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擾民心底話 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-12-19 18:57 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:nting 的帖子

You bring out the issue that I also have same feeling. And what I am concern is if she is a real parent, cos the post is too 野火。 sometimes I think if she is 記者。。。。anyway this is my thought.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-20 15:05 |顯示全部帖子
This is the free will to post or not. And other readers also have the equal right to  share and read.  However, it should be assumed, what we talked and shared is true in this platform. Otherwise, it's meaningless.

We are not talking the majority or minority towards some posts. If this is the autonomy to post or read, then the minority please respect the majority. I think most of us feel that the posts of "寫我心中話" are not usual, that's why we are doubt to her "exiting". Mutual communication should be respectful. Please don't talk the issue that is so offensive, aggressive and 野火. So far,  most of us really share our experience and our feeling truly, if 寫我心中話 is not real parent, then we all feel so sad. If it is because of her social skills, communication problems or attitude problems, then please think before posting. This is to minimize the mis-understanding among readers. Of course, you can still insist your style in posting. And hope that you can  contribute more to minimize the conflict.

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發表於 13-12-20 15:13 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 寫我心中話 的帖子


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發表於 13-12-20 15:24 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 dd0412 的帖子

Yes. I feel so sorry that one who was graduated from Australia can mis-interpret the post. I haven't posted anything before, but I can't stand for it anymore! She is well-educated, and should be much calm to defense or explain. All of us contribute the discussion forum with real information and objective analysis. Anyway, bless her.


chiyin8    發表於 13-12-20 18:17

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發表於 13-12-20 15:44 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 寫我心中話 的帖子

你真係好惹火。I really doubt your intention in posting.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-20 15:48 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 寫我心中話 的帖子


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-20 16:24 |顯示全部帖子
I don't understand why you need to post 3 times. This is not the matter to check you or not, even you are the same people or not, it doesn't mean you are absolutely right. You really have to consider your intention when you post and please don't bring any inconvenience to others for your post. I think I am trapped by your post and you are really good at this.


abby0624  She/He just wants to get more points.  That's what I believe.  發表於 13-12-20 16:32

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-20 17:43 |顯示全部帖子
Please don't victimize yourself. We are the victims if you keep blaming and instigating in the forum.... WE never stop you posting, but you just always mis-interpret our meanings. What's happened with you? Please better digest the posts before any response. Good for you. Bless you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-20 17:52 |顯示全部帖子
I enjoy surfing the forum, when all of us share the real cases and experience but no hostile response. However, why do you keep fighting? If you are as usual as us, once you find the problem, then just try your best to handle it, rather just shout it out and then be aggressive. Being aggressive doesn't help and please don't be victimized yourself. If you are the responsible parents/adults, don't equip this kind of attitude to handle the problem, especially you were claimed with high education in Australia. Should you be much open but objective in discussion?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-20 18:03 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 epsonprinter 的帖子

That's the point! That's why I want to speak out. I can't see her sincerity in posting and sharing. Just try to instigate....come on....what's the point? If she really is a mom, please receive some training in terms of communication skills, social skills and comprehensiveness...I hope that she writes just for fun, otherwise, her child, I can't expect his life........Apologize if I am so rude, but I am frankly speaking.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-20 20:08 |顯示全部帖子


If the post is really 寫我心底話, she really has obsessive compulsory disorder plus personality disorder, please consult psychiatric doctor as soon as possible. If she is making jokes, then later the web master will kick her out....anyway...we just want peacuful atmosphere for discussion....but really funny of the 寫我龍校話……thanks for ie jokes

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-21 09:18 |顯示全部帖子


What is her intention? If this is just for argue, here is not the right platform. We talk and discuss with the base of mutual respect, concrete content.

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