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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 IB 出路
樓主: Cammycad

IB 出路 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-17 23:25 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisychan 於 16-1-18 10:22 編輯

要分清楚是比較 Jupas 和 Non-jupas 入讀本地大學的優劣,還是 IB 課程對學生的影響。
作為之前有家長所講,我係「上咗岸」嘅過來人。我和女兒都認為 IB 課程對她的個人成長及升學學習幫助很大,畢生受用。
她還笑說,將來她也會讓她的孩子和她一樣,在初中前讀本地課程學好中文,到高中時便轉入 IS 讀 IB 課程。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-19 13:35 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisychan 於 16-1-19 14:01 編輯
Cammycad 發表於 16-1-18 02:31
我都明白可經non jupas 考本地大學,但IB只係non jupas 之一,請問IB 在本港出路是否很窄?thx


你問 IB 在本港出路,在 #1 你問讀 IB 是否預咗出國,所以我估你是想知用 IB 成績入本地大學的機會。


若是想入讀本地大學 Non-jupas 考生的熱門科目,如 medicine, law, global business, quantiative finance 等等。由於有 quota,學位少,又多 Non-jupas 報。所以 IB 要好高分才入到,相對地,比用 DSE 成績難入。這"出路"便窄。

若是其他本地大學 Non-jupas 考生的非熱門科目,如 architecture, social work, nursing, science, engineering, BBA 等等,都有 quota,但學位多,較少 IB 學生報,quota 比較鬆動,要求 IB 的分數自然較低,這"出路"便不錯。


FattyDaddy  Good summary, the keyword is 'quota' :)  發表於 16-1-19 13:40

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-21 14:32 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisychan 於 16-1-21 14:33 編輯
slamai 發表於 16-1-20 13:41
I think using "quota" for local non-JUPAS is an overstatement.  It should be a "trend" instead.  Mor ...

No, the term "quota" was used by those speakers for the「神科」on their Information Days.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-22 10:43 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisychan 於 16-1-22 10:48 編輯
slamai 發表於 16-1-21 16:13
Could you list specific example(s) for reference?

當仲有 EAS 時,三大已經在每個 programme 為 EAS, HKAL(JUPAS) 和 NON-JUPAS 訂下 quota, 就是各佔三份之一。在三大的 EAS Information Days 都有公開說明。在熱門科目, EAS 和 NON-JUPAS 的quota多數用盡,留下三份之一給 HKAL,所以當時競爭激烈。

在 double cohort 那年,是 NON-JUPAS的豐收年,享盡三年制和四年制合共兩倍的學位。所以,聽講當時熱門科目收 NON-JUPAS 要求相對低咗。

現時取消了 EAS, 那給 NON-JUPAS 的三份之一 quota, 基本上是維持的。所以,之前才有中大醫學院為照顧 DSE 考生,高調宣佈把給 NON-JUPAS的quota降低至25%.

大家肯花時間去 Information Days 的 NON-JUPAS sessions聽聽問問,自然發覺 "有冇quota"這條問題,就算 speakers唔主動講,都大把家長和學生問,一般都答是 30~33%. 讀緊嘅大學生都知自己班內嘅 NON-JUPAS是大約這個數。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-22 17:01 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisychan 於 16-1-22 17:47 編輯

回覆 slamai 的帖子

The term "quota" was used by the programme coordinators from different faculties of different universities on their Information Days. The figures they quoted for Non-JUPAS are 30~33%, definitely more than 20%. You may find the actual figures of Non-JUPAS slighty less than 30%, because some Non-JUPAS have quitted the programmes after the term starts. This year, LLB of CUHK intakes 21 Non-JUPAS out of the 70 places. At least one Non-JUPAS has already quitted.

BTW, I don't think universities are trying to compare JUPAS and Non-JUPAS qualifications in their selection process. They would likely compare the qualifications of all the Non-JUPAS applicants only and select the most qualified and suitable candidates within the pre-determined quota. Sometimes, depending on the applicants' qualifications of that year, they might intake less Non-JUPAS applicants.

I don't want to agrue but need to put the picture right, because many parents and students here want to know about the "quota" offered to Non-JUPAS applicants.

Please take my advice to go to the Information Days or write to the admission office and ask for the statistics. If you insist "自說自話", I can't help.

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