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Where is all the Wisely mommies ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-29 23:33 |只看該作者

Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Dear All

where is all the Wisely mommies ? How are your babies settling in nursery ?


Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-30 17:06 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

我個女今年入o左N1, 暫時都ok. 好鐘意番學, 自己話唔使放假. 所以都好放心.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-31 03:14 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Hi ethaniel and tungb

My son is in N1甲班呀!  He has been studing in Wisely since last April.  So he is OK when school starts.

Besides, I'm very happy that apart from English class, they have 2 mandarin classes per week this year.  My son likes the class very much and always tell me what's happening in the class.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-8-31 07:45 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-3 01:10 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Hi Cyrus

係呀! 係堅道嗰間呀!  

個人認為, 這間幼兒園很好, 地方光猛闊落, 尙算整潔, 老師很有愛心.  最緊要是小朋友返學開心.  我個仔好鍾意佢班主任, 甚至園長其他老師和'亞姐', 佢都成日提起, 自己喜愛的食物都要話叫我比佢帶返學校'請'佢地食, 可想而知, 佢好enjoy返學的日子.

其實你可以帶你bb去Wisely睇下, 佢地都有d playgroups 比兩歲以下的.  

tungb and ethaniel

你地d 小朋友讀邊班呀?  我地見過未   ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-4 05:06 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Dear Ansonbaby

this is Ethan's mummy which is also Sebbie's mummy. I have been very busy with Sebbie settling in SKH, and Ms Lau said "sum sum" has been crying a lot last two days at school, partly due to seeing other new parents with the new babies joining the class and partly he was setup that i didn't go and pick him up after school.....

you mentioned they have mandarin classes ? this is great, do you know which days?

Anson is really a big brother now, Ethan engoys very much the marsh mallow from Anson.... Ms Lau told me that when Ethan starting looking for me, he will goes to Anson or amber or Michael and asked them, " mummy la" and nobody replied him and he will forget the question very soon...

I hope he will get better next week...
see you..

ethan's mum

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-5 01:43 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Hi ethaniel

Very happy to meet you here in BK ah.  We can have one more platform to chat in the future   !

No wonder didn't meet you at school lately.  How is Sebbie in SKH?  Does he like the new school?  Sebbie is an optimistic kid, I always see smile in his face.  I think he would be fine in SKH   .

I forgot last Thur or Fri morning, I saw ManHo cried when he just got into the classroom.  Soon, I saw Ms Lau holding Ethan.  I thought Ethan must be upset seeing other bb crying .  But just a short while, he's OK la.  Ethan is very BB as he's just 2yrs old.  But I think he is just doing perfectly fine at his age   !   He is really very cute and I like him very much   !

Oh yes, there are mandarin classes every Tue and Thur.  As per Anson and Ms Lau, it's a Ms Lee who teaches them, they have learnt 拍拍手, 握握手, 早上好 , 手, 腳, 爸爸, 媽媽, 老師.......That sounds fun.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-5 23:52 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Dear Anson mommie

thanks for the interesting info on Michael and Ethan...they do cry a lot.....this morning I stayed with Ethan for at least 15 mins and he still cried when I left. It is better to be cruel than letting him know that I can be there if he needs... He is getting slightly worst than get better. But I understand that there are lots of babies in the class and you have justed reminded me that yes, Ethan is still very young, he is only 2 year and 1 month..... Sebbie is more independent comparatively....

Anson and amber lead the class this morning coz they are very well behave and to set a very good example for all others to learn and follow, you should be very pride of him !

Sebbie is settling well in SKH, he is expected to do quite a few things on his own, they are expected to go tiolet with minimal help, they need to take the handbook out from the folder to the teacher, they need to put their nametags and clip onto the bar, take cup and saucer out for tea. I would say they are expected to perform such activities on their own, today is only the 3rd day and I am quite comfortable to see his co-operativeness to the teachers and he enjoys the school bus ride..

thanks god...
speak to u soon....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-6 17:28 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Hi ethaniel

Very happy to know that Sebbie enjoys his new kinder life.

今日見你咁趕, 湊完細放學, 又要送大返學, 真的'鄧'你辛苦, 希望Sebbie 同 Ethan好快適應, 你唔使兩面走啦!  Take care!

我今日送Anson 返學時, 見班房的秩序都很好, 冇小朋友哭, 而且個個跟住做運動, 都ok呀!  希望Ethan好快都慣啦, 佢真係好可愛   !

另外, 劉老師話星期二四, 除了國語, 仲有英文呀!

Take soon!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-7 22:56 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Hi, I'm ex-Wisely mommy ah! Hope your kids enjoy Wisely. My girl did enjoy very much. She even requested to go to Wisely during summer holidays. I've tried very hard to persuade her that only little baby go to Wisely and you are now 大個女. She always stress that she is 大個女. Finally, she starts her new school life in SKH. And thanks Wisely, she behave very well in SKH. She can now sit properly and polite with basic discipline in the class. Really hope all of your kids doing well in Wisely.

By the way, Amber is in our class last year and she always is a calm and stable girl. A bit mature at her age.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-9 10:31 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

dear Anson momie and Candy925

Thanks for the info on school.

Ethan has lots of new schoolmate lately and they all cry together...... I just have to let time to sort itself out... there is really nothing i can do at the moment, I talked to both of them at night about going to school, how exciting is it and there is a very nice hardback book on showing how exciting this little Jack going to nursery.. Ethan promise me everytime but can't quite yet to control himself....

I think Candy925 was right about Wisely, Sebbie is settling very well in SKH, he enjoy the school bus ride, he enjoys both ms.wong and he can quite sufficiently looking after himself, all these we should thanks Ms Laus and Ms Luk from Wisely, if Sebbie had not been in nursery before, I wouldn't have this result in front of me. I am very pround of Sebbie. He didn't enjoy much in Wisely I think it was due to himself being wanting to mix with older children instead of being mixed with babies....But now, he enjoys it very much and especially the big cars in the basketball field for them to drive and run freely.... not too many kinder in our area can provide such environment...  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-10 02:27 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Hi ethaniel

Anson is sick and didn't go to school since thur.  He's got fever and sore throat and sometimes vomitting.  Really worries me so much.  Hopefully he can be back to school on Mon.  These 2 days he kept asking me if he can go to Wisely  :cry: !

If I ask Anson to name his classmates, the first one he would say 'SumSum'   !  

But as I observed recently that those crying babies are those who are late for school.  Would you try to take Ethan earlier to school and let him play with you for a while before school starts?  (I know it's quite hard, esp. babies are not cooperative in the morning!  That's why I'm also the last few arrive school !) I remember last term when Anson was new to school, Ms Lau also advised me so.  It worked a few days later and he didn't cry when I left him at school.


Very happy to hear that HoYee is doing well in SKH.  You're right.  I think Wisely can train up independent and well-disciplined kids.  SKH is my first choice Kinder for Anson.  Knowing that Sebbie and HoYee are doing so good at SKH.  I'm looking forward to the day when Anson would be one of them     !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-12 14:35 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?


各位偉思媽咪,唔好意思"踩場",我想問問你們的意見,我幫囝囝搵緊n1,在堅道都有幾間kindergarten (偉思、迦南、方方樂趣),你們點解會選擇偉思,偉思有什麼優點(eg:環境,老師、教學理念等。)另外,它們上午有幾多班呢?每班多唔多小朋友呀!




我中文名學勤,英文名係Howard,香港山頂嘉諾撒醫院面世。 27/7/2005-weight:12.9kg, height:86cm 17/9/2005 - weight:13.5kg, height:89cm 1/4/2006 - weight:14.3kg, height:93cm

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-12 15:09 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

各位好, 我都幫緊阿仔搵k1, 都想了解下偉思既野呀, 可以俾d意見嗎???

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-13 23:42 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Dear all mom,

Any comment about the school.

我中文名學勤,英文名係Howard,香港山頂嘉諾撒醫院面世。 27/7/2005-weight:12.9kg, height:86cm 17/9/2005 - weight:13.5kg, height:89cm 1/4/2006 - weight:14.3kg, height:93cm

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 00:09 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?


Wisely is better than Cannan

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 00:44 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Dear All

Anson mommie -- sorry hasn't been up here for a while, I will try to bring Ethan back to school earlier... thanks for the advices....

Dear other mommies

if you are thinking of Wisely, it is better to visit the school 1st,  their nursery is a very very good place for a kid to start, their main asset is the teachers, they are very very nice teacher who loves children by heart. Most people will put their children there for nursery and get prepared for K1 interview. Wisely's kindergarten is nice too but majority of parents would look for other very famous kinder around the area for the kid. Their kinder is in basement which may be the reason why those parents look for other kinder for k1.

Funful and Cannan in the same catergory, I personally think they are trying to be very upmarket(the price u pay) but lack of traditional values.....the school fee also reflect that, due to not enough demand, supply become expensive comparatively.

I am very proud of my eldest son who have been in Wisely for nursery and now settling quite well in SKH for K1.

hope this help..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 02:44 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Hi 學勤咪咪 and Willin

FYI....Funful had been closed since last Aug, so you don't need to think of it la!

For Wisely, ethaniel's comments are exactly right...... very nice teachers/staff and nice place.  I think it is an ideal environment for kids to spend their happy childhood.  And yet, I've known quite a lots of kids studied nursery there before, all the parents and kids had good comments on this school, no negative comment so far.  That's why I enrolled my son there when he was 2 last April.  I think my choice is correct as my son loves going to Wisely very much.

For Cannan, not much comment.  Anson's cousin had been studying nursery there before, he had not much 歸屬感, even asked him about how he did in nursery, he wouldn't say anything.  I just think that I would not choose this one, maybe too commercial!


Anson hasn't been to the school since last thur, he is almost recovered but still weak.  Hope he can go to the school these two days la.  He really misses going to school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

ethaniel &Ansonbaby,

Thank you for your comment of Wisely.  My son is 27 mth now, he started & studied on N1 at Sheung Wan Kinder.  My husband & I prefer he changes to another Kinder.   The reasons are the kinder's location is too far. Little of kids are go to school everyday. I want to him to speak well Chinese first.  So, I let him to learn in 主流班.  Actually, they are
grouped all class (international & chinese) in together. I don't like this arrangement 收生不足。

But, this school is good conditions so I chose it.
The teachers are experience & very nice. The enironment and learning material are satisfactory.  And, they use project approach to learn kids.  My son likes go to school everyday so far.  However, sometimes he cried in the class.

我中文名學勤,英文名係Howard,香港山頂嘉諾撒醫院面世。 27/7/2005-weight:12.9kg, height:86cm 17/9/2005 - weight:13.5kg, height:89cm 1/4/2006 - weight:14.3kg, height:93cm

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 16:41 |只看該作者

Re: Where is all the Wisely mommies ?

Dear Anson and Mommie

What happened to Anson, no wonder why i didn't recall to have seen him these few days.....
hope he is getting better soon....

lots of love
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