-s'porean' or etc. is there anybody who was accepted by this school recently also?
tks in adv.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-10 21:41 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

tks JJsmama

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 18:01 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Hi there,

My boy was born in Dec 26, 2003 and is going to be 28 month soon.  He is studying pre-nursery in a local Chinese kinder but he can understand both Chinese and English.  I am planning to put him into the ESF this Sept but start to think about SIS after hearing so much good comments about this school.  

Do you think my son is capable of going thru the interview for the primary in SIS after completing the first two kinder in ESF as they won't put much emphasis on Mandarin.

Your thoughts on this would be highly appreicated.

Thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-14 10:35 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

I understand P1 applicants need to go do an assessment test.  You may like to call up the school to find out whether mandarin will be tested.   I understand it has 6 classes in PY2 and gets narrowed down to 4 (or 3?) in Primary 1.  So by logical deduction, it could be relatively harder to get in than kindergarten.   

Perhaps other SIS parents could elaborate.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-16 00:03 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

is SIS using IB curriculum?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-4-16 21:14 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

SIS use local Singapore curriculum
JIS (Japanese Int'l School) use I.B.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-28 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

今日係SIS's 15th anniversary musical performance, 剛剛幫個女準備好之後就送左佢上校車, 點知校車走了先至發覺佢個knapsack仲係我隻手拎住, 其實我都有d緊張, 雖然全校學生都有份表演, 但今次都算係亞女第一次有份參與大型既表演, 加上彩排左成個星期.....所以我都傾盡全力幫佢扮靚d, 一陣會去睇show既媽咪, 你都會見到佢, 佢讀PY1, 佢同我講話會企第一行, 佢扮princess, 著全白色裙, 襪, 鞋, 頭上有一頂tiara, 頸有一條pearl necklace....

好心急, 好心急......     

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-28 16:01 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

妳個女很利害呀,扮演公主, 一定好靚呀, 我今晚一定要落足眼力睇下先.

我個女是跳舞和唱chior,日日full day彩排, 跳到佢腳都痛埋,choir仲由頭企到尾,都幾辛苦, 但真是很難得, 全校同學一同表演, 犀利!choir由開學到依家差不多日日上堂前都要練, 個女仲因為咁唔搭校車, 要早d返到學校呀!期實這個表演除左小朋友辛苦外, 家長都要讚揚下! 當然學校的老師和staff都很辛苦啦!個個都係見到自己的小朋友咁開心都無計了!

我好似坐H架, 妳呢?

我都很期待呀! 6:00PM不要遲到!

florence 寫道:
今日係SIS's 15th anniversary musical performance, 剛剛幫個女準備好之後就送左佢上校車, 點知校車走了先至發覺佢個knapsack仲係我隻手拎住, 其實我都有d緊張, 雖然全校學生都有份表演, 但今次都算係亞女第一次有份參與大型既表演, 加上彩排左成個星期.....所以我都傾盡全力幫佢扮靚d, 一陣會去睇show既媽咪, 你都會見到佢, 佢讀PY1, 佢同我講話會企第一行, 佢扮princess, 著全白色裙, 襪, 鞋, 頭上有一頂tiara, 頸有一條pearl necklace....

好心急, 好心急......     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-28 16:19 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


你個女都好勁呀 !!   

講真, 班小朋友雖然辛苦d, 但係見到佢地好認真同努力0甘practise, 我都真係好開心, 因為細細個佢地就學到做任何事都要認真, 對佢地黎講係好好既經驗, 所以我今次都唔敢"是是旦旦", 反而都好認真幫佢由頭到腳準備好, 希望佢而家唔會係HKCC玩到頭髮亂晒, 裙仔污"租"晒啦....heeheee

我坐 J 31 & 32. 長頭髮, 著粉紅色中袖V領衫, 加牛仔褲, 見到我叫我Florence, 我一定同你相應架 !!!!  

see u !    

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-28 16:51 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

florence 寫道:

你個女都好勁呀 !!   

講真, 班小朋友雖然辛苦d, 但係見到佢地好認真同努力0甘practise, 我都真係好開心, 因為細細個佢地就學到做任何事都要認真, 對佢地黎講係好好既經驗, 所以我今次都唔敢"是是旦旦", 反而都好認真幫佢由頭到腳準備好, 希望佢而家唔會係HKCC玩到頭髮亂晒, 裙仔污"租"晒啦....heeheee

我坐 J 31 & 32. 長頭髮, 著粉紅色中袖V領衫, 加牛仔褲, 見到我叫我Florence, 我一定同你相應架 !!!!  

see u !    

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-29 00:14 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

The show is Excellent!
My husband and I are so impressed!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-29 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

chanms 寫道:
The show is Excellent!
My husband and I are so impressed!

Absolutely agree !
It is the best and impressed show that I have ever seen in my life.
好touching ! 好精彩 !! 好勁 !!! 好好睇既大型歌舞戲, 而主演既竟然只係一班小學生, 樂隊又係小學生, 真係好難想像 !!
最令我感動既係班老師, 可以額外付出好多時間去編排同練習, 仲有演出既人數0甘多, 佢地真係好用心去做好個show, 好認真, 好佩服佢地既精神 !!!


Rank: 4

發表於 06-5-2 12:20 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

最後都沒有機會與妳say hello!原來有3levels, 我是circle level 3, 不過我就真是有落足眼力睇妳個女, 好似都幾高, 是嗎? PY的小朋友都表演得很好,沒有走來走去,最開心係見到佢地天真地執地下閃紙,令我回想當年我個女細個時表演完執閃紙的情況(原來今次我個女都有執閃紙,成個褲袋都是)…

我個晚都很感動, 一坐低就很有FEEL,雖然只是聽中樂團的練習已眼濕濕,可能其中有阿女的同學, 同佢媽咪都熟, 知道佢地攞住咁大件樂器來來往往都很辛苦, 所以加分…

由幫阿女揀跳舞衫,鞋,特別條褲, 要有很多袋個種, 最後在赤柱大街先買到,終於見到佢在台上跳舞,特別令人感動,但其實scene 1是跳中國舞的同學仔表演的, 如果可以表演返中國舞我個人覺得仲好, 因中國舞好似表演雜技, 容易令人嘆為觀止!(好多gym的動作都會在中國舞出現).我個女問我喜歡那個scene, 佢喜歡scene 3 多d, 我就喜歡gym, 如果我個細女遲d在sis讀, 我都想佢參加gym, 不過一想到佢咁肥, 可能會很辛苦…


Rank: 2

發表於 06-5-2 14:11 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Hi SIS moms

I too am most impressed with the excellent performance of our SIS primary children.  All the rehearsals and after school practise are well worth it as this is also one of the best shows I have seen.  The music, costume, lyrics, background etc are of professional standard, and all children are so confident and showed that they enjoyed being part of the team.  

My son is in P1 and was in scene 3 Fun, Fun, Fun.  He was singing the Japanese son.  I tought scene 3 was the best in particular the dance in between each song... exellent production.

I cant wait for the DVD to come out for purchase. I am very proud that my son is part of this memorable event.

P1 parent.
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