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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 香港的國際學校小學和西方國家有什麼不同呢? ...
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[小學] 香港的國際學校小學和西方國家有什麼不同呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-5 18:42 |顯示全部帖子
我常覺得香港國際學校小學大多沒有或很少功課考試測驗, 學習很輕鬆, 請問西方國家的小學是不是也一樣呢? 我的直覺是西方其他地方, 如英國小學很多也強調academic 的, 那是不是香港大多的國際學校走得太多, 偏淺呢? 有小朋友讀過香港國際小學和外國小學可以給一些comment 嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-5 19:43 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 timzoeydon 於 20-10-5 20:09 編輯

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 20-10-5 21:57 |顯示全部帖子
khsheh 發表於 20-10-5 18:42
我常覺得香港國際學校小學大多沒有或很少功課考試測驗, 學習很輕鬆, 請問西方國家的小學是不是也一樣呢? 我 ...

香港IS小學都有不同的學際和種類,西方又有歐美英澳紐加,有公立有私校, 如何直接比較?

發表於 20-10-5 21:58 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-6 23:06 |顯示全部帖子



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-9 19:05 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 Osiana 於 20-10-9 20:26 編輯
khsheh 發表於 20-10-5 18:42
我常覺得香港國際學校小學大多沒有或很少功課考試測驗, 學習很輕鬆, 請問西方國家的小學是不是也一樣呢? 我 ...

以我本身經驗及朋友所在國家嘅匯報, 籠統d 講,係美,加,澳初小(當地本地課程)係無功課,高小有少少功課,不過唔係日日有,多數10多分鐘,不會超過30分鐘。

香港IS 大部份係 IB,除咗少數跟加制、英制、法制等,IB 係外國係私校課程,好難直接比較。

學校好唔好,唔應該以功課多少,測驗多少去衡量。 而你所指嘅academic 係點樣衡量?  小朋友分數? 公開試成績?  

讀IB, 小朋友會識好多口嘢,分析力溝通能力強,呢d都係成功嘅要素!

要小朋友 讀 IS 讀得好,父母先要脫離LS 嘅模式,唔係會對IS唔滿意。因為,兩樣唔同嘅模式,真係好似拎月餅同西餅比較咁。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-9 21:40 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 jane__411 於 20-10-9 21:41 編輯

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-10-10 03:52 |顯示全部帖子


就算外國,學校come in many shapes and sizes, 而expected outcome 同 實際outcome depends on so many factors, 最簡單private independent V's 政府鄉村學校,好難去compare。 如用data去compare, 就是公開試成績。

同樣道理,IS come in many shapes and sizes, 如academic demands 係你priority, 咁就去呢個方向囉,因為有啲係stress on 小班,有啲stress on 宗教背景,包羅萬有。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-10 09:10 |顯示全部帖子
jane__411 發表於 20-10-9 21:40
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如果單以成績計,香港學生IB的成績差不多是全球最高,咁又點會偏淺呢?IB一啲都唔淺 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-10 09:27 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 deco99 的帖子


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 20-10-10 10:29 |顯示全部帖子
jane__411 發表於 20-10-9 21:40
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如果單以成績計,香港學生IB的成績差不多是全球最高,咁又點會偏淺呢?IB一啲都唔淺 ...
"The average scores of Singapore students were also higher than those of their global and regional counterparts: 37.99 points against 28.52 and 33.89 respectively."


HK could be the 2nd. Singapore students take the Nov session.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-12 11:35 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 993rs 於 20-10-12 11:45 編輯

回覆 khsheh 的帖子



私立 average 會高過政府。上個月我先問返當年舊同學,佢地直頭答我:想慳筆錢就小學讀政府、中學或初中轉私立;否則私立 all the way。

Student mix方面
間間唔同,人數亦有多在少。我當年間 boarding school 好細,全校 K 至 secondary school 加埋都冇10個香港人;其他朋友讀的大路香港人揀既大校,撞口撞面都係講廣東話。而我讀間學校今日有3、40% 係 overseas students,同時亦成為最省 top 5 成績,我相信講 cantonese、mandarin 既人一定多。

又係間間唔同。我知當年已有朋友入讀的私校(中學),係要出動人情、搭路,唔係朋友成績唔好,佢最終係全省Top 1% 夠晒分入 medic。另有d比錢就入得。西方教育於小學、初中本來就唔多功課,學校谷d既可能多1、2樣功課,但差別真係唔大,我真心覺得香港 LS 既 K係忙過外國既 primary school。

個人睇法,當地學校成績出眾與否,好視乎高中果幾年,校方提供既資源、師資去支援學生做 projects、research。冇所謂打好個底,而係將要學既知識既概念、理論,逐少逐少咁注入,year 9 開始引導學生去 追求個 execution,以至 year 12 時做既 project present 比人睇你學到幾多。

香港始終係亞洲人為主既地方,而且係好 competitive 既城市,學術水平亦高,拉勻去比外國一個省,系資源、師資方面都比較集中。我自己覺得香港 IS 好底讀,貼地d講,系外國要入一間有唔錯既 university placement 既私校,好大機會貴過香港讀 ESF。

其實西方同香港(以至亞洲)教育,我感受既分別在於,香港既所謂學術,傾向要學生 repetitive 既方式學習,你唔識、做10次你自然要識,再唔識、做夠20次,務求要你「熟」。西方係要你認識個既念,傾向要你「識」。「熟」同「識」之間既平衝,每間學校都唔同、每個小朋友有幾受落亦唔同、每個家庭追求既亦唔同。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-12 14:29 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 khsheh 於 20-10-12 14:37 編輯

Thanks for all of your comments. I am new to IS as my kid is very small but also want to share my opinions below.

"西方教育於小學、初中本來就唔多功課,學校谷d既可能多1、2樣功課,但差別真係唔大,我真心覺得香港 LS 既 K係忙過外國既 primary school。"  <- Agree. Actually it is quite dificult for me to accept (but have to) that IS primary does not have much homework. For me, every learning need practice, e.g. learning piano, Chinese writing, language learning. Some kind of repititon is good for effective learning. On the other hand, LS obviously has too much homework, especially compared with our own primary school life many years ago.

"個人睇法,當地學校成績出眾與否,好視乎高中果幾年,校方提供既資源、師資去支援學生做 projects、research。冇所謂打好個底,而係將要學既知識既概念、理論,逐少逐少咁注入,year 9 開始引導學生去 追求個 execution,以至 year 12 時做既 project present 比人睇你學到幾多。 <- I also have the impression that IS only start to do real academic oriented work (e.g. doing a complicated maths, exam, scoring, efficiently complete exercise book by deadline, etc.) in secondary school.

香港始終係亞洲人為主既地方,而且係好 competitive 既城市,學術水平亦高,拉勻去比外國一個省,系資源、師資方面都比較集中。我自己覺得香港 IS 好底讀,貼地d講,系外國要入一間有唔錯既 university placement 既私校,好大機會貴過香港讀 ESF。

其實西方同香港(以至亞洲)教育,我感受既分別在於,香港既所謂學術,傾向要學生 repetitive 既方式學習,你唔識、做10次你自然要識,再唔識、做夠20次,務求要你「熟」。西方係要你認識個既念,傾向要你「識」。「熟」同「識」之間既平衝,每間學校都唔同、每個小朋友有幾受落亦唔同、每個家庭追求既亦唔同。<- Agree, my feeling is that in LS, some bright students do not need to repeat so many times (but still need to do all the homework). They can grasp the concept very fast. Also some teachers of LS are also very engaging in delivering the content. But in general, there are too many mandatory topics to teach in the LS system in each subject, making the personal space and time of LS primary school students very little, especially when they progress to senior years. The LS teachers are also very busy. This will make study too stressful and hinder their development in other equally important areas, like creativity, confidence, happiness, presentaton, etc.  Thus, HK higher PISA scores come at a price.  I think the IB in IS secondary school is also stressful. But the IS students only enter such competitive and stressful stage at later time, say year 8-9, while LS students need to enter such stage at P.3 or P.4, in order to enter band 1 secondary school.

Rank: 2

發表於 20-10-14 03:17 |顯示全部帖子


本帖最後由 LilPetey 於 20-10-14 03:29 編輯

我有睇過英國小學嘅公開考試卷,比較香港本地或 IS 不見得英國的特別淺,亦不見得香港嘅深好多,更有參考過英國某些 Outstanding / Good State School 的 Work sheet,真心不覺得比香港 IS 水準低,至於話香港 IS 小學功課比較多,其實好睇你讀邊間,可能香港 IS 功課會多啲,但 Application 能力到底有幾高就真係見仁見智。 教得深係一回事,明唔明又另一回事,明咗之後能否應用出來先係重點。

Rank: 4

發表於 20-10-15 06:04 |顯示全部帖子
khsheh 發表於 20-10-12 14:29
Thanks for all of your comments. I am new to IS as my kid is very small but also want to share my op ...

Referring to your last point about the timing of starting to feel stressed in learning, it’s really important for mental health of kids.

After savouring good life for more than 10 years (balanced with regular and progressive learning in IS), it is expected that IS kids would be better equipped in handling stress from learning.

On the other hand, kids in LS would likely start to feel the stress in K2 (from parents and teachers), Not P3.  Stress at P3 maybe at one of the peak levels but K2 is high enough to affect their mental health.

When one is not ready, stress can ruin one’s life, let alone his/her potential to become better.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-10-15 06:06 |顯示全部帖子
LilPetey 發表於 20-10-14 03:17
我有睇過英國小學嘅公開考試卷,比較香港本地或 IS 不見得英國的特別淺,亦不見得香港嘅深好多,更有參考過 ...

本帖最後由 細佬Bebe 於 20-10-15 06:06 編輯

Right.Uk has also been very academically competitive.Not too much easier than HK.It’s an academic-focus country after all.

With more HK and PRC people (more difficult for PRC people to go to US) going there in the coming decade, we can imagine what’s going to happen in the competitive landscape.