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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 原來 Oxford Reading/ Story Tree 係咁好
樓主: Lily2003

原來 Oxford Reading/ Story Tree 係咁好 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-15 01:30 |只看該作者
I haven't seen anyone mention the Wolf Hill series of books, also written & illustrated by Roderick Hunt & Alex Brychta
They are suitable for those kids who's finished the ORT series and are very good as well.

Quoted from website:

Wolf Hill is an exciting new series from Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta, creators of the Oxford Reading Tree, It is designed to provide an easy, supportive and sustained read for those pupils who need to gain confidence and motivation in their reading. The stories will appeal to reluctant readers aged approximately 7-11 and deal with the real-world adventures of a group of friends who live and attend school in an area called Wolf Hill. The children experience lively, amusing adventures and the stories also deal with issues about friendship, school and life in a modern urban environment.
The books are designed to look like popular novels for older children with a spine and chapters, boosting confidence and interest of those who may have been stuck on reading scheme books aimed at younger children and appealing to the most image-conscious pupils.


Rank: 4

發表於 14-4-18 00:31 |只看該作者


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