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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 港孩究竟講緊乜?
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發表於 15-11-20 00:11 |顯示全部帖子
各位家長大家好, 唔知大家有無聽過港孩呢個名詞呢?簡單啲咁講, 港孩即係指一啲缺乏自理能力, 面對唔到挫折, 同埋唔識控制情緒既kids。
咁你地又知唔知係乜野形成港孩既出現? 港孩有咩問題會遇到? 同埋應該點樣避免自己既仔仔女女變成港孩?
如果想知多啲, 不妨like 我地新成立既Facebook Page 講‧趕‧港孩, 裡面會有相關既資訊架!
Link: https://www.facebook.com/%E8%AC% ... 5565392783/timeline


Post #01 : Problems on personal development of the Kong Kids

Imagine. If a kid grows up with everything planned and provided by his or her parents. What kind of person will the kid become? The answer should be clear: The kid will be incapable of coping with tasks without their parents. Receiving no prior training on certain life skills, such as doing housework, cooking in the kitchen and scheduling, it is without doubt that the ''Kong Kid'' will fail the tasks encountered. For instance, a HK primary school once organized a 2-day-1-night camp for a group of primary 4 students. What the teachers observed during the camp period was that the kids did not even know how to boil the water, let alone cooking a meal. Some untrained students even took away the whole inner part of a tomato including the seeds, leaving a hallow sliced tomato.

試想像, 假若一個小朋友從少都有父母為自己計劃、打點一切, 當他長大後會變成一個怎樣的人? 無容置疑, 這個小朋友會解決不了生活上的種種難題。 由於他一直被溺愛, 致使他沒機會透過實踐學懂生活技能, 如做家務、煮食、規劃人生等等。 所以, 當困難來臨, 且父母不再在身旁時, 他便會束手無策。 曾經香港有一間小學舉辦了一次兩天一夜的訓練營給小四同學參加。 從中, 老師發現那些嬌生慣養的小孩連怎樣煲水也不懂, 更別說洗米煮飯。更有同學更把番茄的芯都切走,只剩下皮。

So, let's focus on what we are covering today - Problems on personal development of the ''Kong Kids''. With the above example being the exemplification, it is true to say that the spoiled kids could suffer from low self-esteem as a result of over-indulgence. The fact that Kong kids are used to being spoiled has made them lack life skills and develop the personality of being egoistic, at which they will over-estimate their own abilities without notifying their incapabilities. It could be detrimental to personal development in a sense that when they fail to cope with difficulties, their sense of competence, which means ‘the feeling that one can independently complete a variety of tasks’, would be lowered due to the lack of experience in coping with difficulties and thus the vulnerability to adversity, making them feel incapable and thus adversely affects self-recognition, lowering their self-esteem.

以上的例子正正能說明今天的主題 - 港孩在個人成長上會遇上的問題。 那些被縱壞的孩子在個人成長方面會面對低自尊。 以往有人為他們打點一切, 使他們失去了應有的生活技能, 而他們卻懵然不知, 更會覺得自己是「世界中心」, 從而變得自大。 當孩子們真的面對困難時, 他們才赫然發現自己不能駕御, 從未歷過失敗的他們的能力感會大大下降, 繼而令他們質疑自己的能力, 降低自信和自我認同感, 最後降低自尊。


Rank: 1

發表於 15-11-20 02:23 |顯示全部帖子
已Like! 身邊好多爸爸媽媽都好縱仔女, 希望你們的文章能令佢地反思!