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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ISF or SIS
樓主: Helen_Gu

[小學] ISF or SIS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 20-4-8 22:38 |只看該作者
candybar123 發表於 20-4-8 22:25
Thank you rat2020! Yes I was quite upset - the interview was also very difficult- lots of task for a ...

Thanks ! I totally understand your feeling because I was struggling to make decision of schools too.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-4-8 23:04 |只看該作者
rat2020 發表於 20-4-8 22:38
Thanks ! I totally understand your feeling because I was struggling to make decision of schools too ...
Thank you rat2020

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-8-28 22:05 |只看該作者
Helen_Gu 發表於 20-2-22 22:28
Got the ISF K offer and SIS PY offer both.

Being optimistic about ISF' prospects, but there will b ...

Which one did you choose at last? Thx!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 20-8-29 08:04 |只看該作者
Helen_Gu 發表於 20-2-22 22:28
Got the ISF K offer and SIS PY offer both.

Being optimistic about ISF' prospects, but there will b ...

If you think learning traditional chinese is your first priority, then ISF is your choice, although its style is not “international” and a bit like local. Students spend quite a lot of effort in homework especially chinese. But a lot of them will leave  at secondary to other IS anyway.
Another point to consider is ISF kinder is 70% Chinese, 30% English, without English supplement the kid may not be able to get into other English heavy IS. If your target is ISF academy and parents are diligent in chinese learning support, then it should not be a problem.

Rank: 2

發表於 20-11-26 10:05 |只看該作者
lishu527 發表於 20-8-28 22:05
Which one did you choose at last? Thx!

We prefer ISF more.

Rank: 2

發表於 20-11-26 10:07 |只看該作者
964000 發表於 20-8-29 08:04
If you think learning traditional chinese is your first priority, then ISF is your choice, although ...

Thanks for the suggestion! Yes, we consider Chinese learning is first priority for our young kid.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 10:38 |只看該作者
rat2020 發表於 20-4-8 17:10
Isf 其實係少於80% 入到academy,因為係Kindergarden 會不停勸退or deferred kids. 去提升入學率(acedamy).i ...

近來也在EK這裡聽過關於不少ISF的負評, 你小朋友現在Grade幾呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 20-11-26 17:55 |只看該作者
Moonlight819 發表於 20-11-26 10:38
近來也在EK這裡聽過關於不少ISF的負評, 你小朋友現在Grade幾呢?

我小朋友已經離開了Isf (emoji)

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-26 18:59 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 細佬Bebe 於 20-11-26 19:01 編輯

Not a current / previous user of either one of them

But Sis is on my consideration list if I have to change school for my kid. Never considered ISF.

My two cents on them:

1) Both are very academic and strong in Chinese. Won’t be worried about Chinese.

2) The only shortcomings of SIS are the Singaporean curriculum in primary school and its relatively pushy style (among IS).But when comparing to ISF, I think none of them is more relaxing than the other.

3) Not a fan of the ISF’s regressive focus on Chinese. I prefer truly bilingual or more focused on English in early years.

4) Not a fan of ISF’s academic competition in kindergarten stage to get a place in primary school.It’s inconsistent with IS or my education philosophy.

Just my two cents.  Most HK parents prefer ISF, though.  I guess it’s because it’s tailor-made to suit locals’ needs while SIS is not.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-30 18:15 |只看該作者
小女在isf 讀grade 4,CTY英文測試結果排最top的3%,Star reading排最top的1%,lexile 1185,但小女在校內只能算中上,課外每週只補一次cty的寫作訓練,所以對於isf的英文水平我是收貨的,因為在家禁止她說英文,不過這只是小學的情況,因為幼稚園不在isf。
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