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發表於 20-11-12 01:17 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 cwlchowinnie 於 20-12-18 22:12 編輯

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發表於 20-11-12 10:32 |只看該作者
cwlchowinnie 發表於 20-11-12 01:17
Anyone can share comment or experience on Kingston or Anfield Whampoa nursery and kindergarte ...

Both are good nurseries and kindi, just pick the one closer. At that time I pick Anfield over Kingston because of the debenture.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-12 20:24 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 細佬Bebe 於 20-11-12 20:47 編輯

Kingston is bilingual. As your kid is only 2 yo and assuming your home language is Cantonese, learning 3 languages at the same time May delay the English proficiency a little bit.

Anfield may probably provide your kid with a higher level of English at the time of reception application, at the expense of Chinese learning which you didn’t say it’s a consideration to you.Anfield’s exposure to Chinese learning is normal, though.As far as I can remember, 30 min mandarin class everyday.

Kingston requires upfront debenture for 3 years (but heard someone here said it’s lowered this year). Moreover, the tuition fee of Anfield is so much cheaper (30-40% taking into account of debenture).  Tho not a big cost, it’s worth noting that Anfield’s school bus service is notorious for unreasonably expensive.

So if u are not targeting Kingston kindie or any other Chinese-focused IS (isf, cis, cndis), it may be cheaper to opt for Anfield.

Ps: I chose Kingston over a few other IS including Anfield and ESF mainly because I prefer IB and value Chinese learning.

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