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樓主: twosonspa

考美國大學一問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-11 22:11 |只看該作者
twosonspa 發表於 16-4-11 19:26
Congrats to your friend. My son is also accepted by UCB and UCLA.
Congrats. Did you son apply from US or Hong Kong?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-11 22:26 |只看該作者
Thanks. From Hong Kong as international student.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-11 22:36 |只看該作者
twosonspa 發表於 16-4-11 19:26
Congrats to your friend. My son is also accepted by UCB and UCLA.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-11 22:50 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-11 23:21 |只看該作者
May I know which subject he is going to major in?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-11 23:23 |只看該作者
He is going to major in Physics.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-11 23:33 |只看該作者
twosonspa 發表於 16-4-11 23:23
He is going to major in Physics.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-12 08:16 |只看該作者
回覆 twosonspa 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-12 08:35 |只看該作者
twosonspa 發表於 16-4-11 22:50
還在等更好的 offer 嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-13 00:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 twosonspa 於 16-4-14 00:00 編輯


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-13 09:18 |只看該作者
twosonspa 發表於 16-4-13 00:01
還有一間Williams College 是 Waitlister. 不過要5月1日後才知結果. 今次他考美國大學的結果如下:
MIT(reac ...
令郎這份成績表十分亮麗,入 Ivy League 可能還需要多一點點 community involvement,但一線的州立大學應該不是問題。有子如此文武全才,真是十分值得驕傲

國際學生也有助學金嗎?我聽聞 UC 自金融海嘯後一直財困,這幾年一直提高外州生和國際學生的收生比率,因為這些學生交的學費比本州生高得多,以致加州居民投訴不絕,這樣的財政狀況下還能提供助學金給國際學生真是德政

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-4-13 10:23 |只看該作者
回覆 twosonspa 的帖子

The profile is excellent.

I think he can apply for transfer next year to Stanford or other Ivies if he can maintain good GPA in his fresh year + good grade in humanity subjects.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-4-13 12:53 |只看該作者
回覆 twosonspa 的帖子

Your son is really great in all those result (particularly SAT and SATII). May I ask are overseas elite universities (US or UK) your son's target? Or is he still waiting for result from local universities for some kind of 神科? If overseas elite universities are always his target, why he did not choose to take IB stream when he was Grade 10, rather than taking DSE? I would have guessed  he will get more and better US offers if he take IB now. Just my 2 cents. Thank you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-14 00:06 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 twosonspa 於 16-4-14 00:19 編輯

回覆 mugtaitai 的帖子

是的, 國際學生是沒有助學金. 不過他申請時, 所有學校都填了需要助學金.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-14 00:08 |只看該作者
回覆 Shootastar 的帖子

Thanks for the suggestion.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-14 00:14 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 twosonspa 於 16-4-14 00:39 編輯

回覆 manning2014 的帖子

Thanks. His strategy is applying reach and match schools in US and HK universities as safety.
IB students cannot take Physics, Chem and Bio courses together, but he wants to study all of them.
I suggest students should apply reach, match and safety schools because it is no warranty. It could be 3 for each of them. If so, it will take a lot of time in preparing the essay (prepare sooner the possible). Lots of good schools in US especially STEM majors, I go to College Confidential forum and find lots of helpful information.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-4-14 10:56 |只看該作者
回覆 twosonspa 的帖子

Thanks for your sharing. If your son target is STEM major (Physic), better take UCB. No need to wait for the Williams which although is very good but a LAC only. Not suit your son. Congrats again.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-15 00:06 |只看該作者
回覆 manning2014 的帖子

Thanks for the advice. It will be up to my son's decision if accepted by Williams.
By the way, I would like to share a 2014 thread "Williams College Vs UC Berkeley" with who will apply LAC and big universities in US.

OP :  l have been accepted to both Cal and Williams, and l am torn between the two. l am an international student and l can't afford to visit both campuses. l have full rides to both schools, so money is not a deciding factor. l didn't think l would be fortunate enough to get into any of the two schools. l intend to do a double major in Computer Science (CS) and Econ (or Physics). l hope to go to a top 10 CS grad school or business school. l also want to learn Mandarin Chinese. l am interested in debating, financial clubs, and quiz. l am not that much into sports. l have received advice that ranges from "Dude, are you mad? UCB has the best CS department in the world; You should go there" to "Cal's CS classes will weed you out. At Cal, you will be just a number". l am slightly leaning towards Williams because of the small class sizes and individualized attention. l have little CS background.

Guest A:  Williams is a very successful and highly rated college, you cannot go wrong with selecting Williams.

Guest B: I would go with Cal. Apart from having one of the best CS departments in the world, Cal students have a lot of opportunities in terms of internships and research -if the student is proactive. Cal is known to be a tough school and grade deflation is an issue, but grad schools recognize the difficulty of the curriculum and will take that into account when reviewing your application. Honestly if you want to learn from the best in your field, and if you think you'd be fine in a large class environment, I would advise that you choose Cal.

Guest C: You could hardly find two more different environments. You'd get an excellent education at either one with entree to top graduate and professional schools.
I think your choice depends on how much emphasis you want to place on CS. Williams has a respectable CS program, but Cal's is one of the top in the country with a lot of interaction with Silicon Valley. Economics and math are excellent at both. Physics is proportionately a smaller department at Williams, but still good.
Aside from CS, the differences are still significant: Berkeley is a huge research university in an urban environment. Williams is a small liberal arts college in an insular mountain village. At Berkeley and in the greater San Francisco/Oakland area, you will be exposed to a wide range of racial, ethnic and economic diversity. Williams works hard to achieve diversity on campus, but the surrounding area is mostly White, mostly middle class. You'll be able to get to New York or Boston for a weekend now and then, but to be happy at Williams, you really have to embrace the insular, isolated -- and profoundly beautiful -- location.
But, to me, the most critical point of differentiation is the teaching style and academic environment. At big State U's like Berkeley you get big classes, often taught by TA's; big name professors who may or may not be interested in teaching undergraduates. Advising and personal attention are available but you have to assertively seek it.
At Williams you get small classes, almost always taught by a full professor whose whole reason to be is to teach undergraduates. Your professors know you and will be there for you when you need recommendations for years to come. Advising and counseling are accessible and there's a strong sense of community.
You should also think about where you will eventually live and work. Everyone everywhere has heard of Berkeley. Although Williams is well known in academic circles and by certain employers, it will not have the same name recognition and therefore prestige in other parts of the world.
So it's a tough decision that only you can make. A lot depends on how comfortable you are with American culture and education. If you've traveled or lived in the U.S. the transition to Berkeley will be easier. If you haven't you might find Williams a more welcoming and nurturing environment.
PS, Then there's the weather. . .

Guest D: The entire Cal system has faced huge financial cutbacks in recent years. Stories abound about folks being shut out of classes and/or increasingly enormous class sizes, and it is becoming harder to even graduate in four years. The faculty in CS, physics and econ will be far more focused on teaching grad students and have little time to devote to the absolutely enormous (and growing) number of undergraduate students in their classes, which, as others have noted, may largely be taught by TA's in many cases in any event.
Williams just has far more resources devoted on a per-student basis (by an enormous ratio) than Cal, and you will be able to take any classes you want, get individualized attention directly from professors (including in tutorials and in summer and academic year research opportunities). There are certainly reasons to choose Cal, mainly, if you want a huge university environment and enjoy the social activism and bohemian atmosphere of the campus and community, but from an educational standpoint, I think Williams is a no-brainer here. Especially because you are talking about fields that Williams is particularly strong in -- check out the Apker awards, or the Williams math department (because math is closely tied to all three disciplines you list), Physics and Econ are two of the best departments at Williams and CS, while small, is strong, and grads go on to great things. Just check out what recent grads have done! As you can see, you can practically writer your ticket to the best jobs and grad programs in the country if you are Physics/CS major at Williams:

Guest E: Living 40 minutes away from cal, I have taken classes and know how great its CS department is and I have gotten an econ internship before (and I'm going to be a freshman in college next year!) Personally, I think your interests would line up with Cal more, and the international students support is extremely strong there. Williams is great too,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-4-15 09:31 |只看該作者

回覆:twosonspa 的帖子

Harvey Mudd is an excellent LAC for science and engineering too!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-4-15 15:20 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 simonlawht2 於 16-4-15 15:29 編輯
Shootastar 發表於 16-4-13 10:23
回覆 twosonspa 的帖子

The profile is excellent.

唔算excellent, AP 科數太少!呢個成績考上Ivy League Universities 比較難。如果有七至十科AP 响手比較理想……
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