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教育王國 討論區 二手市場 [平] 八成新 LeapFrog DVDs 6張 + 1張 mucic CD 現$98平 ...
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[音樂器材] [平] 八成新 LeapFrog DVDs 6張 + 1張 mucic CD 現$98平售 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-3-16 19:21 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印

八成新 LeapFrog DVDs 6 + 1mucic CD $98平售

LeapFrog is well known for excellent learning toys and educational DVDs. This DVD set introduces preschoolers to important preschool and kindergarten skills like counting,recognizing letters and the sounds they make, combining letter sounds to make words,and using words to build sentences. What makes these LeapFrog DVDs so appealing are the cute animated frog characters Leap and his younger siblings Tad and Lily, who express many of the same fears and insecurities most preschoolers experience; the discs also boast age-appropriate concepts and lessons, fun songs in a variety of musical styles that reinforce concepts learned, and interactive bonus features.

6 DVDs : 1. Let’s Go to School;

2. Letter Factory;

3.Talking Words Factory;

4. Word Caper;

5. Math  Circus;

6. Math Adventure to the Moon

+ 1 mucic CD: Learning Songs

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-3-25 10:41 |只看該作者
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