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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Yat Sun School or Pui Kiu College?
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Yat Sun School or Pui Kiu College? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-17 12:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Yat Sun School or Pui Kiu College?

hi there,
we're also interested in pui kiu, cos we live very close to their new campus. however, i was concerned about their pro-beijing background. you don't think it does not affect the teaching method/environment?

we don't have Chinese background and our daughter does not speak Cantonese. will this matter if she enrolls in bi-lingual primary? or do most of the bi-lingual school like Pui kiu colleague offer some support to children whose first language is english and have no background in chinese/

i've also heard from a friend that pui kui colleague will be a DSS (and thus the tution fee will be cheap). is it true?


Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-7 14:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: what if you apply for both PIS & ESF?

hi there,
i do hear from many parents that PLK-CKY is a good school: good academic performance, balanced fluency in English & Chinese, and well diversed background of pupils.
I'm considering this school or ESF Shatin Jr. for my daughter. However, if i understand correctly, PLK-CKY and ESF have a different system, thus year to apply to these school will be different. my question is, if i prioritise PLK-CKY and miss a chance to apply for ESF P1, and if my daughter does not pass an interview for the PLK-CKY, it'll put us in a difficult situation. i guess this problem applies to all the parents who'll apply for an ESF and a local school/PIS. can anyone advise how to act on this? send our kid to an ESF first and apply for DSS school like PLK-CKY a year later? this will make it harder for children to adjust to her environment, won't it?

please share!

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