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大學捷徑   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-12-3 12:55 |只看該作者


原帖由 ANChan59 於 15-12-03 發表
IB 是一個整合課程,而非一個單純的公開試。
'入寶山,空手回' 。 正是正是,IB課程中一大部分,例如論文格式要求、研究方式、表達方式、對思考的要求,根本是大學程度,一般本地學校想也不敢想。至於中英文,考lB係中文同國也及台灣學生鬥,英文同英國學生鬥,你估真係咁容易。俾份中文卷本地生睇睇相信大部分揀番DSE。

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-3 13:42 |只看該作者


Dse狀元,Al狀元,IB狀元全是 ,邊個適合邊科,大學咁多年收生至畢業,大學自己最清楚,估不肯講清講楚,可能學生行的路是(捷徑)???

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-3 15:44 |只看該作者
Due to sickness,  a teen has been missing deadline to submit application to Oxbridge via UCAS on/before 15 Oct.  Her PG is 44 scores and has great passion in political science and international relations.   She has not taken SAT yet, but planning to take a gap year for SAT preparation and internship, and then go to college.

May I know if there are suggested paths or colleges that she should go to and apply for. Would it be possible to submit application to Cambridge after deadline?

Thank you for all advices in advance.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-12-3 16:34 |只看該作者
annie40 發表於 15-12-3 15:44
Due to sickness,  a teen has been missing deadline to submit application to Oxbridge via UCAS on/bef ...
Definitely too late to apply to Oxbridge. In fact, interviews are starting in a few days.  If she has her mind fixed on Oxbridge, she can take a gap year and apply for 2017 admission with her 2016 results.  If her final IB scores (not predicted) are high enough, he may get an unconditional offer, subject of course to admission tests like TSA (thinking skills assessment, not HK TSA).

There are many excellent universities in the UK other than Oxbridge. Ask the girl to start writing her personal statement and apply before UCAS deadline. With 44, there is a good chance that she can get into PPE/politics/international relation etc. at LSE/UCL/Durham etc. There is still time.

BTW, how come has she not taken her SAT? Those who are serious about US universities have taken two or more rounds of SAT, SAT II and even APs by now.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-3 17:32 |只看該作者
She didn't have much time to study  SAT, plus 2 subjects tests last year as the heavy involvement in IB homeworks and activities.  She doesn't take PHy/Chem/Bio and Maths HL in IB that limit her choices in SAT subject tests.  She is good at History and Eng Lit, but SAT HIstory (USA) and Eng Lit (USA) are alien subjects to her.  She would need to study it hard to have good grade, I guess.  

She would prefer to study in US when personally I and my husband hope she would stay in UK.  singh......... I am suspicous  It could be part of reasons she was not keen to submit ucas application to oxbridge on time. (even busy and sick).

Also, zero application to universities in HK.


ANChan59  No support from the school at all ..... ??? The University Admission Officer supervised the admissio   發表於 15-12-4 00:21

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-3 18:00 |只看該作者
annie40 發表於 15-12-3 15:44
Due to sickness,  a teen has been missing deadline to submit application to Oxbridge via UCAS on/bef ...
Too late for Oxbridge now.  Of course there are other top universities still open for application.  If Oxbridge is still the primary target, there are also alternative paths other than taking a gap year.  Is the girl planning to take only SAT I or also SAT II subjects?  Anyway, even allowing for internship, a full gap year is not a must.  I do have alternatives to suggest.  Since studying in Oxbridge will be very intense, it should not be a bad idea to study in one of the Big 3 U's of HK for one year before moving on to UK.  There are a number of reasons.  The first one is to keep a healthy balance between work/study and rest after the DP exam as the first year of U life in HK is rather 'hea'.  2nd, if the actual IB score is 44 or above, there should be scholarship offered to cover at least a full year's tuition fee (say, from CU).  3rd, a U place in HK is always a backup option as no one can be certain for a place in Oxbridge no matter how bright s/he is.  Sickness, jet lag, nervousness, etc. can affect performance.  I remember reading a post in EK some years ago that a DBS boy who got 44 in IB took a gap year to apply for Oxbridge only (forfeiting other 4 choices in UCAS) but failed to get in finally and left himself in a very awkward situation.  4th, to extend one's network.  IB students who study in IS/UK have very limited network locally.  Studying in a local U of HK for one year can broaden the girl's network here if she does not preclude coming back to HK.  5th, while relaxing, taking a U course keeps her in a 'study' mode which can prepare her for the Oxbridge interview in early Dec by enhancing her knowledge of the subject and help her become more mature (for being a U student already).  Lastly, I recommend the PPE course of Oxford based on her interests.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-12-3 18:21 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 friendlyguy 於 15-12-3 18:23 編輯

Please don't waste a place in the Big 3 U's of HK. There are many other youngsters not fortunate enough to have such a luxury.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-3 18:26 |只看該作者
annie40 發表於 15-12-3 17:32
She didn't have much time to study  SAT, plus 2 subjects tests last year as the heavy involvement in ...
Although fast track application is closed for Big 3 U's in HK, the main round application is still open.  In fact, the latter round is more suitable for candidates who do not set U's in HK as their priorities.

Does the girl have green card?  I understand that it is double hard to get into top US U's for international applicants and there are so many factors which may affect the admission results.


annie40  she has an expired green card, I don't think it counts.  發表於 15-12-3 21:56

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-3 18:35 |只看該作者
friendlyguy 發表於 15-12-3 18:21
Please don't waste a place in the Big 3 U's of HK. There are many other youngsters not fortunate eno ...

There are "Senior Year Places of Full-time UGC-funded Undergraduate Programmes" open for application and I don't think the vacant place in Year 2 will be "wasted".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-12-3 18:46 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 friendlyguy 於 15-12-3 23:35 編輯

Then please just apply to those degrees have such schemes.

But still, there is one less chance for the unfortunate seconary school leaver (IB or DSE) in Hong kong to be admitted to the degree programme.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-3 20:55 |只看該作者


九月底孩子告訴說不申請oxbridge 了,因又病又忙,準備gap year 一年,再考美國大學,(當時想也許成績未達標,沒追問下去),跟著她已經通過一些前輩在北歐找到很好的internship。那知近月她又報了兩間US Top U, 兩間UK U,我是這星期才知道。其中一間是很好的 liberal art college, 竟然沒有SAT都 約佢去London interview, 開始擔心萬一收左佢,一般要交多少留位費待gap year 后入讀,仲要懷疑gap year 完了,去唔去讀也不大肯定。唔留位,可能錯失好學校?

朋友間沒有這些經驗,唯有查清楚,總體有點心理準。最後成績如何,還要等明年考完試才確定。也許考試失手,又決定唔take gap year,高高興興上學去,就一天光洒。



MC1128  annie, 加油!  發表於 15-12-3 20:58

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-3 22:05 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 annie40 於 15-12-3 22:07 編輯

回覆 slamai 的帖子

Thank you for all suggestions and information.  Would it be awkward that you apply for undergraduate when you are already a year one uni student next year.  May I know the university admission officers' opinion about it? I always thought they dislike transfer students.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-3 23:43 |只看該作者
回覆 friendlyguy 的帖子


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 15-12-3 23:49 |只看該作者
annie40 發表於 15-12-3 22:05
回覆 slamai 的帖子

Thank you for all suggestions and information.  Would it be awkward that you app ...
Don't worry.  A friend's daughter moved from HKU law to Oxford law after year 1.  If my understanding is correct, however, Oxford does not accept applications from students already studying in universities in the UK.   


annie40  Thanks.  發表於 15-12-4 07:51

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 07:51 |只看該作者

ANChan59  No support from the school at all ..... ??? The University Admission Officer supervised the admissio   發表於 7 小時前

Anchan, the school is superb in learning and self seeking.  they love challenges and independence much more than uni admission. SAT is self study definitely.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 08:25 |只看該作者
我和丈夫的想法是只要孩子知道自己的打算,用gap year 一年裝備自己,也是好事。反正當全職侍應賺錢,可以幫補學費,去做NGO也是學習,做背包客是年輕時才可支付的瀟灑,全部都不是在大學可以學到的東西。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 10:21 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Artie 於 16-3-4 12:20 編輯
annie40 發表於 15-12-4 08:25
我和丈夫的想法是只要孩子知道自己的打算,用gap year 一年裝備自己,也是好事。反正當全職侍應賺錢,可以 ...


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 15-12-4 10:34 |只看該作者
回覆 annie40 的帖子

If she knows what she is doing and she insists to do in this way, yes, nothing we can do.
Pray for her !!!


annie40  thanks  發表於 15-12-4 13:45
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 11:09 |只看該作者
Dear Artie,

Thank you for your lovely support.  

My silent frustration could be there is no reason that she is not trying to apply Uni in HK or oxbridge under such high PG .No back up needed.

She is sourceful and has wide networking that she would have internship definitely.  I wonder if she has time to study SAT , plus subjects when taking kind of serious intern jobs later. ? ?

Once a very wise scientist says it is parent's job to keep kids survive before the completion of truly growing up. Their brains are different. It is so true.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 11:16 |只看該作者
I maybe better to dive into good books or go for running to regain a bit of perspective in times of extreme intensity.

I am reading The Art of Learning right now. It is a gem.
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