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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 points for improvement for Ling Liang
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points for improvement for Ling Liang [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-7-16 10:26 |只看該作者

points for improvement for Ling Liang

Hi, Ling Liang Parents,
I am a K1 (K2 in 05/06) parent in Diamond Hill.  I like the school in general but I noticed some points of improvement for the school.  Don’t know if any of you would agree/ have similar notice:
1) Though the teachers are very nice, I found that they are not very serious in their use of languages in their conversations, even in class time.  I heard (not only once and not from a single teacher) that they use phases like “我靚唔靚女呀?”, “你話, 靚女同我影相先”…  I know it may bring some “fun” atmosphere in causal situation, but I think as a teacher of young children, they need to be cautious in this aspect as little children will just learn what they see and listen to.
I have joined some pre-school parent talks of other kindergartens and I know that some schools are very serious in their teachers’ use of languages, even demanding that they use more of “written Chinese” to facilitate children’s learning of good Chinese.

2) I appreciate the school taking the initiative in organizing many activities for our children and it’s very nice that teachers will usually join these too.  Children are very happy when they see their teachers during the trip.  However, I found that the teachers could do more to involve themselves in the activities, e.g. joining the groups of families and children in walking around in the destination, and take the chances to talk to the parents.  I found that very usually, the teachers are only “physically present” and will join as a group with other teachers to chat during the time while parents take their child to walk around.  I know this may be a bit demanding for teachers.  But I think that if they have already taken the “duty” to come, they should try to do more of their “job duty”, or else, it may be just a “double-lose” situation: teachers take their own time to join as work duty, while students and families not benefiting much.  

Hope to see any of your response to my “query”!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-7-17 13:05 |只看該作者

Re: points for improvement for Ling Liang

Dear michellekyho,
My son is also studying in the same Kindergarten happily and I love the teachers and the style of their teaching in the school.  On the other hand, I always saw teachers talking with and taking photos for parents and children in the trips.  The teachers are somewhat exhausting.  If you like the school in general, and the teachers are really doing their best in general, is it rather high demanding for your "query"?  
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